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Directions: On a separate piece of paper, write a paraphrase of each of the following passages.
Try not to look back at the original passage.

1. The Antarctic is the root of cold on Earth and affects our climate. Antarctica is surrounded by
cold ocean water that mixes with warmer water, it helps in the cooling of the surface water and
the atmosphere. Yet the system would be in danger if human activity would interfere. This
passage is according to Jacques Cousteau, from “Captain Cousteau.”

2. Year 20s were the year when people treated law as a joke, when drinking was illegal yet you
will see a local bar that possibly had a liquor. It is also the year were police opted to keep the
peacefulness of the city but still, organized crimes cannot be controlled. The music also
changed from classical to jazz and with young people admiring musicians like Bix Beiderbecke.
They also evolved in terms of fashion. (Yancey 1989, p.25) English 102 Supplemental Guide.

3. Children who doesn’t wear helmets are more prone to head injuries rather than the ones who
wear helmet. Every year, half-a-thousand children die because of biking accidents, and 75% of
those are because of head injury. Meanwhile, if children wear helmet, it decreases the
possibility of head injuries by 85% (Consumer Reports 1990, p.348) “Bike Helmets”.

4. A painter named Matisse is the best at making people feel that they are part of the scene in
the painting, it is because of his realism. “The Casbah Gate”, one of Matisse’s works, is one of
the examples of this. The colors and ambiance in the painting will let you feel that you are at the
scene of the painting (Plagens 1990, p.50) “Bright Lights”.
5. Though Sears Tower is one of the best-designed skyscrapers has yet to be build, architects
and engineers are still trying to build a taller building. But people wonder, how tall a building
can go? Architect Robert Sobel argues that half-a-thousand-story building could possibly be
built. While Engineer William LeMessurier already designed a building that is twice the scale
of the Sears Tower (Dial 1990, p.15) “Reaching for the Sky”.

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