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ACES WILD: An Aces High Variant for Fast Play

LUCK During crew generation each aircraft rolls 1d6 for luck. 6 results in 2 luck points and a 4-5 is 1 luck point. Luck
points may be spent at any time and are declared in initiative order during the phases (see * reminders below). Each point
spent will +/- 1d6 to any spotting, initiative or hit determination rolls by or against the lucky crew (only).

SPOTTING* Spotting is simultaneous and is conducted prior to any movement

MOVEMENT Aircraft move by alternating with order determined by rolling 2d6 for initiative within each Priority Group.
• aircraft roll for initiative in their lowest qualifying priority group
• all aircraft in a group must complete movement prior to the next group beginning

Priority Group 1
• aircraft in a Spin
• aircraft on the ground (i.e. attempting take-off)

Priority Group 2
• aircraft that have not (themselves) spotted an enemy aircraft
• aircraft moving in formation
• aircraft with 2 or more engines (per original design)

Priority Group 3
• All other aircraft

Priority group modifiers (min. priority group = 1)

• wounded pilots -1
• aircraft on Fire -1
• aircraft without engine power -1

INITIATIVE* Each aircraft rolls 2d6 with the lowest modified roll moving first.

Initiative Die Roll Modifiers

• Crew Skill +/- as per spotting
• Per Luck Point spent +1d6
• Up Sun from all enemy aircraft +1
• Altitude Advantage* +1
• Being Tailed** -1d6
* Altitude Advantage: per 1,000 feet above all enemy aircraft
** Tailing: Aircraft are being “Tailed” if the enemy aircraft is both <= 10 hexes
away and <= 300' above or <= 3,000' below the attacker.

Aircraft/crew may attack after movment is complete (all results are considered to be simultaneous).

Aircraft may execute missions at any altitude, during any year.
Aircraft may either drop ½ or all of their bombs in a single turn.

Bomber to hit results and reconnaissance success are determined partially as the mission is executed in the hex and is not
finalized until after the game's on-table action is concluded. Aircraft roll 1d6 as they pass through the target hex.
Make a note of the result of each die roll and its corresponding hex. A second d6 is then rolled separately at the end
of the game to determine the final result when added with the first roll. Note: reconnaissance missions are not
concluded (i.e. get their second roll) unless the aircraft makes it back to base (and come in various mission types).

Basic Bombing Mission To Hit Number >= 7

Basic Reconnaissance Mission Success Number >= 5
ACES WILD: An Aces High Variant for Fast Play


Bombing and Recon Mission To-Hit and Success Modifiers

• -2 if mission is in 1914
• -1 if mission is in 1915
• -1/hex if 4 hex run-in is not fulfilled (as described in standard rules)
• -1 Speed of 5
• -3 Speed of 6+
• -1/hit on pilot
• +? crew skill
• +1d6 Luck (if used)
• Bombing: -1/1,000'
• Reconnaissance Types/Modifiers: -1/100' above/below prescribed altitude
◦ Low Recon Altitude = 1,000'+(1d6 x 100')
◦ Medium Recon Altitude = 5,000'+(1d3 x 1000)
◦ High Recon Altitude = 8,000'+(2d6 x 1,000')

Replace all AA rules with the below three types of Anti-Aircraft artillery.
Jams = friendly fire: Any one random friendly aircraft <= 1d6 hexes has 1d6 hits applied to at random
All AA fire uses the “1F” column on the To Hit table
• Light AA (aka AAA/MGs)
◦ Range of 6
• Medium AA
◦ Range of 10
◦ ½ all range modifiers (round down)
◦ double number of hits
◦ only available in 1916-1918
• Heavy AA
◦ maximum range of 18
◦ ½ all range modifiers (round down)
◦ triple number of hits
◦ only available in 1917-1918


Aircraft not in a level bank at the end their move must automatically lose 50' of altitude over and above any other
altitude changes. Any altitude lost in this manner does not generate speed and cannot cause an aircraft to exceed its
maximum safe speed or maximum safe dive (just ignore max. dive and take off another 50 feet of altitude).

“Up Sun Spotting Modifier” = -3 (no longer -5)
“Ropey Engines” ignore rule, +1VP for aircraft (normally) subject to this rule

MARKERS (note: “game dice” i.e. the ones we roll are white)
• Luck: Coins (lucky pennies!)
• Aircraft's Altitude: 3 x green or blue “place holder dice” (1,000s/100s/10s)
• Air Speed: Blue/Purple (d6)
• Damage Dice (all d6)
◦ Engine = Red
◦ Fuselage = Black
◦ Wings = Blue
◦ Green=Pilot (Yellow=Observer)

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