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Vocabulary and Grammar for IELTS Lesson 12

Types of sentences
Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences


❖ A simple sentence is a sentence that has only one subject-verb combination,
which is also known as an independent clause. Most simple sentences have
one subject and one verb.

E.g.: Japan imports oil from Saudi Arabia.

❖ However, simple sentences can have a subject-verb combination that has

more than one subject and/or more than one verb.

S V combination

❖ NOTE: All of these sentences are simple sentences because they have only
one subject-verb combination.


❖ A compound sentence is a sentence that has two simple sentences (or two
independent clauses) that are joined by a connecting word (such as and /
or / but / so).

❖ A compound sentence has two separate subject-verb combinations.

❖ A compound sentence must have a connecting word. Without the connecting

word, the sentence become an error known as “run-on sentence”

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S V O, S V O => wrong
Vocabulary and Grammar for IELTS Lesson 12

S V O linking word S V O


❖ A complex sentence is a combination of two clauses: a dependent clause
(beginning with a connecting word such as after, before, when, until, as soon as,…)
and an independent clause.

main clause subordinate clause

❖ In a complex sentence, the clause with the connector (or the dependent
clause) cannot stand alone as a sentence by itself. It is a fragment and must
be connected to another sentence (independent clause).
X Until he bought a car. John rode his bicycle to work.
✓ Until he bought a car, John rode his bicycle to work.
X My mom made dinner. When my dad got home.
✓ My mom made dinner when my dad got home.

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Vocabulary and Grammar for IELTS Lesson 12

Task 1. For each sentence, circle the subject(s) and underline the verb(s). Then
write S (simple sentence) or C (compound sentence).

Câu 1. _______
C Japan's flag is red and white, and Canada's flag is also red and white.
Câu 2. _______
S Japan and Canada have the same two colors in their flags.
Câu 3. _______
C The weather is bad, but the airplane will leave on time.
Câu 4. _______
S It is extremely hot in Abu Dhabi during the summer.
Câu 5. _______
S This map of Europe, Africa, and Asia is very old.
Câu 6. _______
S You can have cake or ice cream for dessert.
Câu 7. _______
C The students take a test every Friday, but they do not like it!
Câu 8. _______
S January, March, May, July, August, October, and December have 31 days.
Câu 9. _______
S This recipe requires two cups of flour, two cups of sugar, and one
cup of milk.
Câu 10. _______
S Ian and Carlos like surfing and skiing.
Câu 11. _______
C Some people prefer gold rings, but I prefer silver rings.
Câu 12. _______
C These silver and gold rings are different in weight, so they are
different in price.
Câu 13. _______
S Neal worked with his father at the shoe store for almost twenty years.
Câu 14. _______
C We went to Canada but we did not visit Toronto.
Câu 15. _______
S With the recent increase in crime in that area of the city, the local
residents there are worried about their safety.
Câu 16. _______
C Summer is a good time to practice outdoor sports but winter is not.
Câu 17. _______
S All of the workers but Marian arrived at yesterday's meeting on time.
Câu 18. _______
S Saudi Arabia and Kuwait import equipment, cars, food, and medicine.
Câu 19. _______
C The chairs in the living room are made of wood but the chairs in my
office are made of metal.
Câu 20. _______
S All of the chairs in the kitchen but this one are made of wood.

Task 2. Combine each pair of simple sentences into one compound sentence.
Use a comma and a connecting word (and / but / or / so).
Some sentences can be connected with more than one connecting word.

Câu 1. Seher lives in Turkey. Seher's sister lives in Canada.


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Vocabulary and Grammar for IELTS Lesson 12

Câu 2. Carlos works on Saturday. He cannot come to the movies with us.


Câu 3. We go to school every day. We play tennis on weekends.


Câu 4. Luis and Kathy are related. They are not siblings.

Câu 5. Hurricanes begin in the Atlantic Ocean. Typhoons begin in the Pacific.


Câu 6. I like to go to the beach in the summer. My brother prefers to hike in the mountains.


Câu 7. I do not feel well. I will call the doctor.


Câu 8. You can watch television. You can watch a movie.


Task 3. Identify each sentence as a simple (S), compound (CD), or complex (CX)
sentence. If the sentence is compound or complex, insert a comma where it is

Câu 1. _______
S Thanks to their hard work, Alexi and Juan finished their essays early.
Câu 2. _______
CD Karl saw a movie this weekend, but he thought it was really boring.
Câu 3. _______
CX Before Mahmood left class, he spoke to the teacher about his
Câu 4. _______
CD Amy expected to take a test today but she was wrong.
Câu 5. _______
CX The students did not have any questions after the teacher gave the
Câu 6. _______ My friends and I went down to the cafeteria and had lunch.

