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Worksheet on Roman Numeration

Q 1.Represent the following numbers in Roman Numerals:

(i) 786

(ii) 506

(iii) 1123

(iv) 70000

(v) 10531

(vi) 89

(vii) 47

(viii) 98

Q 2.Express the following Roman numerals in Hindu-Arabic numerals:

(i) XIX

(ii) LIX

(iii) CDXIII



Q 3.Choose the correct numeral from the given pairs:

(i) 4 = III, IV

(ii) 403 = CCCCIII, CDIII

(iii) 24 = IXXV, XXIV

Q 4.Fill in the sign >, = or <:

(i) XIX ______ XX

(ii) MDC ______ MCD

(iii) CM ______ DCCCL

(iv)XXI ______ 29

(v) 120 ______ CC

(vi) C ______ XCIX

(vii) MM ______ CC

Q 5.Add V to each of the following and write in Roman numeration:

(i) XXX

(ii) LV

(iii) CLII

Q 6.Rewrite the following numbers in ascending order:


Q 7.Compare the given roman numerals by putting the right sign.

a. III ______ VI

b. VIII ______ X

c. XXXI ______ XXIX

d. XXVI ______XXVIII

e. XXXII ______ XXXV

f. XCIII ______ XCVII

g. XLIV ______ XLVI

h. CXIV ______ CXXIX

i. LXX ______ LV
j. CLXXXI ______ CXCIV

Q 8. Use the symbols > = < in the correct places:

a. 76 ______ LXXIII

b. CLX ______ CXL

c. CVIII ______ 97

d. CLVI + XXXIV ______ 190

e. LIX ______ 59

f. XI × V ______ LIV

g. XXX – XXI ______ X

h. LXXX ______ XCV

i. VII + XXIII ______ V × VI

j. XXI - XX ______ XX – VI

Q 9.Find the sum of the given Roman numerals in Hindu-Arabic form.

(a) XXIX + XLII = __________ (f) XLIV + XXXVIII = __________

(b) XCV + XXV = __________ (g) XXIII + XXXIII = __________

(c) XXXI + XXXIX = __________ (h) XXXIV + XXIV = __________

(d) CLXXIV + XXVI = _________ (i) XXXVIII + LIX = __________

(e) LXXXIX + IX = __________ (j) XCII + VIII = __________

Q 10. Find the difference of the given Roman numerals in Hindu-Arabic form.

(a) XCV - XIV = __________ (f) XCIV - XXX = __________

(b) XXXVIII - X = __________ (g) LXXXIV - II = __________

(c) XC - XIV = __________ (h) XC - XXXV = __________

(d) XXXVIII - X = __________ (i) XCVI - XXVI = __________

(e) XCI - VII = __________ (j) LXII - XXXII = __________

Q 11. Change the Hindu-Arabic numerals into Roman numerals and find the
difference. Give your answer in Roman numerals.

(a) 42 - 12 = __________

(b) 147 - 38 = __________

(c) 58 - 24 = __________

(d) 186 - 50 = __________

Q 12. Change the Hindu-Arabic numerals into Roman numerals and find the product.
Give your answer in Roman numerals.

(a) 14 × 5 = __________

(b) 27 × 12 = __________

(c) 70 × 11 = __________

(d) 105 × 10 = __________


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