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VALENZUELA | Holy Apostles Senior Seminary | Configuration I

In the year 2025, the Pope released an encyclical entitled Laudato Si’. It is said to be the
first encyclical letter focused on environment. It is reiterated that the nature is sacred because
God is the one who created it. Part of that creation is the humanity that is also given the authority
and responsibility to look after it. Therefore, the relationship of humanity and nature is
inseparable. We can see God’s providence and goodness in creation. However, we lose this
identity when we prioritize our self-interest. We lose creation when we want to again selfishly
for ourselves.
Creation is suffering. This is the main theme and cry of the letter – creation is suffering.
Mother earth is in ecological crisis. With this letter, the implication is that the message of the
Pope is urgent. Nature is slowly degrading. For environmentalists, the letter is a wakeup call for
humanity for stewardship and responsible consumer of our nature.
Different people were invited in order to hear different perspective in order to discuss
issues concerning the environment. The dialogue revolves around the issue of negligence of
humanity to be stewards of creation. What a sight for this documentary, that there are still people
who dedicate themselves for the betterment of all. The documentary gives me hope- there is still
hope for all of us. In this situation where all of us are reaping the effects of our abuse, everyone
should be represented.
When nature suffer, soon enough so we will. Humanity cannot be separated from nature
because we are part of this precious creation by God. If we truly love God and our neighbor, as
commanded by God, we should love our environment. This is our home. Collaborative effort is
expected from all of us.
The climate change affects all. It is very unfortunate to imagine that the said to be
stewards of creation is the one who makes creation suffer. It is the irresponsibleness made others
greatly affected by the consequences. Not individual, not one group nor one country should only
be doing and finding solutions, but all are exhorted to act.
The dialogue in the letter is a signal that everyone is significant in taking care of every
creation. It is a reminder that we cannot omit and neglect the voice and people of different
perspective. If we are careless with our actions, we might live in a world of chaos.
The process of healing of nature will take some time but it will take longer and complex
when we will not be able to take action immediately. Every time we set aside nature, the
situation becomes worse which might end up the there is nothing we can do anymore.
As a priest-in-process, God is inviting me to be a channel to educate other people in the
status of our home – our mother earth. Taking care of the nature should not be a shortsighted
plan but a daily and a lifetime commitment. We are not the only one benefitting from nature but
the next generations will also be dependent to nature. “The joy of possessing nothing but
enjoying everything. The creation does not belong to us but we received it, and we are not
owners of nature,” a Franciscan told. This is a powerful reminder. It does not belong to us but we
belong to it.
No matter how the stories differ these representatives have but they shared one dream –to
heal mother nature. The story of today is the story we must live. Because there will be no
tomorrow if we neglect to live the life today better for ourselves and for nature.

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