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Reading and Writing


Think of your MOST favourite movie then write a review about it. Do the following tasks.
A. How well do you know your movie? Complete the Movie Slam Note below:

The Movie Title: “Weathering With You”

The film is directed by: Makoto Shinkai
The film is produced by: Makoto Shinkai
It is starred by Hodaka Morishima and Hina Amano
The book is written by (if there is)...: Makoto Shinkai
The released date: July 19, 2019

The action takes place in Tokyo, Japan
The action of the film is set in Tokyo, Japan
The story takes place in Tokyo, Japan

Characters and Plot

The main characters are Hodaka Morishima an Hina Amano
The film tells the love story of a young boy who ran away in order to get to Tokyo and
from there, he met a girl who can change rainy days into sunny or as what people call her,
the “sunshine girl.”
The novel / film begins with Hodaka running away from his hometown then met Keisuke in
a ferry that bound to go to Tokyo. As he wander around Tokyo without enough money in
his pocket, he met Hina Amano in a restaurant and the one who gave him food. After that
scenes, their fun and thrilling adventure begins as they help the people from Tokyo with
Hina’s power that turns the bad weather into sunny day by just praying but the conflict of
the story eventually will happen when the time comes Hina vanished to save Tokyo.
The end of Weathering With You is unexpected. From a cliché ending that you give
importance to the people around you, it ends with Hodaka bringing back Hina from the
sky as she was opted to be a “human sacrifice” in order to maintain the good weather in
Tokyo. They set their worries aside and only think about their happiness or themselves.
And as the film meet its last minutes, the rain is still pouring endlessly in Tokyo but the
things is, they just brought back what Tokyo used to be before commercial buildings were

I am impressed by how Makoto Shinkai have written this amazing story and built a
wonderful characters.
I think I am very satisfied to the whole story.
The film is beautifully written.
The film is exciting.
What surprised me is the ending of the story. I used to think that we should think about
other people’s welfare too but this movie taught me that worrying about others also has a
limit and it is best that you live for yourself not for other people.
What I liked is the way Makoto convey his message through his wonderful films. That
every film of Makoto, you must always expect the unexpected.
I liked the film because it taught me a lot of things. That you can’t always say yes to
everyone, helping has a limitations, and you shouldn’t sacrifice your happiness for other
people’s comfort. Saying no is not a sin and prioritizing yourself sometimes is never
harmful and bad. My favourite character is Hodaka, it is because of his characteristics,
that he will be selfish just to save the person whom he loves dearly. The film made me
realize that if your loved ones is the one at risk, you would set aside everything and risk it
all just to keep them safe, that no weather, catastrophe, or any crisis can stop you from
keeping them away from danger.
What is a Reaction


A. With no less than 3 sentences, answer the following questions using the text above, "The
Reaction Paper: A Measured Response to the World" by - Marikit Tara Alto Uychoco.
1. What is the difference between diary entry and reaction paper?
According to Uychoco, diary entry is for the enlightenment of one’s self contrary to what
the reaction paper’s purpose, which is for the understanding of our fellow human beings. In
addition to that, Uychoco also emphasizes that reaction papers are often for academic
purposes while the diary is more for our personal purposes.
2. According to the text, what is the importance of reaction paper to society? Do you agree?
A reaction paper is important to society because it is made for the enlightenment of one’s
fellow human being, defined as a paper that helps the community to understand a certain topic
from the perspective of the author. Also, it is to see that we have a variety of opinions that you
may or may not agree with.
And yes, I agree because it is for the betterment of the understanding of others to that
particular topic.
3. Why do you think the academe value the reaction paper?
A reaction paper was sometimes made after we watch a movie or read a book that our
teacher instructed us to do. It helps us delve into that topic and to widen our knowledge. To sum
up, a reaction paper is valuable in the academe because it is for the individual to improve its
written output and to further learn about the given work.
4. What do you think makes a good reaction paper?
A reaction paper is considered good if once read, it could help us process our own
experience and see another perspective that we failed to see. It is good if the content helped us
to know what others think about the issue/topic. In addition to these things, a good reaction
paper may also be enjoyable and amusing.

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