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Scott’s Pass Primary and Infant

End of Term Examination

Name: ________________________________
Grade: ______________________
Date: ___________________________________
Subject: Mental Ability
Choose the correct word to end each sentence
1. Food is to hungry as water is to
A. starved B. tried c. thirsty

2. Hard is to soft as rough is to

A. wood B. gentle c. mean

3. Alert is to tired as awake is to

A. race B. rough C. sleepy

4. Baby is to young as grandpa is to

A. old B. silly C. tiny

5. Up is to down as over is to
A. under B. along C. above

6. Big is to small as full is to

A. filled B. empty C. blank

7. Rock is to heavy as feather is to

A. light B. fast C. rich

8. Smile is to happy as frown is to

A. sad B. injury C. pain

9. Spaghetti is to pasta as ketchup is to

A. sauce B. condiment C. pulp

10.Nice is to kind as pretty is to

A. ugly B. beautiful C. smart
11. Milk is to cereal as bread is to
A. meat B. sandwich C. cake

12. Red is to tomato as yellow is to

A. banana B. orange C. lettuce

13. Nurse is to patient as teacher is to

A. student B. doctor C. dentist

14. Television is to watch as radio is to

A. speak B. listen C. music

15. Circle the shorter tree.

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