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Joshua Kristoffer D.

Grade 10- Macintosh
English 10 April 4,

The Boy, the Mole , the Fox and the Horse

The Boy, the Mole , the Fox and the Horse is an animated short film released in
2022. The film follows a young boy on his journey to find his way back home. He
is joined by a few talking animals such as a mole, a fox and a horse. The animals
teach the boy important life lessons like kindness and love.

It is a beautifully animated movie but it has many glaring flaws such as the
constant monologues.That slows down the movie and the quotes in the movie have
no significant meaning whatsoever.

“To be honest i feel i have nothing interesting to say”

- Said the Fox

The Fox is right , and indeed none of the characters have anything interesting to
say. There’s not a sentence said that has anything of value. Most of the dialogue in
this movie sounds like something you would see on a greeting card or a
motivational poster you see on social media.There is no character that has any sort
of personality all of them feel like a copy and pasted caricature .Tell me what the
personality of the horse is or the fox, that’s right you can’t say anything about them
because there’s nothing to say they are empty with no personality or reason to help
the boy go home. They are just there constantly talking about things that don’t
have any value and bore you to death

In conclusion The Boy, the Mole , the Fox and the horse is wasted potential. A
movie with gorgeous animation watered down by annoying quotes that have no
meaning whatsoever with boring characters. This movie could have been
something great hopefully the animation team moves on to other projects with
better scripts

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