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Experiences that challenge self-identity following

traumatic brain injury: a meta-synthesis of
qualitative research

Darrelle Villa, Hilary Causer & Gerard A. Riley

To cite this article: Darrelle Villa, Hilary Causer & Gerard A. Riley (2020): Experiences that
challenge self-identity following traumatic brain injury: a meta-synthesis of qualitative research,
Disability and Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2020.1743773

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Experiences that challenge self-identity following traumatic brain injury: a meta-

synthesis of qualitative research
Darrelle Villaa, Hilary Causera and Gerard A. Rileyb
School of Psychology, University of Worcester, Worcester, UK; bSchool of Psychology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK


Purpose: To systematically review and synthesise the qualitative literature on experiences that challenge Received 18 April 2019
self-identity following traumatic brain injury (TBI). Revised 13 February 2020
Method: Four electronic databases were searched systematically for qualitative research published Accepted 13 March 2020
between 1965 and August 2017, investigating subjective experiences of identity change following TBI.
Papers which met the inclusion criteria were evaluated using the Critical Skills Appraisal Programme Traumatic brain injury; self-
(CASP) tool and synthesised using guidelines by Thomas and Harden (2008). identity; qualitative
Results: Of the 1965 papers retrieved, 36 met inclusion and quality criteria. Synthesis resulted in six research; meta-
themes: (1) awareness of change in physical, cognitive, emotional and social functioning; (2) autobio- synthesis; review
graphical memory loss; (3) responses of other people that highlight change; (4) loss of autonomy; (5)
comparing old me and new me–loss of valued roles and activities; (6) social rejection and stigma.
Conclusions: An in-depth understanding of the experiences that challenge self-identity after TBI can
inform rehabilitation to support individuals to negotiate these processes with less distress and more


 After a traumatic brain injury some people perceive catastrophic changes in their self-identity, and
this can have a substantial negative impact on their psychological well-being.
 Circumstances and events that can trigger such appraisals include developing awareness of loss of
ability and function; gaps in autobiographical memory; when others highlight loss and change; the
loss of valued roles and activities; and social stigma and rejection.
 Clinicians should be aware of these triggers and their potential impact so that they can support peo-
ple to negotiate them more effectively, with less damage to self-identity and psychological

Introduction help clinicians support people to negotiate these experiences in a

less distressing and more productive way.
On the basis of observing soldiers who had sustained traumatic
The concept of self-identity encompasses our knowledge and
brain injuries (TBI), Goldstein [1] developed the concept of the
understanding of ourselves, our relationships and social roles, and
“catastrophic reaction.” Environmental demands (such as being
our self-evaluation [3]. A number of factors contribute to our
asked to complete a task that has become challenging because of
the injury) may induce a sense of incoherence (in which different sense of self: understanding our personality (conceived as rela-
parts of the self do not function in an integrated and expected tively stable and consistent patterns of thinking, feeling and
fashion) and a sense of discontinuity (which involves disruption to behaving); understanding our motivations (including our goals,
the experience of the self as a conscious, remembering and per- preferences and values); understanding our abilities, limitations
sisting subjective perspective on the world) [2]. These challenges and potential; knowing the roles we play within the social
to the sense of self can then trigger a state of extreme distress environment and our social connection with others; knowing our
and shock, in which the person becomes unable to use even their personal history; and an evaluative component (self-esteem) [3].
intact abilities. To protect the self, the individual subsequently Self-identity can therefore be conceptualised as being constructed
avoids situations that may result in failure and restricts activity to both subjectively focusing on what makes us unique and different
familiar and orderly routines. What Goldstein [1] observed is an from others, and socially through our interactions and group
example of an experience that challenges self-identity after TBI, memberships [3,4].
and an example of a response to that challenge that is distressing TBI can result in profound changes to physical, cognitive, emo-
and not particularly helpful. The aim of the present review is to tional, and behavioural functioning [3,5]. Physical changes, such
synthesise the qualitative literature about identity change after as changes in gait, voice or body shape, can result in people with
TBI in order to provide a broader account of the types of experi- acquired brain injuries (ABIs) including TBI being less recognisable
ence that challenge self-identity. Such an account may be of clin- to themselves and others [6]. Retrograde amnesia can result in
ical use: understanding what the challenging experiences are may loss of access to an accurate self-history on which to base

CONTACT Darrelle Villa School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

ß 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

conceptualisations of a continuous self [6]. Cognitive changes The focus is exclusively on qualitative research because the
(such as changes in memory, attention and concentration, plan- main interest is how people interpret events and circumstances in
ning and problem-solving and inhibition), emotional changes a way that challenges their sense of identity. Qualitative research
(including depression, anxiety and ability to regulate mood), and is uniquely able to explore in-depth subjective experiences and
behavioural changes are frequently identified in judgements of the meanings participants give to them [29], contributing to a
personality change [6,7] which are common following TBI [8]. Any nuanced and detailed understanding of experiences that chal-
one of these changes can influence reintegration into society and lenge self-identity after TBI from the person with TBI’s own per-
the ability to fulfil self-defining roles in relation to living inde- spective. The focus of qualitative research on contextual factors
pendently, work, intimate relationships and parenting [3,9,10]. [29] is likely to shed light on social and psychological processes
Unsurprisingly then, experiences of identity change and crisis are such as changes in social roles, relationships, and dependency
commonly reported by people with acquired ABI including TBI [6]. which are increasingly understood as central to one’s sense of self
The concept of identity change has been used to refer to disrup- after TBI [3].
tion in the continuity of a person’s subjective sense of who they
are post-injury and is considered to be a key feature of
TBI [3,5,11–14]. Method
Quantitative studies involving comparisons between pre- and Literature searches
post-injury self [15] report that after TBI survivors typically rate
A systematic literature search was conducted by the first author
their current self significantly more negatively than their pre-injury
(DV) using the electronic databases PsycINFO, MEDLINE,
self and these negative evaluations are associated with a range of
poor outcomes [16–19]. Greater perceived identity change (i.e., Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature
greater discrepancies between past and present self-ratings: “who (CINAHL), and Web of Science from 1965 to August 2017.
I am now” versus “who I was before the injury”) are associated PsycINFO was chosen for its coverage of the psychological litera-
with self-reported distress [19]; anxiety [20]; depression [17,20,21]; ture; MEDLINE and CINAHL for their coverage of the health litera-
grief, poor adjustment and poor self-esteem [17]; and poor sub- ture; and Web of Science for its extensive coverage of both areas.
jective quality of life [21] in people with ABI. In conjunction with the use of methods for using identified
Conversely, positive identity experiences may be a protective papers to locate other relevant literature (see below), these four
factor following ABI including TBI. Jones and colleagues [22] databases were considered sufficient to identify relevant papers.
reported that a strong personal identity (measured by ratings on Combined keyword and subject heading searches were used to
the statement “Having had a brain injury has made me a stronger locate relevant articles. Searches were limited by peer review,
person” [22] [p.358]), survivor identity (“I think of myself as some- human subjects and English language. Table 1 lists the search
one who has survived a brain injury”) and social identity (meas- terms used and their combination. Following recommendations
ured by ticking off a list of “the relationships in your life that for locating qualitative research [30,31], citation tracking, hand-
have improved since injury”) were positively associated with life searching reference lists of relevant articles, and forward citation
satisfaction in people with ABI. Mediational analyses indicated searching using the general search engine Google Scholar were
that personal and survivor identity, and social networks acted as a used to locate additional reports.
buffer against the negative effects of severity of injury on life sat-
isfaction [22]. Walsh and colleagues [23] provided evidence that Inclusion and exclusion criteria
group membership facilitates social support and engagement in
activities which becomes internalised into social identities of “self- Studies were included if they: (1) were published in a peer-
as-doer” in people with ABI [23] [p.1]. These “self-as-doer” identi- reviewed journal; (2) were published in English; (3) reported an
ties in turn predicted post-injury well-being [23]. empirical qualitative study; (4) used as data the reported experi-
Despite recognition of the importance of identity adjustment ences of working age adults with TBI (>16 years); (5) contained
and reconstruction in rehabilitation [5,12,15,24–27], there has accounts of identity-challenging experiences. These were defined
been little progress in the development of effective interventions. as the experience of events and circumstances that were inter-
A review of intervention studies specifically targeting self-concept preted by at least some participants as evidence that their iden-
[15] found mixed support for their efficacy. The authors high- tity was changed in some important way by the brain injury.
lighted the need for theory-driven interventions to support posi- Using Noblit and Hare’s [32] definition of qualitative research,
tive identity experiences after TBI [15]. One step towards the the study was included if it sought to generate understanding of
development of more effective theory-based interventions is to participants’ subjective experiences and used an interpretative
establish a better understanding of the experiences faced by peo- framework. Mixed methods studies were considered for inclusion
ple with a TBI that challenge their self-identity. Knowing what if the qualitative data and analysis were distinct. Studies that con-
these are and how people react to them could provide the basis tained data from other participants (e.g., family members) in add-
for developing interventions that support people in dealing with ition to participants with TBI were considered for inclusion only if
these experiences in a way that is less distressing and more con- the paper identified whether the data had come from people
structive than Goldstein’s [1] catastrophic reaction. with TBI or another source, reported direct quotations from peo-
The present paper provides a meta-synthesis of qualitative ple with TBI, and focused on the experiences of people with TBI.
research relating to identity-challenging experiences. Although a All studies which contained data relevant to experiences that
previous meta-synthesis of survivors’ experiences of recovery fol- challenged self-identity were included even if this was not their
lowing TBI [28] identified some relevant themes, the review was stated focus [33].
broader in its scope and therefore did not include sustained and The title and abstract of each article, and where necessary the
in-depth review of experiences and processes that challenge self- full article, were screened against the hierarchy of inclusion crite-
identity in TBI. The current meta-synthesis is therefore unique in ria by the primary author (DV) and checked by one of two
its focus. authors (HC, KW). Differences in agreement, which occurred for

