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Grammar Worksheet – Present Perfect Simple/Continuous/Simple Past

Name ______________________________________________ No. _____ Class/Form _________

Comments ______________________________________________________________________
Mark __________________ The Teacher __________________ Enc. De Ed. ________________

Before starting this worksheet, remember what you learned on this topic. Read the
instructions carefully. If you have doubts, ask your teacher.

Identify the Present Perfect Simple or Continuous in each sentence.

We have bought a new PC. ______

They haven’t finished their research work for school. ________
I have been learning how to use Flash for six weeks. _________
They have been listening to the radio for the past two hours. _________
Jill has watched that thriller. ________

Supply the Present Perfect Tense for each sentence.

Tom ________________ (go) to the studio.

Melissa ________________ (not watch) the news bulletin.
Brenda __________________ (just/ finish) reading the magazine.
__________________ (you/ever/ go) to a TV studio?
What programmes _____________________ (he/do) recently?

Write FOR or SINCE.

Mike has been ill______ a long time. He has been in hospital ________ October.
My aunt has lived in Australia ______ 15 years, so she has been there ______ 1992.
Nobody lives in those houses. They have been empty _____ many years.

Choose the best option: Present Perfect Simple or Continuous.

Jack has been trying/ has tried to get his book published for ages.
So, what have you done/have you been doing recently? Anything interesting?
I have never believed/ have never been believing in ghosts or witches or fairies.
Fantastic news! They have been agreeing/ have agreed to buy the house.
The children are tired because they have played/ have been playing all day.

Complete with the correct verb tense: Present Perfect Simple or Simple Past.
Jim _________________ (never/meet) his grandmother. She _____________ (die) many years ago.
When I _____________ (be) a child, I ____________ (ride) my bike to school.
A plane _______________ (just/crash) over the Alps. More details follow later.

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