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My interpreta on of the business purchase is

$15000 purchase price

Which is inclusive of the rights to the

Business name
Phone number
And all access will be given to me

All stock in the store as it stands is a part of the purchase and I am able to do a brief walk through to
check this before signing or paying the full amount

All décor , fit out, furniture , computers and hardware currently in the store are part of the purchase
and again I can check this when I do a walk through prior to comple on

The seller will assist in showing me how the current point of sale operates and will give me access to
all suppliers names and contact details and be available for assistance for month a er the purchase

I will have exclusive access to selling pout within a 150km radius of Albury/Wodonga physically

I can sell pout online and there will be a set RRP

I am responsible for taking on the property as it is currently and will have a final email from the real
estate to confirm this

Images one to eight show the discussion in rela on to the pout cosme c I am talking about

I want to ensure she has no put any restric ons for my trading under the name or what products I
can sell or what opera ons I can take out

Any other points that may be concerning ?

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