Table 1. Electronic database search strategy.

number Construct Keyword terms (variations) Subject terms (database)
1 Identity Selfhood (selfhood/s) Self Concept, Self Perception, Subjectivity, Narratives,
Self-concept (self-concept/s) Personality Change, Identity Crisis, Identity Formation,
Self-perception (self-perception/s) Life Experiences (PsycINFO); Self Concept, Identity
Selves Crisis, Personhood (MEDLINE); Self Concept,
Personhood (personhood/s) Identity (CINAHL)
Personality change (personality change/s)
Identit (identity/ies)
Subjectivit (subjectivity/ies)
Combined with or
2 Traumatic brain injury Brain injur (acquired brain injury/ies, traumatic brain Traumatic Brain Injury, Head Injuries (PsycINFO); Brain
injury/ies) Injuries (MEDLINE); Brain Injuries, Head
Head injur (head injury/ies) Injuries (CINAHL)
Craniocerebral trauma (craniocerebral trauma/s)
Combined with or
3 Searches 1 and 2 were combined with and

less than 1% of articles screened (n ¼ 19), were resolved by con- were first extracted on the general characteristics of each study
sensus and/or arbitration of the third author (GR; n ¼ 5). including study focus, methodology, sample, data collection and
setting. Next, the findings section of each study was extracted for
synthesis. When an article met the inclusion criteria but not all
Quality appraisal
findings were relevant to the research question, only relevant
Studies meeting initial inclusion criteria were critically appraised findings were extracted [39,40]. Thomas and Harden’s [40] meth-
independently by two of three authors (DV, HC and KM) using ods for thematic synthesis of qualitative research were followed:
the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) qualitative checklist (1) the findings sections were read repeatedly and coded line by
[34]. This checklist was developed in the context of a broader line for meaning; (2) descriptive themes were developed by look-
international initiative focused on ensuring that healthcare deci- ing for similarities and differences between codes within and
sions are made on the basis of good evidence. It was selected across studies, and by arranging codes hierarchically; (3) higher
from a range of quality assessment tools because it addresses the level analytic themes that went beyond the themes presented
principles and assumptions of qualitative research [35]; is suitable within each individual article were developed. The first author
for use across a range of qualitative methodologies [35]; and is (DV) coded all the included studies and developed the initial
one of the tools that is recommended by the Cochrane collabor- themes. HC separately coded five studies (13.9%) and checked the
ation [36]. Studies were only excluded based on quality if they codes against the emerging themes. The two authors then met to
failed to meet minimum requirements of a qualitative study [37] discuss the themes. This process confirmed that the emerging
assessed using the two screening questions of the CASP: (1) Was themes were present across papers reviewed by both authors and
there a clear statement of the aims of the research?; (2) Is a quali- no new themes were identified that were not already represented
tative methodology appropriate? The remaining eight CASP crite- within the emerging themes. The first author (DV) then checked
ria (which assess appropriateness of the research design, that the final themes included were present across studies to
recruitment, and data collection, consideration of the researcher- ensure that a small number of papers or a small number of partic-
participant relationship and ethics, rigour of data analysis, clarity ipants did not influence the themes to an undue extent. This
of findings, and the value of the research) provided broader infor- included checking that the theme was not based unduly on
mation about reported study methodology for appreciation of its
papers that reported findings from overlapping samples
contribution to the synthesis, specifically to avoid over- or under-
(see below).
reliance on certain studies [37]. This decision was based on guide-
lines for synthesis of qualitative research which highlight the lack
of consensus within assessment of quality in qualitative research Findings
both in terms of criteria by which to assess quality and author Results from search strategy
agreement on quality [35,38–40], and the risk of losing conceptu-
ally useful papers based on minor errors or omissions in report- Electronic database searches located 2422 papers. The removal of
ing [41,42]. duplicates and application of inclusion and exclusion criteria left
32 remaining papers for inclusion (Figure 1). Additional searches
resulted in the addition of five papers.
Data extraction and synthesis
Meta-synthesis is a method for integrating and interpreting find-
Quality appraisal
ings dispersed across individual qualitative studies [43]. It aims to
not only review data but reinterpret it to provide an enriched Of the studies which met the initial inclusion criteria, one study
understanding of the topic [32,43]. The combined rigour, transpar- [46] was excluded on the basis that it did not meet the minimum
ency and avoidance of bias of traditional systematic reviews, with criteria for inclusion based on the CASP screening questions.
the focus on complexity and context of qualitative research, Specifically, qualitative methodology was not considered appropri-
means that meta-syntheses are considered uniquely placed to ate for the study’s research questions. There was 100% agreement
contribute to evidence-based practice and policy [37,44,45]. Data between authors regarding the inclusion or exclusion of papers

Figure 1. Flow chart for inclusion of studies in the meta-synthesis.

based on the quality criteria. Consensus decisions on detailed crit- Study findings
ical appraisal of the remaining studies are presented in Table 2. In
Synthesis resulted in six themes: (1) awareness of change in phys-
266 of the 288 quality decisions (92.4%), authors achieved com-
ical, cognitive, emotional and social functioning; (2) autobiograph-
plete consensus when independently categorising the studies as
ical memory loss; (3) responses of other people that highlight
“yes,” “no” or “unclear.” Cohen’s kappa was .84 indicating “near
change; (4) loss of autonomy; (5) comparing old me and new
perfect agreement” [83].
me–loss of valued roles and activities; (6) social rejection and
stigma. It is noted that some studies are of poorer quality based
on the CASP criteria. However, each theme is based on findings
across several studies, which provides some triangulation.
Study characteristics
Table 3 shows the characteristics of the studies included. Two Awareness of change in physical, cognitive, emotional and social
articles [49,50] presented data from one study, while a further functioning
three articles [67–69] had overlap in the data but different num- Aligning with Goldstein’s [1] observations, awareness of functional
bers of participants with the later articles reporting an extended loss and changes, often triggered by struggling to complete tasks,
version of the study. As the articles reported different themes and may challenge the sense of self. Injury-related physical or cogni-
included different quotations, they were treated separately but tive changes, which might not be immediately apparent, affected
care was taken not to allow undue influence of these participants self-knowledge about capabilities and participants’ ability to
on the synthesis findings. Accounting for overlaps, the studies col- define themselves: “She (OT) saw me shower, when I was on my
lectively presented data from 386 participants (274 men, 112 own … Just to prove to myself that I could do it, because I had
women) with mild to very severe TBI, ranging in age from 17 to no idea what I could do any more” [50, p.78]. This included
81 years. Participants were recruited from hospitals, outpatient awareness of physical changes that could challenge self-concept:
clinics, residential services, support groups, charities and the com- “ … even the f … way I talk–it’s so slow and I sound like I’m
munity, and ranged from 21 weeks to 40 years post-injury. Most drunk or angry, it just makes me feel so small … ”[73, p.233].
studies used individual interviews as the method of data collec- Affective or behavioural changes, such that individuals responded
tion and several qualitative approaches were used including inter- in ways inconsistent with their self-concept, threatened a coher-
pretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), grounded theory (GT), ent sense of identity: “Yes, you are not the same [as before the
narrative and ethnographic approaches. injury], you do not react in the same way anymore” [82, p.5].

