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Nama : muh.


Nim : G061231028

Mata kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Tugas mandiri 1

Membuat 10 kalimat yang didalamnya sudah terdapat noun, adverb, verb, dan adjective

1. The Cat quietly purred on the soft couch.

Dimana cat merupakan ( noun ), quiently merupakan ( adverb), purred merupakan
(verb), dan soft merupakan (adjective).
2. The energetic children played happily in the park.
Energetic merupakan (adjective), children (noun ), played ( verb), happily (adverb)
3. The delicious pizza was quickly devoured by the hungry.
Delicious (adjective), pizza ( noun) quickly (adverb) devoured (verb)
4. The heavy rain suddenly soaked everyone outside.
Heavy(adjective), rain (noun), suddenly (adverb), soaked (verb)
5. The exciting movie quickly captured the audience’s attention.
Exciting (adjective), movie (noun), quickly (adverb), captured(verb).
6. The curious child eagerly explore the mysterious forest.
Curios (adjective), child ( noun), eagerly(adverb), explore (verb)
7. The old sailor skillfully navigated the rough seas.
Old (adjective), sailor(noun), skillfully (adverb), navigated(verb)
8. The beautiful flowers gently swayed in the breeze.
Beautiful( adjective), flowers ( noun), gently ( adverb), swayed (verb).
9. The small puppy clumsily chased its trail around the yard.
Small (adjective), puppy ( noun), clumsily ( adverb) , chased (verb)
10. The intelligent scientist carefully analyzed the experimental data.
Intelligent (adjective), scientist ( noun), carefully ( adverb), analyzed ( verb).

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