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1. Describe what is meant by the supply chain.

A supply chain is an entire system of producing and delivering a product or service, from the very
beginning stage of sourcing the raw materials to the final delivery of the product or service to end-users.
The supply chain lays out all aspects of the production process, including the activities involved at each
stage, information that is being communicated, natural resources that are transformed into useful
materials, human resources, and other components that go into the finished product or service.

2. Explain the difference between primary and secondary Industries.

Primary industry is crucial for emerging economies. It is also known as the Agricultural and allied sector
and consists of operations with an agricultural focus. It makes use of the environment's natural
resources to create things like crops, minerals, and livestock. The primary industry's outputs are used as
raw materials by the secondary industry. Meanwhile, the secondary industry is more complicated and
advanced than the primary industry. They provide value by doing these things. It covers businesses
engaged in manufacturing and construction. These sectors don't gather or process produce. They create
various products using raw materials from the primary industry and then sell them to the tertiary
industry or the ultimate customer. Blue-collar workers are another name for those employed in the
secondary industry.

3. Using examples from the case study, analyse how Nestle's Creating Shared Value contributes to
its corporate social responsibility activities.

Creating shared values has enabled Nestle to adopt a wider focus to its responsibilities. In doing so, it
has been able to bring about a whole series of benefits to stakeholders, whether they are farmers and
their communities, shareholders or consumers. Effective communication with shared holders is also an
important elements of responsible business behavior. For Nestles, engaging with shareholders
underpins creating shared values. It enables it to identify emerging issues, shapes its responsibilities and
continue to drive improvement on its performance.

4. Evaluate how the values of an organization can be used to benefits the different groups of

Through Nestles creating shared value report, stakeholders can see where funds are invested, how
company is addressing issues such as environmental performances and positive impact of creating
shared value activities. The Nestle Supplier code establishes the minimum standards that suppliers and
their employees need to meet. This demonstrates how nestle is committed to developing responsibility
practices. Nestlé has a series of corporate business principles designed to guide the way in which the
organization and its employees operate. These principles are at the basis of Nestlé’s culture and aim to
protect the trust of its consumers and other stakeholders.

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