Sveen et al: ½82

These experiences could result in feeling changed in a radical


Strandberg ½81 and global sense: “I’m not normal: it will never be like I was


before. I think differently and I feel different” [57, p.125]; and a
Soeker ½80
sense of being alienated from the self: “I don’t know this person


Shotton et al: ½79 any more. She is not reliable and cannot be trusted as my best

friend” [68, p.872]. Without accurate knowledge about one’s qual-
Sabat et al: ½78
ities and capabilities, the self was experienced as unpredictable: “I



Roundhill et al: ½77 live my life without a certainty I must admit, of most things with-

out a certainty of making the right decisions or thinking the right
way or doing the right thing … ” [66, p.985–986]. Some partici-
Roscigno & Van Liew 



Price  Lackey & Cas pants experienced fundamental loss of knowledge about the self:



? “I felt as though I didn’t even know that I had a personality to

Petrella et al: ½74
start with. I felt really sort of empty” [77, p.247].



Parsons & Stanley ½7 The extent to which perceived changes in capabilities or attrib-


utes were experienced as threatening to sense of self was influ-

Padilla ½72
enced by the personal qualities that the person with TBI valued


O’Callaghan et al: ½7 before the injury: “I have lost my identity [ … ] that which I value


so much–my mind–it doesn’t work like it used to” [48, p.411], or

by the ways that they defined themselves: “I was always brought
O’Callaghan et al: ½7


Nochi ½69 up that ‘if you start a job you finish it’ and that’s what I can’t do


at the moment” [59, p.1575].

Nochi ½68
Again, consistent with Goldstein’s [1] observations, the


Nochi ½67 response to these challenges is often withdrawal and avoidance.


For example, some participants withdrew from social contact for

Muenchenberger et
fear of making mistakes or receiving feedback that might high-


Levack et al: ½65 light changes in their self-identity:


Lawson et al: ½64 I didn’t do anything and um, that would make me question who …

who I was and what I could do because it is to hang on to the idea

Krefting ½63 that … that I was the old-me. You … you don’t want to do anything


that would make that idea shake so you … err … you … I realised that
Knox et al: ½62 I had made a prison for myself. I didn’t go out, I didn’t see people I


knew I didn’t um, you know, um, I was all very, err [short pause] err, I
Klinger ½61 didn’t want to disturb the idea in my head that I was, err, still exactly


the same after the accident [53, p.206].

Jumisko et al: ½60



Jones & Curtin ½59 Other participants described difficulty acknowledging per-


ceived changes:
Howeset al: ½58
I’m bloody slower … I work slower … I hate saying that … I’m very


Hoogerdijk et al: ½57 evasive to admitting to that … It frustrates me knowing what my


abilities used to be … We know what we were like before the accident

Gutman & Napier  and that’s the worst bloody thing … Hardly a day goes by that I don’t



think about it … [51, p. 398].

Glover ½55



Gelech & Desjardins ½ Autobiographical memory loss


Freeman et al: ½53 Autobiographical memory loss, disrupting access to self-history

and a continuous life-story, had a profound influence on people

Douglas ½52
with TBI knowing who they are as a person:

Table 2. Critical appraisal of study quality using the CASP tool.

Crisp ½51 I don’t remember myself in my later years with this amnesia. I



remember myself most clearly at 17 years old. I don’t remember being

Conneeley ½50

engaged but I remember (my girlfriend). I remember working in one

Conneeley ½49 office but not being supervisor. I am now only just getting to know this


person in the mirror. I don’t even look anything like I remembered. I

Chamberlain ½48 don’t feel, somehow, like I am anything like I was [63, p.76].


Brenner et al: ½47 Loss of autobiographical memory was experienced as being a


stranger in one’s own life:

Recruitment strategy appropriate

I got home after the accident; it was literally like I’d stepped into
addressed research issue?

somebody else’s shoes. I didn’t know my wife, I didn’t know where

Research design appropriate

Clear statement of findings?

relationship considered?
Data collected in way that

Ethical issues considered?

home was, and I thought the garage was a mess, and it was, I guess,
Data analysis rigorous?

just as I’d left it. So yeah, it was literally like I’d stepped into someone

else’s shoes [65, p.5].

to address aims?

to address aims?

Valuable research?

For some participants, it had an impact on their global sense

of personhood:

I don’t remember anything about my life before the accident. [W]hen I

woke up, I couldn’t identify my mother, my brothers, and sisters, I
Table 3. Characteristics of studies included in the meta-synthesis.
Geographical location
References Focus/aims of study Methodology Participants and setting Data collection
Brenner et al. [47] To understand precipitants and Hermeneutic N ¼ 13, 12 men, 1 woman; 33–65 years, mild USA. Veterans seen by the Interviews using a hermeneutic
preventative factors of phenomenology to severe TBI caused by road traffic local TBI interdisciplinary approach. One interview with each
suicidal behaviour in accident (RTA; n ¼ 8), fall (n ¼ 1), blast (n team with known history of participant; 30–60 min duration;
veterans with TBI. ¼ 1) or assault (n ¼ 3); 2–39 years post- TBI and suicidality. location not reported. Interviews

injury; living and employment status audio-recorded and transcribed.

