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Terms and concepts associated with the Marxist theory.

Explain each of the stated concepts

1. (Capitalism, Bourgeoisie, Proletariat)

2. (Infrastructure, Superstructure)
3. (Exploitation, Oppression)
4. Communist society, Classless society))
5. (Alienation, Polarisation)
6. (Class consciousness, False class consciousness)
7. (Class in itself, Class for itself)
8. ( Class conflict, Class struggle, revolutionary social change)

Everyone has to answer the following questions

1. Both functionalism and Marxism are referred as Structural and Macro theorists. What does
this mean?
2. Why do you think the Marxists are very concerned with inequality in society?
3. Why are the Functionalists and Marxists described as positivists’ sociologists?
4. What connections do the Marxists make about the terms wealth, power and status?
5. What is meant by the terms ideological state apparatus and oppressive state apparatus?
6. What does the term dialectics mean?
7. Who are the Marxists’ feminists?


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