Câu 7. _______
S We arrived at school early enough to get a coffee before class.
Câu 8. _______
CD We can study here or we can go to the library. GRADE
Câu 9. _______
S I got a horrible grade on my first test but a good one this time.
Câu 10. _______
CX When Karen wanted information for her report she went to the library.
Câu 11. _______
CX We cannot take a break until we finish the project.

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Vocabulary and Grammar for IELTS Lesson 12

Câu 12. _______

S Everyone but Ricky came to the study group.
Câu 13. _______
CX Sam began to study as soon as he got to the library.
Câu 14. _______
CD Ying decided to ask a friend to edit her paper and she liked her
friend's comments.

Task 4. Identify each group of words as a complete sentence (S) or a fragment

(F). If it is a complete sentence, add correct capitalization and punctuation.
Câu 1. _______
S Dante passed the test because he studied hard
Câu 2. _______
S since it will be cold in the mountains we are packing our heavy jackets
Câu 3. _______
F although the weather was so bad on Saturday evening
Câu 4. _______
F because everyone will have a wonderful time at the party
Câu 5. _______
F before he forgets about his appointment N + THAT + CLAUSE
Câu 6. _______
S she is going to arrive late because her car broke down
Câu 7. _______
S because I live in new york I go to the theatre on broadway often
Câu 8. _______
F that some committee members will not attend the conference
Câu 9. _______
S the computers are going to be down today because a storm
knocked out the power
Câu 10. _______
S though the managers are out of the office we are still going to hold
the meeting

Task 5. Combine the two given simple sentences into a complex sentence. Use
the connector in parentheses.
1. (as soon as) WHAT I NEED IS FOOD.
First: I graduated from high school.
Second: I got a summer job.
As soon as I graduated from high school, I got a summer job.__________________________

2. (before) Before
First: Jack travelled around the world.
Second: Jack began his English classes.

3. (when)
When First: My sister and I finished our homework.

Second: My sister and I went to a movie.


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Vocabulary and Grammar for IELTS Lesson 12

4. (after)
AfterFirst: The house caught on fire.
Second: The fire department arrived very quickly to put out the fire.

5. (before)
First: The young woman looked left and right.
Second: The young woman crossed the street.
before she gr

6. (when)
First: The lights in the classroom went out.

Second: The teacher told the students not to worry.


7. (as soon as)

as soon as
First: Jacob had the freedom to study abroad.
as soon asSecond: Jacob moved to California to study English.

Task 6. [Speaking & Writing] Ask a partner the questions below. Write his or
her answers using a complex sentence. Use the appropriate connecting word.

1. What are you doing while you are sitting in class?

After I open the book, I review the lesson yesterday.
2. What do you usually do when you wake up?
As usual, when I wake up, I frequently drink water and while I do this, I also have breakfast.

3. After you eat breakfast in the morning, what do you do?

I brush my teeth after I eat breakfast in the morning
4. What do you do when you are not at school?
When I'm free, I have breakfast. After that, I do some face workout.

5. While you are completing your classwork, what is your teacher doing?
The teacher will give some feedback after I have completed/ complete my classwork

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Vocabulary and Grammar for IELTS Lesson 12

Task 7. [Writing] Answer each question using a complex sentence with

connectors such as after, before, when, until, and as soon as. Use the correct verb
tense in each clause.

1. What are you going to do after you graduate?

1. I will apply for a job after I graduate.
2. I am going to take the final test as soon as I finish this
What are you going to do as soon as you finish this activity?
3. I will try to pretend that I'm not hungry before I go to bed
Whenwill youfree
I have not do Ibefore
time, you
will do my go to bed tonight?
5. I will finish all my English courses until the end of this
4.6.When are you
I will brush going
my teeth to Ido
after your
have homework?

1. I want to become a freelancer after I graduate.
5. When will you finish all your 2.
English courses?
I usually relax by reading some books after I finish this activity.
3. I often watch some videos on YouTube before I go to bed.
4. I will do homework after I finish this activity.
6. What are you going to do after
5. I you
musteat dinner?
do the exam/ test before I finish all my English courses
6. I usually watch some movies with my family after I eat dinner
[Free Writing] Choose ONE of the following topics and write a short paragraph
about it. The paragraph should be around 120 – 150 words, and must have at

- One simple sentence

- Two compound sentences
- Two complex sentences

Topic 1: Write about one of the most memorable moments that you had in the
past. Be sure to include what happened, when and where it happened, who was
there with you, and how you felt about it.

Topic 2: Write about your weekly routine or an activity that you do every week.
Be sure to include what you do, who do the activities with you, and why you choose
these activities.

Topic 3: Write about something that you plan to do in the next six months. Be
sure to include where this activity is going to happen, who is going to be with you,
and why you chose this activity.

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Vocabulary and Grammar for IELTS Lesson 12


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