not reported.
Chamberlain [48] To explore the experience of Qualitative N ¼ 60; 40 men, 20 women; 18–81 years; mild Adelaide, Australia. Individuals Interviews. One interview with each
surviving TBI. To explore the content analysis to critical TBI caused by RTA (47) or admitted to Intensive Care participant (together with family
experiences of self within unstated (n ¼ 13); one year post-injury; Unit at participating member); 45–60 min duration;
survival and recovery. living with family (n ¼ 50), nursing home hospitals one interviews conducted in participant
(n ¼ 7) or other (n ¼ 3); in employment (n year previously. home. Interviews audio-recorded and
¼ 25). One family member per participant transcribed.
also interviewed.
Conneeley [49] To gain insight into the issues Qualitative N ¼ 18; 13 men, 5 women; 17–60 years; UK. Patients consecutively Semi-structured interviews. Three
perceived as relevant for methodology–not severe TBI caused by RTA (n ¼ 12), assault discharged from the ward interviews with each participant: on
individuals with TBI re- reported (n ¼ 3), fall (n ¼ 1), accident at work (n ¼ 1) of a neurological discharge, six months and one year
entering their social or sporting injury (n ¼ 1); one year post- rehabilitation unit. post-discharge; duration not reported;
environment. injury; all discharged to home environment interviews conducted in participant
with family support; employment status not home or at the rehabilitation
reported. Significant other and professional hospital. Significant other and
staff also interviewed. professional staff also interviewed.
Conneeley [50] To explore the journey of Interpretative N ¼ 18; 13 men, 5 women; 17–60 years; UK. Participants recruited Semi-structured interviews. Three
individuals with TBI and phenomenological severe TBI, caused by RTA (n ¼ 12), assault through neurological interviews with each participant: on
their families over a period approach (IPA), (n ¼ 3), fall (n ¼ 1), accident at work (n ¼ 1) rehabilitation ward as they discharge, six months and one year
of one year following thematic analysis (TA) or sporting injury (n ¼ 1); recruited on were discharged. post-discharge; duration not reported;
discharge from a discharge from post-acute neurological most interviews conducted in
neurological rehabilitation ward; all living in the participant home. Significant other
rehabilitation ward. community supported by a family member; and healthcare professional also
employment status not reported. Significant interviewed. Interviews audio-
other and professional staff also recorded and transcribed.
Crisp [51] To explore the experience of Comparative analysis N ¼ 10; 6 men, 4 women, 22–50 years; mild to Victoria, Australia. Participants Unstructured and semi-structured
living with TBI and the severe TBI, cause not reported; 3–20 years recruited from Headway and interviews. 7–10 interviews with each
meaning it has for the post-injury; all living in the community; in via rehabilitation participant; 40–75 min duration;
person with TBI. To explore paid full-time employment (n ¼ 4), full- professionals working with location of interviews not reported.
psychosocial responses time students (n ¼ 2), part-time volunteers individuals with TBI. Interviews audio-recorded and
to TBI. (n ¼ 2), unemployed (n ¼ 2). transcribed.
Douglas [52] To explore the way in which Grounded theory (GT) N ¼ 20; 16 men, 4 women; 21–54 years; Australia. Participants recruited In-depth interviews. One interview with
adults who have sustained severe to very severe TBI caused by RTA; from metropolitan each participant; 90–180 min
a severe-very severe TBI 5–20 years post-injury; all living in the community disability duration; location of interviews not
conceptualise themselves community with various levels of paid and agencies that provide reported. Interviews audio-recorded
several years after unpaid support; no participants in paid services to people with TBI. and transcribed. Field notes.
the injury. employment, volunteers (n ¼ 4), in
vocational training programmes (n ¼ 2).
Freeman et al. [53] To explore the experience of TA N ¼ 9;all men; 22–59 years; moderate to UK. Participants had been Semi-structured interviews. One
male survivors of TBI in severe (or severity unknown n ¼ 3) TBI referred to, assessed by or interview with each participant,
relation to perceived caused by RTA (n ¼ 8) or work-related fall received neuropsychological 58 minutes duration on average;
changes in personal and (n ¼ 1); 17 months  21 years post-injury; rehabilitation from the interviews conducted at OZC (n ¼ 7)
social identity. To provide all living in the community; in employment Oliver Zangwill Centre for or participant home (n ¼ 2).
an understanding of the (n ¼ 7), of which voluntary (n ¼ 2), reduced Neuropsychological Interviews audio recorded and
individuals’ sense of self capacity (n ¼ 3), all in employment prior Rehabilitation (OZC) transcribed.
and sources of emotional to injury.
distress and growth.
Table 3. Continued.
Geographical location
References Focus/aims of study Methodology Participants and setting Data collection
Gelech & Desjardins [54] To explore the construction of Thematic, syntactic and N ¼ 4; 3 men, 1 woman; 37–55 years; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Life history and semi-structured
self following ABI. deep- moderate to severe TBI caused by RTA; Canada. Local interviews. Two interviews with each
structure analysis 4–21 years post-injury; living independently rehabilitation centre. participant; 35–90 min duration;
(n ¼ 2), in assisted living (n ¼ 2); no interviews conducted in rehabilitation
participants in employment, all employed centre or participant home.
prior to injury. Interviews audio-recorded and
Glover [55] To explore perceptions of Qualitative case history N ¼ 4; all men, 34–53 years; TBI caused by Essex, UK. Headway. Conversational interviews. Number,
quality of life following TBI; and framework RTA (n ¼ 2), fall (n ¼ 1) or other (n ¼ 1); duration and location of interviews
the effects of the injury on analytic approach severity of injury not reported; 6–11 years not reported. Interviews
family, social and working post-injury; living situation and audio-recorded.
life; and the effects of employment status not reported.
attending Headway on
quality of life.
Gutman & Napier- To explore the disruption of GT N ¼ 4; 2 men, 2 women; 33–46 years; TBI Northeast USA. Residential Open-ended interviews. Six interviews
Klemic [56] gender identity and gender caused by RTA; severity of injury not facility for people with with each participant; 60 min
role after TBI. reported; 10–18 years post-injury; living in head-injury. duration; interviews conducted in
a residential facility; in employment (n ¼ private informal settings such as the
3), all employed pre-injury. participant’s residence or a
recreational room at the facility.
Interviews audio-recorded and
Hoogerdijk et al. [57] To explore how individuals Narrative analysis N ¼ 4; 3 men, 1 woman; 33–61 years; TBI, Netherlands. Participants Interviews. Two interviews with each
with TBI make sense of cause not reported; severity of injury not discharged from inpatient participant; 50–90 min duration;
their adaptation process reported; 20–27 months post-injury; all treatment programme at a interviews conducted in participant
and the performance of married and living with partner; in rehabilitation centre at least home. Interviews audio-recorded and
occupations within employment (n ¼ 1). six months previously. transcribed.
the process.
Howes et al. [58] To investigate the experiences IPA N ¼ 6, all women; 30–51 years; mild to severe UK. Participants recruited via Semi-structured interviews. Two
of women with TBI. TBI, cause not reported; 7 months to 15 referrals made to a Clinical interviews with each participant;
years post-injury; living situation and Neuropsychologist at a duration not reported; interviews
employment status not reported. district general hospital. conducted in a private consultation
room at the hospital. Interviews
audio-recorded and transcribed.
Jones & Curtin [59] To explore masculine identity GT N ¼ 21; all men; 24–66 years; severe-extremely New South Wales, Australia. Semi-structured interviews. One
and participation of men severe TBI caused by RTA (n ¼ 14), fall Participants recruited from interview with each participant
with TBI living in rural (n ¼ 4) or assault (n ¼ 3); 2–31 years post- one of eight rural Brain (together with partner or support
Australia. To explore the injury; living situation not reported; Injury person); 60–90 min duration;
impact of role changes on unemployed (n ¼ 8), retired (n ¼ 4), Rehabilitation Programmes. interviews conducted in participant
identity and participation voluntary or unpaid work (n ¼ 2), in paid home or convenient location.
satisfaction. work (n ¼ 7). Interviews audio-recorded and
Jumisko et al. [60] To explore the meaning of Phenomenological N ¼ 12, 10 men, 2 women; 23–50 years; Sweden. Participants recruited Interviews. Two interviews with each
living with TBI as narrated hermeneutic method moderate to severe TBI caused by RTA by a psychologist and a participant; 60–75 min duration;
by people with moderate or (n ¼ 7), fall (n ¼ 3) or assault (n ¼ 2); 4–13 nurse working in two interviews conducted in participants
severe TBI. years post-injury; living with parent (n ¼ 2), different hospitals. home (n ¼ 11) or work place (n ¼ 1).
partner (n ¼ 2), alone or with children (n Interviews audio-recorded and
¼ 8); employment status not reported. transcribed.
Klinger [61] To explore experiences of the Constant N ¼ 7; 6 men, 1 woman; 29–45 years; TBI Ontario, Canada. Participants In-depth, semi-structured interviews.
process of occupational comparative method caused by RTA (n ¼ 4), accident at work recruited via the director of One interview with each participant;
adaptation after TBI. To (n ¼ 2) or assault (n ¼ 1); severity of injury a local brain injury 90 min duration; location of
explore occupation and not reported; 2–16 years post-injury; living association and by the interviews not reported. Interviews

identity following TBI. situation not reported; in employment director of a clubhouse audio-recorded and transcribed.
(n ¼ 1), unemployed (n ¼ 6). programme for individuals
with TBI.

