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PERFORMANCE TASK 3. Assume a professional role (like teacher, fashion designer, businessman etc).

Create a scenario that illustrates way of spotting trend in your area of specialization. Indicate the step-
by-step procedure.

For educators to properly engage their students, they must be updated to these latest changes and key
factors that affect learning in the classroom. Their understanding of these trends can help them create
more effective learning environments.


Technology has brought about various changes in the way education is delivered and received. The use
of technology in the classroom allows teachers to provide their students with instructions for finding the
right sources and teach them how to evaluate the quality of the information they find online.


In choosing what would be the best educational technology to be used by the teacher inside the
classroom, you must consider many factors, to name a few: relevance, accessibility, customization, cost-
benefit analysis and many more


The use of technology during whole-class instruction can foster student engagement for auditory and
visual learners. Integrating simple technologies Power Points, games, internet homework assignments,
or online grading systems can be difference makers in students' growth in the classroom.

PERFORMANCE TASK 4. Think of a microtrend and provide an instance where this microtrend could
develop into a macrotrend, then a megatrend, and finally a gigatrend.

Microtrend: "Remote work" - an increasing number of people working from home or other remote
places, made possible by technological improvements and changing work culture.

Macrotrend: "Digital nomadism" - a developing trend in which people embrace a location-independent

lifestyle and work remotely while traveling around the world. As remote work becomes more common,
some people are taking advantage of the flexibility to travel to new destinations and experience other
cultures while still working.

Megatrend: "Virtual collaboration" - a shift toward virtual collaboration and remote teams becoming the
norm across numerous industries. Organizations are adjusting to this new way of working by employing
technology to promote smooth communication and cooperation among scattered teams as remote work
and digital nomadism gain hold. The increasing globalization and interconnection of businesses and
professionals is driving this megatrend.

Gigatrend: "Digital connectivity" - the widespread integration of digital technologies into all parts of life,
leading to a hyper-connected society. Virtual collaboration, remote work, and digital nomadism are all
important components of this gigatrend since they symbolize the transformation of traditional work
practices and the reliance on digital infrastructure for communication, information sharing, and
collaboration. This gigatrend extends beyond work to include education, healthcare, entertainment, and
social interactions, significantly altering how we live and operate in the world.

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