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Unidad 1 y 2 (Quiz 1)

In Bogota there is too much crime, There arent enough policeme

We need more security

Unidad 3 y 4 (Quiz 2)

My actual apartment isnt warm enough

There arent enough light bulbs

My apartment is too cold

But My new apartment is just as big as my old apartment

I wish I lived in other country

Unidad 5 y 6 (Quiz 3)

You have to carry your ID here in bogotA -- You should not use your cell pone in the street
Unidad 7 y 8 (Quiz 4)

Halloween is a day when kids wear costumes

Dicember 24 is the day when people celebrate crishtmas

When is a baby shower, usually the family bring gifts

Usually After a baby shower the baby is born

Before the baby is born, the couple prepare the baby shower
You shouldn’t have!expresionUnidad 9 y 10 (Quiz 5)
Unidad 11 y 12 (Quiz 6)
Unidad 13 y 14 (Quiz 7)

I think El origen is a really interesting movie , becouse you feel intrigued all the time

And for example I think the romance movies areboring, i feel bored
Unidad 15 y 16 (Quiz 8)

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