Table 3. Continued.
Geographical location
References Focus/aims of study Methodology Participants and setting Data collection
Knox et al. [62] To explore how participation Constructivist GT N ¼ 8; 6 men, 2 women; 18  55 years; Eastern Australia. Participants Unstructured in-depth interviews. Two
in decision making moderate-severe TBI caused by RTA (n ¼ 5), invited through community- to three interviews per participant,
contributes to self- sporting accident (n ¼ 1), fall (n ¼ 2); 7–29 based rehabilitation total of 20 interviews; 45–155 min
conceptualisation in adults years post-injury; all living in the clinicians, brain injury duration; location of interviews not
with severe TBI. services and support groups reported. Interviews audio recorded

community; not in paid employment (n ¼

6), employed part-time (n ¼ 2). In full time in eastern states and transcribed. Interviewer
employment or study at time of of Australia. field notes.
injury (n ¼ 7).
Krefting [63] To explore the life experiences Ethnographic study. N ¼ 21; 14 men, 7 women; 17–41 years; Urban community, Southwest Non-structured interviews with
of people with TBI and their Thematic and moderate to severe TBI, cause not reported; USA. Participants recruited individual, family members and
family to gain an content analysis 2–22 years post-injury; all living in the via leaders of the local friends. 80 interviews in total;
understanding of disability. community; in employment (n ¼ 1), branch of the National Head 60–240 min duration; location of
supported by income from insurance Injury Foundation or by interviews not reported. Interviews
settlement, social security or allowances others in the study. audio-recorded and transcribed.
from parents (n ¼ 20). Family members Participant observation at family
and neighbours, teachers, friends also support group meetings, treatment
interviewed. sessions, and family time.
Document review.
Lawson et al. [64] To provide an Autoethnography N ¼ 1, female; age and time post-injury not Montreal, Canada. Participant Four years of poetry and journal entries,
autoethnographic reported; moderate TBI caused by RTA; recruited through interview. Number, duration and
exploration of the lived living in the community; employment social connection. location not reported.
experience of rehabilitation status not reported.
following brain injury.
Levack et al. [65] To explore experiences of GT N ¼ 49; 34 men, 15 women; 21–79 years; New Zealand. Participants Focus groups. One focus group per
change and reconstruction clinical data regarding severity of TBI not recruited from eight urban region, (n ¼ 4–9 participants per
of self-identity following TBI reported, self-reported mild-severe TBI and rural regions via local focus group), two researchers
to develop a theoretical caused by RTA (n ¼ 28), fall (n ¼ 11), sport TBI community support present, 90–120 min duration, held in
framework for measuring accident (n ¼ 3), assault (n ¼ 3), work organisations. local regional centres; participants
identity following TBI. accident (n ¼ 2), medical misadventure invited to bring support person to
(n ¼ 1) or aeroplane accident (n ¼ 1); 6 facilitate the participant in expressing
months to 36 years post-injury; living their views, views expressed by the
situation not reported; in part-time supporters were not included in
employment or study after accident (n ¼ 8), analysis. Focus groups audio recorded
unemployed (n ¼ 31), retired (n ¼ 8), home- and transcribed.
maker (n ¼ 2).
Muenchenberger To explore turning points and Interpretative qualitative N ¼ 6; 4 men, 2 women; 22–42 years, TBI Australia. Participants had In-depth narrative/life-story interviews
et al. [66] processes which define the research design using caused by RTA; severity of injury not received formal inpatient with critical incident technique. Two
experience of identity a phenomenological reported; 1–25þ years post-injury; living and outpatient brain injury interviews with each participant;
change for people with TBI. approach. TA situation not reported; participants had rehabilitation but were not duration and location of interviews
attained ’positive productive outcomes’ current rehabilitation clients. not reported. Interviews audio-
following brain injury (e.g., return to recorded and transcribed.
work, study).
Nochi [67] To explore the self-images of Constant comparison N ¼ 4; 3 men, 1 woman; 24–40 years; TBI New York, USA. Participants In-depth interviews and observations.
people with TBI and how caused by RTA (n ¼ 3) or fall (n ¼ 1); recruited from an Two interviews with each participant;
they experience severity of injury not reported; 3–12 years independent living centre or 30–45 min duration; interviews
psychological distress. post-injury; all living in the community TBI support group. conducted in participant home,
independently (n ¼ 3) or with parents independent living centre or
(n ¼ 1); in employment (n ¼ 3) or university. Interviews audio-recorded
study (n ¼ 1). and transcribed.
Nochi [68] To explore experiences of self GT N ¼ 10; 6 men, 4 women, 24–49 years, TBI, Northeast USA. Participants Semi-structured interviews conducted
after TBI. caused by RTA (n ¼ 8), sports injury (n ¼ 1) recruited from a TBI support with the seven participants recruited
or fall (n ¼ 1); severity of injury not group (n ¼ 7). Additional from the support group. Two or
reported; 2–12 years post-injury; all lived in data collected from e-mail more interviews with each
the community alone or with family; in full- participant; 45–60 min duration;
Table 3. Continued.
Geographical location
References Focus/aims of study Methodology Participants and setting Data collection
time employment (n ¼ 3), in part-time written on the TBI Support location of interviews not reported.
employment (n ¼ 3), in graduate study (n List on the internet (n ¼ 3). Interviews audio-recorded and
¼ 1), unemployed (n ¼ 1). transcribed. Participant observation.
Also reviewed text from TBI e-mail
discussion board for three
Nochi [69] To explore loss of sense of self GT N ¼ 10; 8 men, 2 women; 24–54 years; TBI Northeast USA. Participants Semi-structured interviews. Two to three
experience in relation to the caused by RTA (n ¼ 8), sporting injury recruited from a TBI support interviews with each participant;
sociocultural context. To (n ¼ 1) or fall (n ¼ 1); severity of injury not group. Additional data 45–60 min duration; interviews
identify the images or labels reported; 3–28 years post-injury; all collected from e-mail conducted in place familiar to
that individuals with TBI participants were living in the community; written on the TBI Support participant. Interviews audio-recorded
feel they receive from in employment (n ¼ 4), in study (n ¼ 2), List on the internet. and transcribed. Participant
society by examining their unemployed (n ¼ 4). Additional data observation. Also reviewed text from
self-narratives. obtained from 13 participants, 5 men, 8 TBI e-mail discussion board of 13
women, 2–61 years; 1–34 years post-injury. additional participants.
O’Callaghan et al. [70] To explore self-awareness and Qualitative N ¼ 14, 8 men, 6 women; include age range Australia. Participants had Unstructured interviews. One interview
insight and the concept of research– 18–65 years; moderate to severe TBI; cause responded to a survey in an with each participant together with
readiness in relation to interpretative not reported; time post-injury not reported; earlier stage of the research significant other if present; 45 min to
experiences of engaging paradigm living situation and employment status not and expressed an interest in 2.5 h duration; conducted in location
with therapy in people reported. Significant others (n ¼ 9) also being interviewed. of participant’s choosing (home or
with TBI. interviewed. local cafe). Interviews audio-recorded
and transcribed.
O’Callaghan et al. [71] To explore experiences of IPA N ¼ 10; 7 men, 3 women; 21–60 years; Birmingham, UK. Patients Semi-structured interviews. One
gaining awareness of moderate to severe TBI caused by RTA attending an outpatient interview with each participant;
deficits after TBI. (n ¼ 6) or fall (n ¼ 4); 6 months  5 years post-acute 60 min duration; location of
post-injury; living at home with family (n ¼ rehabilitation service. interviews not reported. Interviews
7), with support (n ¼ 3). audio-recorded and transcribed.
Padilla [72] To investigate the lived Phenomenology N ¼ 1; female; 40 years; TBI caused by train Nebraska. Participants recruited Interviews and e-mail conversation.
experience of disability for a accident; severity not reported; 21 years through social contact. Eleven interviews and 72 e-mail
woman who sustained a post-injury; living at home and working. message exchanges; 60–90 min
head injury 20 years ago. duration; interviews conducted in
participant work place or home. Two
interviews audio-recorded and
transcribed; interview notes for
remaining interviews.
Parsons & Stanley [73] To explore the experience of Phenomenological N ¼ 2; both men; 30 and 44 years; mild to Rural South Australia. Semi-structured interviews. One/two
occupational adaptation and approach moderate TBI, caused by RTA; 1 and 15 Participants recruited via with each participant; 60 min
strategies used by people years post-injury; both living in their own Brain Injury duration; location of interviews not
with ABI living in a home in rural Australia; employment status Rehabilitation Services. reported. Interviews audio-recorded
rural area. not reported. and transcribed.
Petrella et al. [74] To explore the process of GT, constant N ¼ 6; 4 men, 2 women; 33–78 years; severe Ontario, Canada. Participants Semi-structured interviews. Two-three
returning to productive comparative TBI caused by RTA; 13–15 years post-injury; recruited from an outreach interviews with each participant;
activities from the method all living in the community; part-time community programme for 18–90 min duration; interviews
perspective of people with student and volunteer (n ¼ 1); part-time people with brain injuries. conducted in participant home.
longstanding ABI. To employment (n ¼ 1), working in a Interviews audio-recorded and
understand how intrinsic vocational rehabilitation programme (n transcribed.
and extrinsic factors enable ¼ 4).
or limit productive
involvement over time.
Price-Lackey & To explore how a person Narrative analysis. N ¼ 1; female; 43 years; moderately severe TBI California. Recruitment Life history interviews. Two interviews;
Cashman [75] experiences and adapts to caused by RTA; 5 years post-injury. not reported. 3 h and 4 h; one year apart; location
head injury focusing on of interviews not reported. Interviews

occupational satisfaction audio-recorded and transcribed.

and adaptation.

