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The concentration of napalm resulted not only in the destruction of the entire
but also in a smile of contempt and relief by Commander Bellisar as he monitored
development. The intensive heat from the napalm melted all kinds of wiring and
as the connections toward the escape pods became inactive. Darkness spread as the
section lost all power. Their first objective, to seal of the hangar, was now
and proved to be an utter success. No matter what the outcome of the following
would emerge, at least the local planetary inhabitants were safe from a swarm
that would seal the fate of their entire solar system.

Although the space derelict was now isolated, local scanners and onboard displays
bad news. The infestation of the ship was far worse than feared, as the swarm
roamed over
the entire complex. Any further salvage operation was deemed impossible. All
attempts at
hacking the onboard mainframe in order to lock down bulkheads and seal off entire
proved worthless, dampening Commander Bellisar's spirit. To make things worse, the
had drawn the full attention of the swarm. Almost forty five per cent of all the
ship activity
was now rushing towards the boarding squad. Another tough decision fell upon the

Bellisar had already sent the soldiers into one impossible mission, and was
reluctant to
repeat the request. However, there was no other option available, they had to
resist and
vanquish the imminent threat for any further options to remain open. They would
have to
stand their ground, killing all approaching enemies, diminishing the swarm's
strength. That
would improve their chances later on, and would buy some time for the other squads
in other areas of the ship.

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