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Ancient Chinese Civilizations

We all know the country of China, we know it because of its fascinating ancient
history, and its beautiful culture, this brochure will take you back to the ancient times
of China to show you what to expect when you are in that period.
expect to see different types of biomes in China, it If you go back to ancient china, to Qin dynasty more specifically,
This map shows one of the first ancient you just might witness the making of the terracotta warriors. The
has deserts, tundras, taigas, and many different types
Chinese dynasties and the silk road. of tropical forests. terracotta warriors began its construction in 246 BC, the reason
why they were made is because the first emperor of Qin dynasty
believed that they would protect him in his afterlife.

Speaking of the silk road, China was very famous because of If you go back to ancient China, expect that you will see If If you were in a town in ancient China you would see
its silk clothing, silk was a status symbol in ancient China, more rice crops than trees, rice was the main food dragon images everywhere, don't be scared though, the
only the royal family could wear silk clothing, and the others source of China for all people, that's from peasants to dragon is a huge part of Chinese culture, they believe it
such as the nobility and peasants were banned from wearing nobility. gives good luck and prosperity.

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