Table 3. Continued.

Geographical location
References Focus/aims of study Methodology Participants and setting Data collection
Roscigno & Van To highlight one man’s Symbolic interactionism N ¼ 1, male, 35 years, severe TBI caused by USA. Recruitment not reported. Written journal, written retrospectively.
Liew [76] personal writings about his RTA; 18 years post-injury; living and In person and telephone discussions.
life after experiencing employment status not reported. Duration and location of ’discussions’
severe TBI. To provide not reported.
preliminary understanding

of the nature of social

interactions for people with
TBI. To explore the social
processes that influenced
the assignment of meaning
to his life.
Roundhill et al. [77] To explore the process of loss. IPA N ¼ 7; 6 men, 1 woman; 32–60 years; severe UK. Participants recruited Semi-structured interviews. One
To explore how individuals TBI caused by RTA (n ¼ 6) or assault (n ¼ 1); through Headway. interview with each participant;
experience grief following 3–40 years post-injury; living situation and duration and location of interviews
TBI and how they view employment status not reported. not reported. Interviews audio-
themselves and their lives recorded and transcribed.
in light of these losses.
Sabat et al. [78] To explore the construction of Life history methodology N ¼ 1, male, 31 years; severe TBI caused by KwaZulu, South Africa. In-depth semi-structured interviews.
identity pre and post TBI. and narrative analysis explosion; 12 years post-injury; living Participant recruited from Three interviews with each
situation and employment status rehabilitation institution for participant; 90 min duration;
not reported. individuals with stroke and interviews conducted at rehabilitation
head injury. institution. Interviews audio-recorded.
Document review of personal journal
and photograph album.
Shotton et al. [79] To explore appraisal, coping IPA N ¼ 9, 7 men, 2 women; 21–59 years; UK. Participants recruited via Semi-structured interviews. One
and adjustment in moderate to severe TBI caused by RTA database of neurological interview with each participant;
individuals with a TBI. (n ¼ 4), fall (n ¼ 3) or assault (n ¼ 2); 2–6 rehabilitation unit. 54–87 min duration; location of
years post-injury; unemployed (n ¼ 3), interviews not reported. Interviews
attending day centre (n ¼ 1), in education, audio-recorded and transcribed.
(n ¼ 4), employed (n ¼ 1). All employed
prior to brain injury.
Soeker [80] To explore the difficulties in Data analysis methods N ¼ 10, 9 men, 1 woman; 31–64 years; mild to South Africa. Participants In-depth interviews. One interview with
resuming and maintaining described by Morse moderate brain injury, cause not reported; recruited from statistical each participant; 60 min duration;
worker roles, adaptation and Field (1996): time post-injury not reported; living records of Hospital location of interviews not reported.
following TBI, and the comprehending, situation not reported; all in employment. Occupational Therapy Interviews audio-recorded and
relationship between synthesising, Department and Road transcribed.
competence and identity theorising and Accident Fund Organization.
in TBI. recontextualising
Strandberg [81] To explore how individuals Critical interpretation N ¼ 15; 10 men, 5 women; 19–53 years; mild €
Orebro, Sweden. Outreach In-depth interviews. One interview with
with TBI experience the perspective. to moderate TBI caused by RTA (n ¼ 11), team of University hospital each participant; 1–2 h duration;
changeover process that Qualitative fall (n ¼ 3) or assault (n ¼ 1); 5 months to €
of Orebro. interviews conducted in participant
arises after the trauma. content analysis 17 years post-injury; living situation and home, workplace or at the university.
employment status not reported. Interviews audio-recorded and
Sveen et al. [82] To explore TBI as a Qualitative N ¼ 20, 8 men, 12 women; 22–60 years; mild Norway. Participants recruited Focus groups. Seven groups, 2–4
biographical disruption and content analysis TBI resulting from RTA (n ¼ 9), fall (n ¼ 7) from a return to work participants per group; two
to study the reconstruction or other (n ¼ 4); 21–46 weeks post-injury; outpatient researchers per group; duration not
of everyday occupations all living in the community, cohabiting rehabilitation programme. reported; conducted as part of return
and work participation in (n ¼ 15), alone (n ¼ 5); in partial or full to work programme. Focus groups
people with mild TBI. employment (n ¼ 12). All in employment audio recorded and transcribed.
or studying at time of injury.

couldn’t identify anything. … I didn’t know I was an almost 18-year-old or support workers or whoever, have told the people around you that
girl. … I didn’t know what one should do as a human being [60, p.44]. this is how they will react, they’ll be like this forever, they’ll be this way,
they can’t they’re just thinking that they can [66, p.988].
Loss of accurate self-history could leave participants not know-
ing how to approach daily life and challenges: Feedback from other people was considered especially influen-
tial to appraisals of identity change due to changes in awareness
cause you’re brought up with the ‘self’ you know, you dealt with
everything and it doesn’t matter how old you are, the history you’ve
post-injury resulting in people with TBI being more reliant on that
had gets you to the point that you’re at now and then to become feedback: “ … my benchmark for how I am doing, I read off the
something totally different [66, p.985]. feedback of other people” [74, p.649].

Loss of autonomy
Responses of other people that highlight change
People with TBI highlighted loss of autonomy post-injury as
Although a minority of participants described experiences of
undermining of their self-identity through its impact on their
being treated the same as they were before by close others, for
sense of personhood and their social standing: “We planned to be
many the changed responses of close others was a major chal-
together alone at night. … We were found [by staff members]
lenge to self-identity. These responses could signal a change in
and separated. Do you know how that makes me feel? I’m 46 and
the person with TBI which they might not be aware of: “ … I feel
she’s 43. I feel like we’re children” [56, p.541]. This included lack
that there is something about me th … that there is something
of involvement in decision-making about personal aspects of their
that my wife doesn’t feel is right and that, is, maybe something
daily lives: “I haven’t recovered. I can’t even do my own hair. No
about me that is … that I … I need to change … ” [53, p.201].
The attitudes and actions of friends and family towards the sur- sense of control … I don’t even choose what I wear”[48, p.413],
vivor included treating them with pity, wariness, or like a child: and their body: “Now that I have diabetes they’re really watching
out for me. Which is a good thing for my own health, but I don’t
I feel that because of the head injury other people, mostly relatives and feel like I am in control of my own body, of my own self”
those who don’t know me or just met me, treat me like a small child. I
[54, p.70].
feel that some of my older relatives think of me as “little Kevin.” … I
notice people who work with the elderly or small children will raise the Some participants acknowledged that in the early post-injury
pitch in their voice. I notice people who do not know me very well will stages, it could be appropriate for other people to take responsi-
talk to me with a high pitch. … Those same people will explain to me bility for their care: “In the early stages I had no problem with the
what I need to do as if I am a 3-year-old [76,p.215]. hospital calling the shots” [50, p.81]. However, it could still pro-
Often it was family or friends who had known the person foundly influence self-identity: “And suddenly after the injury I
before the injury who pointed out changes in their personality or was forced to take help, myself, despite you are an adult, that is
capabilities: “the old man [father] reckons I didn’t have a clue also—that takes naturally on the subconscious, somehow. That
where to start and he goes, ‘gee that’s no good’ because I used you can’t do things by yourself, as you used to do earlier … ” [81,
to … put things together pretty easy” [70, p.1605]. p.286]. For some, lack of decision-making opportunities could
Frequently, the responses of other people contradicted the result in a revision of self-identity so that people with TBI identi-
person with TBI’s own felt sense of being the same: “How I get fied themselves with “sick role” [66, p.985] and could prompt pas-
on with people I don’t think has particularly changed but I think sive self-positioning: “I just walk away and leave it, and go, ‘it’s up
people must obviously have a different view of me because to you’” [62, p.2253].
they’re assessing, you know, does he really understand” [49,
p.360]. Treatment by others, including employers highlighted dis- Comparing old-me and new-me–loss of valued roles and activities
crepancies between self and other perception. For example, one Comparisons between pre- and post- injury self, typically
participant described returning to work: “I personally thought it prompted by return to pre-injury environments or the attempted
went really well. but then work suspended me on grounds of not resumption of pre-injury roles and activities, contributed to judge-
being able to do the job, so there was my perception and their ments of identity change following TBI. Difficulty accessing pre-
perception and they were completely different … ” [58, p.135]. injury self-defining social roles was frequently cited in appraisals
These discrepancies undermined participants’ sense of a continu- of identity change:
ous identity prompting them to question their self-image: “maybe Part of what exacerbated my profound sense of loss of self was the loss
I’m not seeing myself properly” [58, p.135]. of my role as a valued member of the healthcare team. [ … ] A
Responses of professionals, which indicated change or damage fundamental part of how I defined myself was associated with my
to self, which included results of neuropsychological tests, could previous work. I defined myself–and my sense of competence and
also threaten notions of a stable and intact self: compassion–in that role [64, p.242].

