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De lacerna, Arkim S.


My warm greetings to my fellow believers throughout the whole world, Christians,

Muslims, Hindus, Buddhist and so on. We may not share the same teachings and beliefs but
one thing that is sure, we believe that there must be someone who is responsible of all creations
both apparent or not. I would like to express my overwhelming gratitude because despite of
many challenges and threats to our spiritual life, we remain strong and united. In the past years
and months, life was tough though some people lost their hopes but still we survive and
overcome those barricades upon moving forward.
Many people became important in my life and it would consume a lot of page if I list their
name one by one. The least I can do for them is to include in my prayers, hoping for their safety,
success and salvation promised by God. Perhaps right now, I may not be able to return all those
things that they gave to me, but I’ll strive harder in order to help them if the time will come that
they need a hand or somebody to lean on.
At this moment I would like to emphasize my appreciation to the love of my life. When I
felt alone and have no one to talk with, she’s always there for me. When I have problems, most
of the times she’s my confidant. When my cup is empty she filled it always with love and care.
When I’m lonely she makes me smile. When I have some difficulties in my studies she does not
hesitate to help me. She inspired me to soar high and dream better. She loves me as I do love
her. Miss Kristine Dublois, I proudly express my letter of appreciation to you since I really
enjoy your company as a friend and a lover of mine. I pray for your success and I am manifesting
that someday you and I will become one.
I humbly encourage everyone to strengthen their faith and remain hopeful. Problems and
struggles are constant in our life but it cannot burden ourselves to become successful if we have
God in our life. We have been through a lot of challenges and we surpassed them, we stumbled
down and we stand once again. Life must go on no matter what happens. According to ISAIAH
41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will
strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Once again I strongly encourage all people to live full of love and faith to God, to my
fellow students let us remain patient upon chasing our goals and catching our dreams.

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