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Código 58000090


For any moment and for any situation, have a good ability to learn quickly, is a quality that
will help us to improve in any area of our live in which we want to be better, day by day
there is something new that we can learn, can be in a professional level as in personal
relationships or in the student area, no matter how small is the information, in some
moment can be very useful.
The objective when we try to learn something new is that this is retained in the brain, for
this there are several tips that always give us for example do one thing at a time, because
if we concentrate more on that something, we will learn more about it, another advice is
to sleep well, because with this the brain is completely fresh and its capacity to absorb
and retain information is much better.
Each person is a world and therefore the facility of learning and the ability to retain
depends of each person either by biological or genetic factors, or because the person has
habits that satisfy to improve this ability, but beyond this, what is certain is that anyone
can improve this ability or this process of the brain to retain more information, or so says
the science.
Personally I think that it depends of several factors, the first one that I think that
influences more is if the activity or the information that we want to retain or learn faster,
is of our interest, with this I mean if we enjoy doing this activity and learning of this, to
give an example, I like math and I have never liked chemistry, and the reason I have never
liked chemistry may be that it never was easy for me to learn or understand the subjects
of the teachers, while Math and English always have been easier for me, my way of
understanding and learning the subjects is much more fluent and fast, which personally
makes me think that a fast learning depends principally in taking pleasure in what we
want to learn.
I think that technology in part helps and also affects the learning processes of people, and
I say this because technology instead of helping us to be autonomous and that we are the
ones who have the information stored in our brain, technology offers us tools which save
us all kinds of information in a device that we can keep in a pocket which in part makes it
much easier for us to retain all the information we want, but doesn’t help us necessarily to
retain it where it really matters and is in our brain, reaching the point where we don’t
know at least the numbers of our family, so I think that technology is the most useful tool,
but to learn doesn’t benefit us.
Something very useful that I’m learning in the university are the subjects of mathematics
considering that I study civil engineering, mathematics is very important not only in my
career, in my professional future too, to learn all this, I needed first to learn the
fundamental bases, to begin from the easiest to the most complex. I think that yes, I had
wanted to learn it if I hadn’t been an engineer but not so deeply, to learn mainly the bases
of mathematics , I think that the principal help of the technology in this process we find it
in a calculator, I think that is the only necessary tool to learn mathematics the rest
depends on us.

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