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Intermittent fasting guide:

Protein recommendations:
• Chicken
• Tuna
• Soy chunks
• Milk
• Protein bars/snacks
• Lentils
(Try to include protein in 2-3 meals per day)
Fat recommendations:

• Cheese
• Seed oils
• Almonds, peanuts, cashews (nuts in general)
• Nut butter
• Butter
• Mayonnaise
(To be included in 2-3 meals per day)
Carbohydrates recommendations:

• Vegetables
• Optionally rice, roti, and root crops
• Fruits
• Oats
• Weetabix
• Honey
• Condiments
(Limit roti, rice, and root crops to 1 meal per day)

Meal Timing
The first meal of the day should be consumed after 1 pm. Prior to 1 pm,
you may consume only water and black coffee without sugar, with
coffee intake limited to a moderate amount of 1 to 2 cups. From 1 pm
to 8 pm, you should consume all your calories, which will come from
meals one, two, and three. Limit the consumption of liquid calories,
especially beverages with high sugar content. After 8 pm, you should
restrict your consumption to only water and black coffee. However, it's
advisable to avoid consuming caffeine after 6 pm, as getting a full 8
hours of sleep per day is a crucial factor that aids in weight loss.

• Intermittent fasting can be effective when combined with a low-
carb diet, although it may not be sustainable in the long run. It can
serve as a method for weight loss for up to six months.
• Aim to consume 2 servings of fruits and vegetables daily to meet
your micronutrient goals.
• Ensure you get 6-8 hours of sleep each night, as it is essential for
overall health, including weight management.
• Stress management is a crucial factor that contributes to successful
weight loss.
• The majority of your carbohydrate intake should come from
vegetables and fruits, as they provide valuable nutrients and fiber.
• Avoid consuming hidden carbohydrates, such as sugary beverages
and processed snacks, which can sabotage your weight loss efforts.
• Consider incorporating cardio exercises into your routine 3 days a
week for 30 to 45 minutes each session. Activities like walking,
dancing, or jogging can be effective for weight loss.

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