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Jerho J.


a. The caste system has had a negative impact on India's economy, denying everyone in the
country access to high-quality education and steady work. This is due to disparities in their
manner of life and social standing. The caste system made it feasible to provide additional
possibilities to those who are already advantaged and profit from their wealth and economic
power. The lower caste group, on the other hand, is not given adequate authority or possibilities.
This has had an impact on the Indian economy since they are unable to gain and create more
cash for project allocation because some of their residents, particularly those in the lower caste
group, do not have employment and are unable to pay taxes to the government to help the
b. The caste system had a significant impact on Indian business operations; Indians were judged
based on the system they belonged to rather than the abilities they possessed. People from
lower social classes, such as Dalits, Sudras, and Untouchables, are rarely recruited even if they
are qualified and skilled for the job. If they are employed, their pay and earnings are always
28.5% lower than those of the higher ranks of Bhramin, Kshatryia, and Vaishya. If persons at
lower levels join or form businesses, they are more likely to fail since they have fewer customers
and are treated negatively and hostilely.
c. The political system improved slightly as a result of the lawmakers' tough actions. Politicians
investigated the caste system in an attempt to minimize disparities. The political system, on the
other hand, remained consistent with how it began. People from higher castes have received the
largest benefits. This is correct since they were never affected. They possessed the authority and
ability to control and direct anything they desired. As a result, they had acquired more political
power. As a result, the poor remained poor and the affluent remained rich. The lower caste, or
poor people, had less or no access to political authority, in contrast to the higher caste, or
wealthier people, who had access to political power.
2. This Dalit initiative will create a direction, publish necessary criteria, and execute programs
focused on quality-assured and inclusive technical education and skills development, as well as a
certification system to help Dalits find work.

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