Yeah, like I think, I think I’m okay. But yet I have tests, I have cognitive Typically, comparisons between pre- and post-injury roles high-
tests and they all prove that, no, you’re not what you used to be. I had lighted loss of status; after the injury people with TBI occupied
tests done, you know, and he said, ‘Well according to what we have on what they perceived to be devalued roles both occupationally: “I
your information, your standards and stuff, you’re down considerably’.
went from being, I suppose, a motivational lecturer to doing mail
But I don’t consider myself a dimwit really [54,p.67].
runs” [70, p.1604] and in relationships: “Well it’s like instead of say
These authoritative discourses frequently caused participants to being you know, the old fashioned head of the household, it’s
question their self-knowledge and defer to medical and professional like I’m just a—well not quite a nothing, but just don’t have a lot
knowledge: “I don’t feel anything wrong with my brain, [but] they of status” [65, p.5–6]. These changes affected self-worth so that
insist I’m brain injured. Well wouldn’t they know?” [54, p.67–68]. some people with TBI appraised themselves to be a “lesser per-
They could be co-opted by family and friends in ways that under- son” [50, p.80] after the injury: “you feel worthless, you aren’t
mined the credibility of the participant’s own self experiences: profitable you just feel a spare part sitting there doing nothing”
[another challenge] is when you actually get over certain things but [55, p.753].
people around you are still thinking that you’re still the person that’s Without access to pre-injury roles, people with TBI struggled
got the injury and that injury will always be with you because doctors to define their identity: “If I’m nor a writer, if I’m nor a doer, who

can do things for other people because I no longer have the cap- dimension (responses of others highlighting change, restrictions
acity. If I’m nor any of those things, then who am I as a person?” on autonomy, social rejection and stigma). The critical role played
[75, p.311]. In the absence of new roles by which to define their by others is to be expected. Our understanding of ourselves pri-
identity, some participants described having no clear sense of marily derives from, and is sustained by, our interactions with
who they are: others: it is through interpreting how others behave towards us
When they ask me what I do, for the last couple of years I have said
that we understand who we are [3]. From this perspective, social
‘nothing’. After that 75% of people don’t want to talk to you. But if you interactions are central to developing self-understanding and revi-
are working, then you are one of the guys. If not, who knows what you sing the sense of self after an ABI [24,84].
are [63, p.77]. The experiences that challenge self-identity also appeared to
Other people with TBI defined themselves by the brain injury vary in their time of occurrence. It was apparent that some could
and its consequences: “I’m no longer Miss M. the teacher. I’m occur in the earliest stages of recovery (e.g., awareness of changes
Barb the resident at [long-term care facility]” [54, p.66] or by in function) but others occurred at a later date (e.g., social rejec-
absence itself: “nothing unable man” [47, p.393]. tion and stigma). Some could also be tied to particular milestones
Discrepancies between participants’ potential/imagined pre- in the recovery process; for example, comparisons between pre-
and post-injury futures also contributed to appraisals of identity and post- injury self appeared to be typically prompted by a
change. Participants discussed loss of what they “could-a been; return to pre-injury environments or the attempted resumption of
should-a been” [61, p.12] because of the head-injury: pre-injury roles and activities. The occurrence of, and reaction to,
I should have already fallen in love and gotten married, had a the experiences that challenge self-identity are also likely to
family, gone down that route. I know I would have been in an depend on the type and severity of impairments (e.g., the pres-
executive level position at work by now. [ … ] It just feels like part ence and severity of autobiographical memory loss), and the
of my life was not fulfilled [56, p.540]. degree of awareness about impairments which may have a neuro-
logical basis as well as being a psychological mechanism to cope
Social rejection and stigma with changes that threaten self-image [3]. Further investigation of
A common experience was that, after initial shows of concern and how these factors influence the occurrence and reaction to chal-
support, friends and even family withdrew and social life con- lenging experiences would be useful. Such information could
tracted. The rejection inherent in this response prompted apprais- assist clinicians in choosing the right time to support people in
als of reduced self-worth and a revaluation of one’s dealing with the challenging experiences.
social identity: The rationale for the current review was based on the idea
that, in the absence of well-developed and effective interventions
Friends just don’t happen for me no more. Before my brain injury, you
ask who was on the ‘A’ list all the time in the social things, well, I was focused on self-identity, knowing more about the experiences
in there and now I’m not. Now I’m on the loser end of things. I dunno that challenge self-identity and how people react to them could
what it is, but they’re not interested at all [54, p.66–67]. provide the basis for developing interventions that support peo-
An experience which could lead to a particularly negative ple in dealing with these experiences in a way that is less distress-
revaluation of self was being treated as part of a homogenous, ing and more constructive than Goldstein’s [1] catastrophic
marginalised group: “I guess one of the fears now is this. If I say, reaction. Taken together with other literature, the findings of the
‘Oh, I had a head trauma’, then people are going to think that review suggest some initial ideas about how this support might
I’m, you know, beyond whole person” [69, p.670]. Labels like brain be developed in the future.
injury or disability were considered by some participants to con- In relation to awareness of change in physical, cognitive, emo-
tribute to the process of undermining their individuality: “I don’t, I tional and social functioning, clearly the provision of experiences
don’t like the word ‘disability’. I, I just, you know, that’s just soci- likely to trigger such awareness, and accompanying education
ety’s way of saying, you know. They [people with TBI] are more about the impact of TBI, needs to be conducted in a sensitive
unique” [67, p.547]. They were considered by some participants to manner. A graded approach in which the person is given the
be a barrier to other people getting to know them: “I don’t like opportunity to come to terms with a few changes at a time may
the term ‘TBI’ because it just puts another stigma. It puts things be preferable to flooding the person with an overwhelming
on people. It’s just a title ( … ) [Suppose I say] ‘I have TBI’, and amount of experience and information [85,86]. The experiences
that’s going to stop people from getting to know me” [68, p.873]. and education need to be provided in a context that is emotion-
Participants identified more subtle forms of stigma in profes- ally supportive and in which the person has an opportunity to
sional discourses and practices that were identified as contribu- reflect on their reactions [85]. An appropriate balance between
ting to denial of personhood: “If you’re a client, you’re not a realism and hope for improvement also needs to be struck [3]. It
person. You’re looked at in a very clinical way” [56, p.541]. One may also help to counterbalance the shock of change if areas of
participant’s description powerfully captured the experience of functioning that remain intact are highlighted. This may help pre-
having one’s personhood stripped away within institutional envi- vent the appraisals of radical and global change to self, and mis-
ronments: “To the staff we are all the same, one body is just like trust of the self as a whole, reported by some participants in the
the next”[54, p.69]. reviewed papers. These interventions need to be provided by the
whole rehabilitation team and special attention needs to be given
to events that are particularly likely to confront people with the
Discussion reality of change, such as functional and neuropsychological
This meta-synthesis draws together findings dispersed across the assessments, and initial visits or return home. Fleming and
qualitative literature concerning the kinds of experience that chal- Ownsworth [85] highlight the relevance of counselling techniques
lenge self-identity after TBI. Some of the experiences had a more to work through grief and re-establish self-identity and self-mas-
introspective focus (specifically, awareness of changes in function, tery particularly for people with psychologically-based loss of
autobiographical memory loss, and comparisons of old-me and awareness after ABI. Clinicians also need to address the possibility
new-me) whereas in others there was a more explicit social of avoidance, in terms of the person avoiding both thinking about

