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1. They watched TV and chatted (CONSEQUENCE) before going for a drink at half past nine.
2. There is nothing we can do about the (ARBITRATE) of illness.
3. He was (PLATFORM) from all the major social media sites for spreading a lie.
4. This disadvantaged immigrant with a (SHORT) education grew to be one of Scotland's top
5. The council has deliberately reduced its membership and has more (ENROLL) pending.
6. The lack of (OPERATE) across storage products from different vendors is severely limiting
the growth of the virtualization market.
7. These rural, (CORPORATION) communities face a lack of local governance and some of the
most acute environmental and climate impacts in the state.
8. Unfortunately, these drugs are frequently prescribed incorrectly, and newer therapies are
9. Avery glared at him (TEMPEST), but began to close her books.
10. Their appalling treatment of their child could only have happened with the (CONNIVE) of
their neighbours.
11. He (FABLE) a version in which the President praised him for the good work he was doing.
12. One of the most firmly (TRENCH) ideas of masculinity is that men don't cry.
13. More often than not he came back to his apartment empty-handed and (CREST).
14. The whole thing has been so (UTTER) muddled from beginning to end by a definite lead not
being given and by the action of the town council.
15. Care needs to be taken to ensure there is no (STIGMA) of children based on their home
16. Sweden was recently forced to (CALIBRE) its approach against the virus, as the daily case
rate topped 7,000.
17. The inside of the beach umbrella is printed with a snowy winter scene, presumably for a(n)
(SUGGEST) cooling effect.
18. The conflict had a seriously (STABLE) effect on the region.
19. Radio has survived because it slips (OBTRUDE) into your domestic routine.
20. Olga went to medical school to become a (ANALYZE) because he was interested in how the
human mind works.

21. No one will raise moral psychology of the question of obesity, for fear of sounding ______
(passion) and reactionary.

22. We should take a more ______ view and consider the long-term effects of Briant's
work. (passion)

23. Abuses of the investigative process may ______ (perceive) lead to abridgment of protected

24. ______ is the transplantation of living cells, tissues or organs from one species to another.

25. Questions were asked at the eye clinic but these are said to have brought merely a brisk and
______ response. (OFFICIAL)
26. This infamous enterprise was built of thousands of bodies of workers who were ______ fired
when they asked for even the fundamentals like a shelter or food. (CEREMONY)
27. Only a person who is ______ self-centered has the effrontery and the stamina to write essays.
28. In the field of ______ standards of practice have been developed for practitioners in the
field. (DIET)
29. She has included photographs in the book to lend ______ to the story. (SIMILAR)

30. Andy was ______ from the volunteer group due to his poor attitude. (COMMUNICATE)

31. We shouldn't concentrate too much on ______ spending patterns – they won't tell us much.

32. Sometimes I'm really shocked by the ______ behaviour of shop assistants. (CONTEMPT)
33. ______ children often have poor concentration and require very little sleep. (ACTIVE)
34. The ______ of Monaco is located between the Mediterranean Sea and France along the Blue
Coast. (PRINCE)
35. ______ citizens marched on City Hall, demanding the police chief's resignation. (RAGE)
36. That ______ policy, erroneously created to discourage mass immigration, is morally
indefensible. (FATHOM)
37. The loveliest scenes, he found, were comprised of the simplest, most natural ______ of
native plants. (POSITION)
38. Jordan's past marketing successes went hand-in-hand with his status as an athlete ______ in
many ways. (PAR)
39. The ______ of your words regarding racism not only hurt others’ feelings but also showed
that patience had never been one of your virtues. (TEMPER)
40. He consults top architects in an attempt to transform the ugly concrete ______ into desirable
homes. (MONSTER)

41. The misappropriation of funds must also be investigated, and the activities of the misguided
religious ______ must cease immediately. (ZEAL)
42. One mountain is flying along the Yangtze River, with ______ green scenery. (LUXURY)
43. Defoe's talents of ______ and habits of secrecy have left academics to argue over what he did
actually write. (PERSON)
44. The misunderstanding had caused a seven-year ______ between them. (STRANGE)
45. Suddenly, Min burst on us with a thirty-minute impassioned ______ against the new
interstate highway system. (CLAIM)
46. The group is having to ______ from a loose collection of businesses into a fully integrated
multinational. (MORPH)
47. The message is clear and concise and displays no ______ that one would expect to find in
more courtly love scenes. (VERB)
48. Once a fine-looking manor, and easily the largest and grandest building for miles around, the
Riddle House was now damp, ______ (relic), and unoccupied.
49. While it is a mistake to get too elated by a success, it is also wrong to get too ______
(heart) by setbacks.
50. His conduct was totally ______ to an officer in the British armed services. (BECOME)

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