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1A. Suggested answer:
a. Mr David has knee pain
b. The doctor advised him to take some Paracetamol and get plenty of rest.
Moreover, if the pain doesn’t go away in two weeks, he should make an appointment
to see the doctor.

1. i 6. j
2. f 7. c
3. h 8. d
4. a 9. e
5. b 10. g

1. make - see
2. get/have/take
3. cut down on
4. go on
5. get/have
6. take/have

Tick the following box: 1b, 2b, 3b

Suggested answer:
. sore throat
a. fever
b. food poisoning

WRITING – Writing a short message

1. b 2. f 3. a 4. g 5. h 6. d 7. e 8. j 9. i 10. c 11. k
1. inconvenience 2. recharge – productivity 3. a stitch in time saves nine
4. mango 5. keep up the spirit!

Situation 1. C Situation 2. B Situation 3: C

Hi everyone! [Greeting]
I wanted to inform you that unfortunately, the aerobics class scheduled for tomorrow has
been cancelled [Introduction]. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. In the meantime,
remember to stay active and find other ways to recharge your energy and maintain your
productivity [Body]. Don't forget, a stitch in time saves nine! [Closing]
Dear all, [Greeting]
I wanted to share with you the incredible experience we had at the recent school sporting
event [Introduction]. I think you might like the impressive performances of the athletes.
Let's continue to support events that promote physical and mental well-being. Remember
to find time to meditate and recharge [Body]. Keep up the spirit! [Closing]


Structure Expressions

Greeting Hey there!

Hope you’re doing well!
Introduction I wanted to talk to you about [topic].
Thank you for reaching out to me.

Body Besides, I'd like to mention...

Let me share some practical tips on…
It's important to note that...
I think you might like …
Here are some key points to consider.
Closing Thank you in advance for your response.
Looking forward to your reply.
Best wishes,
Stay healthy!


a. (in) the city
b. (near) the sea
c. (in) the forest/near a lake
d. (in) the countryside

2. picture a (in the city)

3. answers may vary

1. C 2. A 3. B

1. a 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. c

1. peaceful 4. spacious
2. fancy 5. contemporary
3. organised

1. Traffic jams◡ are the city's biggest problem, especially during rush◡ hour.
2. This◡ is the most beautiful mansion I've ever visited!
3. Would◡ you like◡ a guided tour◡ of the city this afternoon?

1. is located in
2. nearby
3. has got
4. decorate the space with
5. I wish I had

WRITING – Opinion essay: pros and cons of different types of accommodation

1. B 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. A

2C. Suggest answers

Types of Advantages Disadvantages

Convenience, access Limited space, potential lack of
Apartments to amenities privacy

More space, High maintenance costs,

independence property taxes

Social environment, Lack of privacy, noise from

Dormitories (Dorms) proximity to schools other residents

1. 5 paragraphs 2. Paragraph 1 3. Paragraphs 2, 3, 4 4. Paragraph 5

5. Sentences that students should underline

"However, apartments can be small, which may not suit bigger families or those who value
"However, owning a house can be costly, involving higher maintenance expenses and
property taxes."
"Yet, living in a dormitory may mean compromising privacy and dealing with noise from
other residents."

● Firstly, apartments are popular, especially in cities.
● Additionally, their central locations make commuting easier.
● However, apartments can be small, which may not suit bigger families or those who
value privacy.
● Houses provide more space and independence. Moreover, homeowners can
personalise their space to their liking.
● However, owning a house can be costly, involving higher maintenance expenses
and property taxes.
● Yet, living in a dormitory may mean compromising privacy and dealing with noise
from other residents.
● In conclusion, each type of accommodation has its merits and drawbacks.

2. [Track 3.1] Read and listen to two friends, Laura and Trung, sharing their stories. What
are some effects of cyberbullying? Which ones are the most damaging in your opinion?
- Cyberbullying has caused me extreme pain and sadness.
- Hateful comments and actions (online) have broken my self-esteem, leaving me isolated and
- The constant negativity has badly affected my mental health, making me doubt my worth.
- Cyberbullying […] can leave lasting emotional scars.
- The whole experience has totally destroyed his self-confidence and left him feeling depressed
and broken.
- It was so heartbroken for me to see him lose interest in the things he used to love.

