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Weekend Worksheet 3 – ANSWER KEY

September 29- October 2


A) Read the passage and answer the questions.


As a species, we have had remarkable success in

evolving our ability to communicate. Over
thousands of years, we have developed not only
thousands of sophisticated languages and over
twenty different alphabets, but also the skill to
interpret the non-verbal messages behind them,
using them all to build anything from personal
relationships to empires. But in less than twenty
years since the dawn of the Internet and social
media, we have become so intent on reaching as many people as possible using as little
effort as possible, that we may be forgetting the very art of communication itself.

Have you ever read a social media message from a friend and not been sure what they
meant? Was it sarcasm? Were they being critical? How do you get across your emotions in
a short message? How do you avoid offending someone when it’s hard for them to pick up
the signals without seeing you? It is said that over eighty percent of our communication is
non-verbal – that is, we use body language and gestures to convey how we are feeling and
what we really mean. Instead, we now use emojis to add artificial emotion to what we
write. For example, if we make fun of our friend in a face-to-face conversation, then a look
or grin can let them know we mean no harm. But in a social media message, we add a
laughing emoji to let them know we are joking without explaining the whole joke.

In situations like these, emojis are possibly a poor substitute for the skill body language
employs in conveying our feelings and intentions. It’s a bit like adding dried garlic out of a
packet to our spaghetti because we can’t be bothered to peel and chop a garlic clove; it
does the job, but it’s not the real deal. People are increasingly using icons as a substitute
for not only body language but for written language as well; these icons ensure you can get
information across quickly, without much effort.

Younger generations spend more time communicating in this way than using face-to-face
communication or indeed by carefully writing in the traditional way that that older
generations were used to. Maybe they are now more at home in ‘chatting’ than talking to
someone. This is evidenced when you see friends sitting in coffee shops messaging each
other over the table or at home from a few metres away. Why? Because in a world of
convenience and instant gratification, it’s easier.

I think it’s possible that we are slowly losing our ability to talk to one another. People will
have so little practice interpreting body language that it will become too uncomfortable for
them to interpret face-to face verbal communications without the support of emojis. I feel
that, sadly, we will eventually come to a point where it will simply become a lost art. In my
opinion, this was not just the dawn of the age of the digital world; it also possibly brought
about the beginning of the end of thousands of years of communicative evolution.

1. Why do you think the word ‘HOW ’ in the title is in italics?

__for emphasis__
2. The writer thinks that
a the Internet and social media is to blame for us losing the ability to communicate.
b we have become too obsessed with communication.
c our use of the Internet is making us forget how to communicate properly.
3. In which paragraph does the writer give his/her main message? What is this message?
__in the last paragraph. Loss of ability to communicate.__
4. Which words/phrases does the writer use to give their opinion?
__Possibly, maybe, In my opinion, I think, I feel.__
5. Find adjectives in the article which show the writer’s:
a positive opinion of traditional language (two adjectives):
__remarkable__, __sophisticated__
b negative opinion of emojis (one adjective): __poor__


B) Match the adjectives expressing emotions below with their synonyms.

1. _h_ calm a tense
2. _f_ scared b sad
3. _g_ frustrated c furious
4. _c_ outraged d glad
5. _a_ stressed e astounded
6. _e_ astonished f frightened
7. _d_ delighted g annoyed
8. _b_ sorrowful h quiet

C) Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There is one extra.

devastated / dealing with / figure out / take in / strike up / establish /convey

1. If I’m bored on the train, I like to _strike up_ a conversation with a fellow passenger.
2. I was _devastated__ when I heard Joan was leaving. It was very sad news for me.
3. There is a lot of information to __take in____ during this workshop. You need to
write it down.
4. My father prefers _dealing with__ a problem the moment it appears, instead of
waiting until later.

5. How do you think an alien civilization might try to __establish___ contact with us
here on Earth?
6. Let me know when you _figure out___ a solution to that Maths problem.

D) Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first,
including the word given in capitals.

1. In societies with strong family relationships, people tend to live longer. BOND
Societies that __create a strong bond___ with their families tend to live longer.
2. The passenger started talking to him at the waiting lounge. STRUCK
He _struck up a conversation__ with him at the waiting lounge.
3. She gave the impression of being very self-confident. ACROSS
She _came across as___being very self-confident.
4. Zoe commented on how nice her dress was. PAID
Zoe _paid her a compliment_ about her dress.
5. I immediately liked him. TOOK
I __took to him___immediately.
6. We found it really funny. LAUGH
We really __had a laugh__about it.
7. I didn't really have a good impression of her friends when I met them. OFF
I didn't really __hit off__with her friends when I met them.


E) Choose the correct answer to fill in the blanks.
1. I _______ my friend yesterday while I was going to the market.
a have seen b saw c had seen
2. When I got home, my father _________ for the airport. I was sorry to miss him.
a had already left b left c was leaving
3. ________ a good book right now?
a Were you reading b Have you been reading c Are you reading
4. Oh, I’m so bored. I want to go out but it ____________ non-stop all morning.
a rained b has been raining c had rained
5. So far, I ___________ three assignments. I think I just need to work for another
hour before I’m done.
a have finished b finished c am finishing
6. She came across a good article while she _________ some online search.
a did b had done c was doing
7. How long __________ before you saw the doctor?
a were you waiting b had you been waiting c you waited

F) Complete the mini-dialogues with a question tag or echo question.

1. A: Oh no! Jack is gazing out of the window again!

B: The teacher isn’t happy, _isn’t she__? Just look at her face!
2. A: Let’s finish this project. We have to hand it in tomorrow.
B: I really don’t feel like studying.
A: Come on! If we don’t give it to the teacher, we’ll fail, _won’t we___?
3. A: When Grandad was a child, they didn’t have computers.
B: _Didn’t they___? I can’t imagine a world like that! How did they find information?
A: They had to go to a library!
4. A: What shall I get Dad for his birthday?
B: We could get him something from both of us, _couldn’t we__? That way we’ll be
able to afford a nice present!
5. A: Congratulations. Everyone has been talking about how well you performed.
B: __have they__? Thanks!
6. A: Welcome home! How was your holiday?
B: Fantastic, thanks! But these bags are heavy. Open the door for me; _will /could
A: Of course! Then sit down and tell me all about it!


G) Write an email to a classmate explaining the
misunderstanding involved in your last
WhatsApp group chat. Tell her/him that you
did not mean to offend him/her, offering
reasons for the misunderstanding and an

Suggested Answer:

Hi Renata,

What’s up? I hope you’re feeling better today.

I’m writing this email to you because I felt bad about our group chat yesterday. When I
wrote that I don’t like to share all my lecture notes because I think everybody should
attend, listen to lectures, and take their own notes, I didn’t mean you personally, but
you are right in a way to take offence. For that, I am truly sorry.

I know that you asked for my notes the other day, and you know that I gladly shared
them with you. You don’t normally ask for others’ notes as you are a very hard-working,

conscientious student. The only reason you did ask for them last time is because you
were sick the previous week. So, it is perfectly understandable.

But you see, this is the disadvantage of texting. It is impossible to express oneself
properly. When I saw that you left the group after sending a sad emoji, I realized my
mistake, but it was too late. So, please accept my apology now and let’s grab a cup of
coffee after class tomorrow, OK? I really value your friendship. Also, I have some juicy
stories to share with you. LOL.

Take care,



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