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1. What approach do you think is best for promoting continual improvement? Explain your answer.
 The best approach for promoting continual improvement is the DMAIC approach because it is
referring to collecting data quality strategy for the improvement of the process of the company.
DMAIC is a five-step systematic approach that allows you to effectively manage process
improvement projects, having the opportunities and their goals how to attain them, also to
define the costumers’ requirements and which to understand their feedback about the product
or services that offers if they are satisfied or not. The acronym stands for Define, Measure,
Analyze, Improve and Control - the 5 phases of the process which should be followed in order to
arrive at an improved and controlled process. The First step in DMAIC approach is the define
which understand the problem you want to address. The second approach Is the measure which
collect data to assist in making informed decision. The third is the Analyze which involves
examining and interpreting the collected data. The fourth is the Improve which involves fixing
the root cause of the problem. And lastly the Control which involves putting in place a
mechanism to ensure improvements.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches mentioned in the case


 This approach ensures that Goals are defined, Stakeholders are involved and Risks are
accounted for since it has a strong Project focus essential.
 DMAIC, has strongly defined tools and method.
 identifies hard to spot problems and allows verification of causes and solutions since it involves
the heavy use of statistics.
 it can be applied to a variety of industries and opportunities


 is great for big problems but for small business the full suite of tools and statistics can be
 it is therefore great for improving an existing process but does not enable creation of new
 DMAIC encourages you to divine Root Cause and empowers you to confirm cause through
statistic methods but other methods are more powerful at identifying potential causes
2. Six Sigma Approach


 Six Sigma is proactive and not reactive, and it looks at how improvements can be made even
before faults are found either by customers or others parts of the process.
 Six Sigma can be implemented in many categories within a business and this will impact directly
on profitability and reduction in costs.
 It focuses on improving every part of the process and not the final outcome.


 Six Sigma can create amazing bureaucracy and rigidity

 requires many trained staff that needs to be motivated in time and well trained for long periods.
 In some instances where a company implements Six Sigma, problems arise because the
company focuses on Six Sigma's policies and forgets about its specific mission statement or
 adoption of its protocols often leads to an increase in the overall costs.



 Kaizen approach is applicable to most types of businesses.

 Kaizen approach helps businesses implement new process improvements, boost efficiency and
enhance time management.
 kaizen approach improves employee satisfaction as it involves the employees when
implementing changes for improvements.


 Kaizen could be difficult for businesses to go back to previous systems.

 Kaizen approach distorts the entire management system.
 The kaizen approach requires training staff and management to understand and adopt the
kaizen philosophy.

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