1. Vocabulary
1A. The following words/ phrases are taken from the poem in Task 1 and the talks in Task 2
in INTRODUCTION. Circle the answer that best matches the meaning of each bold word/
1. b
2. a
3. a
4. b
5. b
6. a
1B. Circle the correct words/ phrases to complete the following sentences.
1. Cyberbullying
2. heartbroken
3. Social media
4. virtual world
5. social media
2. Pronunciation
2A. [Track 3.2] Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the elision of the vowels and underline
the weak vowels that may be omitted in speaking.
1. connect
2. powerless
3. harassment
4. cruelty
5. frighten
6. different

WRITING – Write a forum post about the pros and cons of social networks

stay informed turn sour vulnerable go viral boycott scramble verify
digital citizens like-minded

1. vulnerable 2. boycott 3. go viral 4. Digital citizens 5. like-minded 6. verify

2D. Suggested answers

- connect with friends and family
- instant communication
- access to news and information
- promote creativity and self-expression
- networking for career opportunities
- cyberbullying and harassment
- privacy concerns
- time-consuming
- addiction and mental health issues
- the spread of misinformation

Emily: ...I must use [a]... Hopefully, we will find [b]...
Hương: ...could turn sour [b]... It might feel like [b]... I have to scramble [a]... The whole
experience could leave [b]...
Jimmy: We should all be more careful [c]...

1. must 2. should 3. will 4. should 5. can 6. will

1. positive 2. negative 3. drawbacks 4. Tips
UNIT 4: Festive Vibrance: Exploring Vietnamese Tradition

a) E
b) B
c) D
d) A
e) C


Audio script:
Good evening, welcome to “Festive Vibrance: Exploring Vietnamese Tradition.” I'm glad to be
your guide on this wonderful journey through the rich Vietnamese festivals.

First and foremost, the Hung King Temple Festival is an annual event and the main day is the
10th of the third lunar month, commemorating Hung King's death and celebrated as a national
holiday. People gather at the Hung Temple in Phu Tho Province for the ceremony. The Hung
Temple Festival showcases vibrant folk games like bamboo swings and rice cooking contests.
Local traditional singing "gheo" and "xoan" by locals and beautiful art displays enrich the festival's
cultural experience.

Lunar New Year or Tết Nguyên Đán, is Vietnam’s most significant celebration. Tet typically falls
between late January and early February. During this time, families reunite and honour their
ancestors, while praying for luck, prosperity and health in the new year. Before Tet, Vietnamese
clean homes to remove last year's bad luck. On Tet's first day, families gather and children get red
envelopes with money. New Year's Day has joyful street celebrations, parades, and lion dances.
Families enjoy traditional dishes.

The Dalat Flower Festival is a special event held every two years in Dalat city. It features local
and national flower displays, and those from nearby countries. Taking place in December, the
festival attracts tourists, and celebrates the flower industry. During this time, Dalat city is
decorated with colourful flowers and artistic displays at key attractions like Xuan Huong Lake,
Prenn Falls, and Le Dai Hanh Flower Street – Ong Dao bridge.

1. National
2. Games
3. February
4. Families
5. Tourists
6. Falls
1. b
2. f
3. d
4. h
5. g
6. a
7. i
8. e
9. c

3. Grammar focus
1. have (you) been
2. went
3. was
4. did (they)have
5. held
6. included
7. organised

2B. Vocabulary


2C. Use the vocabulary in 2B to complete the sentences.

a. Festivals are (1) _____incredibly special occasions that (2) _____ revolve around the (3)
_____ unifying time when communities come together to celebrate traditions, creating a sense of
(4) _____ renewal and connection.

b. One such remarkable tradition is the use of (5) _____ scented water, symbolising purity and

c. These events hold great significance as they (6) _____ honour cultural heritage and values.
Participants (7) _____ engage in joyful activities that (8) _____ represent the essence of the
3A. Read the article below and match its parts (1-7) with the correct descriptions. [1] has been
done for you.

[2] A. Introduction A short paragraph giving information about the festival

[7] B. Conclusion A summary of the main points and sometimes the writer’s
[1] C. Title The topic of the article in a few words

[3,4,5,6] D. Body Each paragraph stating a main point, supported by facts,

paragraphs examples, or explanations.

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