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Professional Academy of the Philippines

Brgy . South Poblacion, City of Naga , Cebu. Tel. Number (032)2736484

“Your Future, Our Promise.”

Sy 2023-2024

Name: _____________________________ Section: ___________________ Score: _________

Instruction: Read the statement carefully. Encircle the letter of your choice.

1. Who is credited with formulating the Cell Theory?

A) Charles Darwin C) Albert Einstein
B) Robert Hooke D) Gregor Mendel

2. Which of the following is NOT one of the three fundamental principles of the Cell Theory?
A) All living organisms are composed of cells.
B) Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in organisms.
C) Cells can arise spontaneously from non-living matter.
D) Cells only arise from pre-existing cells.

3. Who discovered that plants are composed of cells?

A) Anton van Leeuwenhoek C) Theodor Schwann
B) Matthias Schleiden D) Rudolf Virchow

4. Which scientist contributed to the Cell Theory by stating that all animals are made of cells?
A) Anton van Leeuwenhoek C) Theodor Schwann
B) Matthias Schleiden D) Rudolf Virchow

5. Which component of the Cell Theory emphasizes that cells are the smallest unit of life?
A) All living organisms are composed of cells.
B) Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in organisms.
C) Cells can arise spontaneously from non-living matter.
D) Cells only arise from pre-existing cells.

6. Who proposed the idea that "Omnis cellula e cellula," meaning "Every cell comes from a cell"?
A) Anton van Leeuwenhoek C) Theodor Schwann
B) Matthias Schleiden D) Rudolf Virchow

7. What is the smallest unit that exhibits all the characteristics of life?
A) Atom C) Cell
B) Molecule D) Organ

8. Which of the following organisms does NOT consist of cells?

A) Bacteria C) Virus
B) Amoeba D) Human

9. Who is known as the "Father of Microbiology" and made significant contributions to the development of
the microscope for observing cells?
A) Robert Hooke C) Theodor Schwann
B) Anton van Leeuwenhoek D) Gregor Mendel

10. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of cells, as described in the Cell Theory?
A) Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in organisms.
B) Cells can be of different sizes and shapes.
C) All cells have a nucleus.
D) Cells arise from pre-existing cells.

11. Which aspect of the Cell Theory would you question if you discovered an organism that did not contain cells?
A) All living organisms are composed of cells.
B) Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in organisms.
C) Cells can arise spontaneously from non-living matter.
D) Cells only arise from pre-existing cells.
12. Imagine you are a scientist in the 19th century. How would you design an experiment to test the validity of
the Cell Theory proposed by Schleiden and Schwann?

A) Describe the materials and procedures you would use.

B) Discuss the expected outcomes and their significance.
C) Analyze potential sources of error in your experiment.
D) Identify the equipment needed for your experiment.

13. Which of the following statements aligns most closely with the principles of the Cell Theory?
A) "Cells are the smallest units of life, but some organisms may not have cells."
B) "Cells are only present in animals, while plants are made of tissues."
C) "Living organisms are made of tiny particles called molecules."
D) "Cells are the basic building blocks of all living organisms, and new cells come from pre-
existing cells.

14. If you were a biologist studying a newly discovered microorganism, which criteria from the Cell
Theory would you use to determine if it is indeed a living cell?
A) Compare its size to known cells.
B) Investigate its genetic material and reproduction.
C) Examine its metabolic processes.
D) All of the above.

15. How did the invention of the electron microscope contribute to our understanding of the Cell Theory?
A) It allowed us to see cells for the first time.
B) It provided detailed insights into cellular structures and organelles.
C) It confirmed the idea that cells can arise spontaneously.
D) It disproved the Cell Theory entirely.

16. What is the primary function of the mitochondria in a cell?

A) Photosynthesis C) Protein synthesis
B) Cellular respiration D) DNA replication

17. Which organelle is responsible for storing water, nutrients, and waste products in plant cells?
A) Nucleus C) Vacuole
B) Mitochondria D) Golgi apparatus

18. What is the primary function of the ribosomes in a cell?

A) Energy production C) Protein synthesis
B) Lipid synthesis D) DNA replication

19. Which organelle contains enzymes responsible for breaking down cellular waste and debris?
A) Nucleus C) Lysosome
B) Ribosome D) Endoplasmic reticulum

20. What is the function of the cell membrane?

A) Storage of genetic material
B) Synthesis of proteins
C) Regulation of cell processes and transport of materials
D) Production of energy

21. Which organelle is responsible for photosynthesis in plant cells?

A) Nucleus C) Vacuole
B) Chloroplast D) Golgi apparatus

22. What is the main function of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in a cell?
A) Energy production
B) Synthesis and modification of proteins and lipids
C) Storage of genetic material
D) Synthesis of carbohydrates

23. Which organelle contains the genetic material (DNA) of the cell?
A) Nucleus C) Vacuole
B) Mitochondria D) Golgi apparatus

24. What is the primary function of the Golgi apparatus in a cell?

A) Energy production C) Photosynthesis
B) Packaging and sorting of proteins for transport D) Synthesis of ribosomes
25. Which organelle is responsible for breaking down harmful substances and detoxifying the cell?
A) Nucleus C) Lysosome
B) Ribosome D) Chloroplast

26. If a cell's mitochondria were not functioning properly, which cellular processes would be most affected?
A) Protein synthesis C) DNA replication
B) Energy production D) Cell division

27. A student claims that the Golgi apparatus is responsible for energy production in cells. Evaluate this
statement and explain why it is correct or incorrect.
A) The statement is correct.
B) The statement is incorrect.
C) The Golgi apparatus plays a minor role in energy production.
D) The Golgi apparatus indirectly affects energy production.