change and avoiding situations that confront them with the real- to help people with a TBI to deal with the stigma they face. This
ity of change. This should be part of a more general effort in includes helping them to decide when and to whom they should
rehabilitation to help people address withdrawal and avoidance, disclose information about their injury to others in society [103].
and the threat-related anxieties that underlie this [87–89]. Consideration of the individual’s social identity may also be use-
Clinicians should also be aware of the psychological comfort that ful. Identifying oneself with others who share the stigmatized
may be gained from routine and orderliness. identity can facilitate a more resilient response to stigma by
The theme of responses of other people that highlight change establishing a more positive and robust self-identity [104,105].
also underlined the importance of providing feedback about The loss of friendships after TBI is a common experience
change in a sensitive manner. Medical discourses focus on dam- [106–108]. The present review suggests that this too may have a
age, loss and disability; conceptualise the individual as a collec- negative impact on self-identity. Despite its frequency, interven-
tion of clinical problems rather than as a whole person; and tions to try to prevent the loss are infrequently reported. An
highlight “personality change” and being “a different person” exception is circle of support where a purpose-built friendship
[6,90]. These discourses are often taken up by family members group is established by workers or volunteers to replace or
[90,91]. With the focus on damage and deficiency, such discourses strengthen natural friendship networks that might have dropped
may damage the individual’s self-concept and self-esteem [92]. off after TBI. The aim is to increase social support, community
They may also undermine relationships between the person with integration and participation following TBI [109]. An evaluation of
the TBI and their clinical and family support [81], particularly if a similar supported relationships intervention found that three
the person is unaware of the changes that are highlighted in this participants with TBI reported increased number of integrated
way or if the person feels a sense of continuity with their past social contacts compared to baseline during a four-week interven-
self [54,86]. These discourses may be less helpful than ones that tion period and four weeks of follow-up. Compared to baseline,
focus on specific changes in the context of an emphasis on areas the participants engaged in a greater variety of activities and
of functioning that remain intact and on the continuity between interacted with a larger number of people during the intervention
the past and current self. and follow-up phases [110].
The paternalism associated with the traditional medical model Autobiographical memory loss is often overlooked in rehabili-
of care [93] may be a major contributor to the practices that gave tation services and, because of the difficulties in reliable evalu-
rise to the experience of loss of autonomy. Autonomy is key to ation, may not even be assessed in any systematic way. Yet the
the sense of personhood, and being deprived of it can have a findings of this review suggest that it may have an important
damaging impact on self-identity [94]. The importance of promot- impact on self-identity in cases where the loss is significant. The
ing autonomy in health care is widely recognised and underlies value of life-story work [111] as a way of helping people to adjust
major policy initiatives to ensure that care is “person-centred” to a disrupted and fragmented sense of self merits investigation.
[95,96]. However, in these policy contexts, the concept of person- The enablement of people to return to valued roles and activ-
centred care has often been narrowed down to the idea that ities after a TBI is a well-established aim of rehabilitation [112].
patients should be involved in decisions about their health care This should help address the issues identified under the theme of
[97]. Rehabilitation services often do have an emphasis on involv- comparing old-me and new-me. Indeed, some of the reviewed
ing patients and families in these decisions through the medium studies describe how a return to employment and other meaning-
of goal-setting [98]. However, clinical services for people with TBI ful activities helped support the development of a more positive
might usefully be guided by the richer concept that was originally and robust self-identity that was not defined by the injury
developed in dementia care and that goes beyond just involving [54,65,66]. However, the review highlighted that the value placed
people in healthcare decisions [94]. Brooker [99] described four on the role or activity was a key determinant of how much its
central components of person-centred care, summarised in the loss affected self-identity. A return to what are generally consid-
acronym VIPS. The Valuing component is about valuing the per- ered important roles and activities may not be as useful as a
sonhood of people with dementia and according them the same return to what was of particular value to the individual.
moral and social status as everyone else in society. The Individual Acceptance and commitment therapy may be a useful approach
component is about treating the person with dementia as an indi- in addressing this particular issue [113–115]. Key components of
vidual with a unique personal history and personality, and their the approach include an assessment of what is valuable to the
own wishes, values and goals. The Perspective component refers individual and whether their life is being lived according to those
to the need for the carer to try to understand the world from the values, and efforts to help the individual live their life in accord-
perspective of the person with dementia, and to respond with ance with their values [113–115]. Sometimes a return to valued
empathy. The Social component is about creating a positive social roles and activities is difficult. In such cases a person might be
environment and experience. Methods are available for evaluating helped by supporting them in re-prioritising what is important to
clinical services in terms of how well they promote these compo- them [113–115].
nents [100,101]; so too are guidelines about how to improve serv-
ices in this respect. This richer notion of person-centred care also
has application in considering the care provided by families, and
helping families to deliver more person-centred care may have As with all meta-syntheses [41], there was an element of subject-
significant benefits for the self-identity of the person with ivity in the selection and interpretation of papers. This was com-
TBI [102]. plicated by the inclusion of studies whose primary focus was not
Person-centred care also implications for how society in gen- experiences that challenge identity. This meant that some papers
eral deals with people with TBI. The valuing component implies lacked sustained exploration of this issue and this might have
dealing at a societal level with the stigma often faced by people required a greater degree of interpretation on the part of the
with a TBI [103]. This may help address the damaging impact of author. It also meant that some relevant papers may have been
stigma on self-identity as well as other negative consequences missed because the search engines are not sufficiently sensitive
such as social withdrawal and avoidance [89]. There is also a need to detect material that may constitute a relatively minor part of

the whole paper. Several steps were taken to enhance the rigour could usefully explore the experiences of people with TBI from
and trustworthiness of the selection and evaluation of papers. In non-White, collectivist or economically less-developed countries
terms of selection, the suitability of every paper for inclusion was to identify the points of intersection and divergence with the
reviewed by at least two authors, with disagreement resolved themes identified in this meta-synthesis.
through discussion with a third author. All papers were also In conclusion, this review has synthesised the qualitative
reviewed by two authors in relation to applying the CASP quality research on key experiences that challenge self-identity in people
criteria, and a high level of agreement was achieved. In terms of with a TBI. By synthesising findings into one single paper, this
thematic interpretation, an initial set of themes was developed by review makes information more accessible to clinicians working
the first author. The second author then independently checked within neuro-rehabilitation. They can use the findings to support
five studies. No new themes were identified by the second author them in supporting people with TBI and their relatives to negoti-
who also identified evidence to support each of the initial ate their identity experiences with less distress and more
themes. Because of this level of agreement and the labour-inten- successfully.
sive nature of the task, it was not considered necessary for all
papers to be reviewed in this way. Guidelines on conducting
meta-analyses do not suggest a percentage of papers that need Acknowledgments
to be reviewed by a second person for thematic agreement, and We thank Dr Kate Muse for her contribution to screening of
many published meta-analyses do not include any such review. papers and critical appraisal of study quality.
Another step to maintain the rigour and trustworthiness of the
analysis was a check of whether the final set of themes was pre-
sent across a range of papers. This was to ensure that the final Disclosure statement
set was not unduly influenced by a small number of papers and The authors report no conflicts of interest.
represented an emerging consensus across a larger sample. In the
event, each theme was represented across at least nine papers.
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quotations in the review, demonstrating how the themes were Gerard A. Riley
grounded in the interview data [35].
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