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LW110: Law and Society

Semester I, 2024
Tutorial 9

Question 1

Powles’ minimum standards are theoretical framework for addressing weaknesses in application
of individual laws. Use Powles minimum standards to answer the following questions.

Sexual assault, rape and domestic are, unfortunately, a common problem across the Pacific.
However, all countries have laws which make it illegal to sexually assault/rape anyone.

1. Create an essay outline explaining why the criminal laws on sexual assault, rape and domestic
violence fail to work as well as they could, and what you think your country should do to reduce
sexual assault, rape and domestic violence.

2. Make a list what you think to be the 5 biggest problems or challenges facing the law in your
country and give reasons why you think these are major issues. These problems may relate to
specific issues, or may relate to the general operation of the legal system.

Question 2

It is illegal in the Pacific to kill people suspected of sorcery, but it still happens (particularly in
some Melanesian countries, maybe).

1. Why do you think this still happens (you can use the Powles minimum standards to analyse
why the State law does not operate as well as it should if you want to)?

2. What would you do to bring law and social values closer together?

3. If a case came before you as a judge where a person was charged with the crime of murder - a
crime carrying a maximum life sentence - for killing a suspected sorcerer how would you decide
the case? (And what other facts that might affect your decision would you like to know)

The End

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