28. You are a cell biologist studying a rare genetic disorder that affects the structure of the endoplasmic
reticulum (ER). How might alterations in the ER's structure impact cellular function?
A) It would enhance protein synthesis.
B) It would impair lipid production.
C) It would increase energy production.
D) It would improve waste elimination.

29. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of prokaryotic cells?

A) Presence of a membrane-bound nucleus
B) Presence of membrane-bound organelles
C) Absence of a cell membrane
D) Absence of a true nucleus

30. What is a key structural difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
A) Presence of a cell wall
B) Presence of a nucleus
C) Presence of ribosomes
D) Presence of cytoplasm

31. Which type of cell has membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum?
A) Prokaryotic cells C) Plant cells
B) Eukaryotic cells D) Fungal cells

32. What is a common feature of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

A) Presence of a cell wall C) Presence of mitochondria
B) Presence of a true nucleus D) Presence of chloroplasts

33. Which type of cell is typically smaller in size, prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

A) Prokaryotic C) They are usually the same size
B) Eukaryotic D) It varies widely and cannot be generalized

34. In which type of cell is DNA found within a nuclear membrane?

A) Prokaryotic cells
B) Eukaryotic cells
C) Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
D) Neither prokaryotic nor eukaryotic cells

35. Which of the following is an accurate statement about prokaryotic cells?

A) They have a more complex internal structure than eukaryotic cells.
B) They are typically multicellular.
C) They lack a plasma membrane.
D) They lack membrane-bound organelles.

36. Which of the following cell types is found in both plant and animal tissues?
A) Parenchyma cells C) Osteocytes
B) Xylem cells D) Spongy cells

37. Design an experiment to investigate the differences in structure and function between plant and
animal epithelial tissues. What specific tissues and functions would you focus on?
A) Describe the materials and procedures you would use.
B) Discuss potential outcomes and their implications.
C) Analyze possible sources of experimental error.
D) Identify the equipment needed for your experiment.
38. A student claims that plant vascular tissues are more important than animal nervous tissues because
they transport essential nutrients. Evaluate this statement and provide reasons for your assessment.
A) The statement is correct.
B) The statement is incorrect.
C) Both plant and animal tissues serve equally important functions.
D) Animal nervous tissues are more critical for survival.

39. In what part of a plant would you expect to find collenchyma cells, and what function do they serve?
A) Leaves, for photosynthesis
B) Stem, for support and flexibility
C) Roots, for nutrient absorption
D) Flowers, for reproduction

40. Compare and contrast the functions of smooth muscle cells in animal tissues and sclerenchyma cells in
plant tissues. What are their similarities and differences?
A) Both smooth muscle cells and sclerenchyma cells provide structural support.
B) Smooth muscle cells are found in the digestive system, while sclerenchyma cells are found
in leaves.
C) Smooth muscle cells are involved in involuntary movements, while sclerenchyma
cells strengthen plant cell walls.
D) Both smooth muscle cells and sclerenchyma cells are responsible for energy production.

41. If a researcher discovers a new type of animal tissue with unique properties and functions not
previously observed, how might this finding impact our understanding of cell types and their roles in
A) It would confirm existing knowledge about cell types.
B) It would require a revision of the classification of cell types.
C) It would not impact our understanding of cell types.
D) It would indicate that the new tissue is not essential for survival.

42. What is the function of microvilli in the small intestine?

A) Absorption of water
B) Protection against pathogens
C) Increased surface area for nutrient absorption
D) Storage of nutrients

43. What do root hairs in plants primarily facilitate?

A) Photosynthesis C) Water and nutrient absorption
B) Anchoring of the plant D) Pollination

44. Which cellular structure helps propel single-celled organisms like Paramecium through their aquatic
A) Cilia C) Ribosomes
B) Mitochondria D) Nucleus

45. What is the primary function of cilia in the respiratory tract?

A) Absorption of oxygen C) Production of mucus
B) Filtration of dust and particles D) Synthesis of proteins

46. What is the primary function of the flagella on sperm cells?

A) Nutrient absorption C) Movement and propulsion
B) Cellular respiration D) DNA replication

47. What cellular structure provides structural support to plant cells and is made of cellulose?
A) Nucleus C) Cell wall
B) B) Vacuole D) Chloroplast

48. A student argues that the presence of root hairs in plant cells is unnecessary because water and
nutrients can be absorbed without them. Evaluate this statement and provide reasons for your assessment.
A) The statement is correct.
B) The statement is incorrect.
C) Root hairs are essential for structural support.
D) Root hairs are only found in aquatic plants.
49. In what type of organism or environment would you expect to find a higher concentration of ciliated cells,
and what is the primary function of these cilia?
A) Terrestrial animals, for absorption of nutrients
B) Aquatic animals, for movement and feeding
C) Plants, for photosynthesis
D) Desert plants, for water storage

50. Compare and contrast the functions of flagella in prokaryotic cells (e.g., bacteria) and eukaryotic cells
(e.g., sperm cells). What are their similarities and differences?
A) Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic flagella are involved in cell division.
B) Prokaryotic flagella are longer and more complex than eukaryotic flagella.
C) Prokaryotic flagella rotate to propel the cell, while eukaryotic flagella whip back and forth.
D) Flagella are unique to prokaryotic cells.

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