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Every character is assumed to be equipped with the Tools of His Trade (at least the portable ones). Warriors are
wearing armor and wielding good weapons. Priests and Paladins are assumed to have holy symbols of their faith. Rogues
have a well made set of lock-picks and funny clothes.
If, through the course of an adventure, a character LOSES any of these vital totems, his Cliché operates on half
the normal number of dice (or not at all, if the GM rules that the equipment was REQUIRED) until they are replaced.

A Warrior(5), for instance, can fight without his sword as a Warrior(3), but a Rogue can't pick locks without his
lock-picks. If the Rogue manages to find another lock-picks to play with besides the set he's used to, he can operate at
Some special tools (magic wands, magic swords, magic armor, and so on) may give bonus dice to your Clichés
when used. Characters never begin the game with bonus-dice gear; they must be acquired in adventures.

In WoR, you normally get some sort of weapon or armor (as well as a bit of money) at the end of each quest.
These items keep you in "Proper Tools". There is a big difference in the "Proper Tools" needed to kill a Mottled Boar than
are needed to kill Ragnaros. If you use the tools proper to Ragnaros on the Mottled Boar, the boar may well just faint
before you get to him. If however you use the tools proper to killing a Mottled Boar on Ragnaros, he may well bring down
Molten Core on your head by his uncontrollable laughter.
So, what you need to know about your equipment is what level is required for someone in World of Warcraft use
it. The GM should let you know what this level is when you get the item. You then would list the item on your sheet
like…"Viking Sword of the Bear (level 25)". Meaning, in World of Warcraft your character has to be level 25 to use this
If you are less than 5 levels above your opponent, there is no difference. You are fairly evenly matched.
If you are more than 5 levels above your opponent, but less than 10, you get to add +3 to your cliché roll.
If you are more than 10 levels above your opponent, you get to add a die to your cliché roll for that combat.

Example Time! Let's see how this might play out using the afore mentioned Viking sword…
 If you are facing a Razormane Stalker (level 23) you would be rolling your normal cliché dice.
 If you were facing Verog the Dervish (level 18 centaur) you would be rolling your cliché dice and adding 3 to the
 If you were fighting a Witchwing Harpy (level 15) you would add 1 die when you roll your cliché dice.
 If you were facing the dreaded Savannah Cub (level 8) you would add a die to your cliché dice when you roll AND
add +3 to the total.
 And, finally, if you decided to waste your time on anything like a Sickly Gazelle (level 3) you would be chucking 2
extra dice with your cliché dice.

Ok, that was the fun part, now the bad news. If, your equipment is lower than your opponent, he gets the bonus.
So, if you take said Viking sword into Molten Core hunting down Ragnaros, well at a minimum he is level 63. So right
there he has an additional 3dice+3 to his Firelord(7) cliché. But, he has other things going for him, we'll tell you more
about that in a moment.
Ok, what I said about Ragnaros chunking 10d+3 to stomp you wasn't entirely correct. If you will look at the
following chart you will see that bigger and nastier creatures get bigger and nastier funky dice to make their clichés with. If
they are more than 5 levels above you but less than 10 they add half their die type to their final roll. And, one more thing!
If they are more than 10 levels above your level they get an addition die of their die type to add to the roll. Whew! Those
Bosses are bad news!
Let's take another look at Raggy and that Viking sword. Ragnaros is a level 63 Skull Type Boss. Uh-oh. So
instead of chunking a mere 10d6+3 to make you see the wrong of your way, he will be chunking a hefty 10d20+10 to
make you disappear. And that is why he is a BIG boss.

Elite +1 die step (d8)

Rare +1 die step (d8)
Rare Elite +2 die steps (d10)
Mini-boss +2 die steps (d10)
Boss +3 die steps (d12)
Skull Type Boss +4 die steps (d20)

Now before you get all despondent thinking you will never be able to survive any dungeon. Or, for that matter,
wonder why anyone in their right mind would ever go in a dungeon. Two reasons, 1) not every dungeon has a Skull Type
Boss at the end and 2) that is the only real place to get all that nifty magical gear you will need to defeat a big bad like

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