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Answer the following questions below:

1. Why does the report begin with a man-made distraction around the Niagara Falls?
The author describes Niagara Falls as peaceful scenery surrounded by different man-
made distraction that has nothing to do with the Falls. The Niagara is a free place that
serves as an escape from all the distractions surrounding you. Thus, beginning the
report by describing the beauty of the Niagara.
2. How do they compare the beauty of the falls? What does this mean when one compares man-made
distractions with nature?
They compare the beauty of the falls as the “central home and breeding place for all
the touts of the earth.” Nature can make you forget all the chaos from the world, the
unpleasant man-made distractions and incongruity. Nature serves as a breather from
all the tiring scenery around you.
3. How is this essay different from your understanding of the report?
Report can only give you facts and evidences but an essay will conclude that, essay
will serve as your own understanding and interpretation to all the ideas coming from
the report.
4. What can you say about the descriptions of the Niagara Falls?
Niagara Falls is a natural beauty and the author gave the best adjective in describing
the Falls. Mr. Brooke uses his skill in poetry to make a best report from his experience
in his trip in United States and Canada.
5. Would you say that reading a report is better than looking at a photograph of the Niagara Falls? Why or
why not?
Yes, through these types of reports, I can understand and interpret the opinion of
different people who visited the Niagara. I can witness their experience while looking
at the Falls.
6. Have you ever felt the same contemplating nature? What natural place lends itself to contemplation and
Our sense lets us experience the beauty of all creations came from God, the
breathtaking nature. These places were created as an escape from all the
imperfections of the world. Through visiting nature, we let ourselves enjoy our inner
peace and our worries would instantly vanish temporarily. Hence, the magic of nature.
Answer the following questions below:

1. What do you think of the way Filipina women were described given that this was written by a German
man? Why did he make comments about the women without commenting much on the way men
The Filipina women were described from the perspective of a German man and
because of that, he’s views were based on what he sees as a man, I also noticed that
he focus more on the women compared to men. Thus, his comments on Filipina
women are more detailed and long compared to his comments on men. Moreover,
Filipinas are undeniably more captivating because of how elegant they look at that
2. Do you think there is something missing about the report? Why or why not?
No, the report are very detailed and informative, his description about all the things
there was in Intramuros were on point. I can observe that he really studies and learn
about the culture of the Philippines.
3. Why does the author believe that native houses are better than Spanish inspired houses? Do you agree?
The author described the native house a comfortable and unchanged and I couldn’t
agree more. Other than being a cheap house, it is also practical and locally made
houses. It serves as part of the Philippine culture as well. Native houses were made
through the hard work of native people as well using local materials.
4. Why is it important to note his age and nationality and gender? How does it affect your reading of his
It is important for us to determine how the other nationality’s experience and opinion
to our country. Their report and opinion will reflect to their age and gender as well.
These types of report enable us to see the perspective of others in the Philippines.
5. Do you think Filipino would have described the Philippines in the same manner? Explain.
No, Filipinos are more familiar in their country compared to other nationality. They
can describe even the smallest detail because Filipinos experience all the things that
other nationality witness, first-hand. They know their country even they are blind-
Tell whether the data presented below is qualitative or quantitative. If the data is Quantitative, write QN, and if
it’s qualitative write QL.

1. QN The cup had a mass of 454 grams.

2. QN The temperature outside is 250 C.
3. QL It is warm outside.
4. QN The tree is 30 feet tall.
5. QN The building has 25 stories.
6. QL The building is taller than the tree.
7. QL The sidewalk is long.
8. QN The sidewalk is 100 meters long.
9. QL The race was over quickly.
10. QN The race was over in 10 minutes.
Answer the following questions below:

1. Did the article match to what you expected, given whether English is important or not?
Yes, English is important because of various field especially when you are seeking for a
2. Do you think it is fair that one is most likely to get a job if one has an American accent? Why or why
No, it will all come with their skill. It doesn’t matter whether you have an accent, as
long as you can understand and know how to speak in English. I think, it is fairer that
they base their hiring on their skills rather than whether they have an accent or none.
3. What do you think can help people to be better in English?
Reading English novels, listening to audio books, watching English movies, and
conversing in English language regularly can enhance your fluency and vocabulary.
4. Why do some people discriminate against those who speak in English? Is this a healthy attitude? Why or
why not?
People make fun of other people because they think highly of themselves just because
they can speak in English and it is an unhealthy attitude. Whether you are fluent or
not in English, it is not the basis of our intelligence.
5. Have you experienced talk in English in front of class? How was the experience? Do you feel good or
bad about your English-speaking skill? Why or why not? Explain.
As a student who doesn’t speak English regularly, it is hard for me to voice my opinion
in the language I am not that trained for. I feel bad when I know what to say but I just
don’t know how I can say it. There is this fear of being judge by others because of
mispronunciation and stuttering. Despite that, I am still trying to learn the language
until I can stand in the front voicing out my opinion through English.
Answer the following questions below:

1. What do you think is the author trying to prove in the report?

The author wanted to prove that love and romance are inevitable. That the stories
about love (romance) are universal and they can never be missing in every country’s
2. Do you think it is good evidence? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the questionnaire and the
author’s analysis of data?
Yes, they presented different data and reference various study that will support their
3. What can you say about the way the paper was written?
They paper has its facts and evidence. The author also consider referencing previous
studies that will also cover what they are researching about.
4. Do you think romantic love is a social construct? Or is it a biological need? Explain your answer.
In my opinion, romantic love is a biological need. You can’t just say that it was
constructed by the society because where the idea of love came from, right? We are
born to love and to be loved.
5. Have you ever fallen in love? Do you think it is the same experience with everyone else’s experience of
romantic love? How does this affect your appreciation of the report?
I can never say whether I have already fallen in love to a specific person. I never
experience that ultimate feeling in the world. In my opinion, they are different kind of
love; love for our family, relatives, friends, or even random people that you adore so
much even if they don’t know you exist. The report made me realize the importance
of feelings that being alive is equivalent to being loved by others: since we were born,
there’s this love that can never be surpassed by anyone, the love of our parents; and
this report depicts my understanding and interpretation about love and also romance.

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