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Date: ________________

Employee Name:
Position: Employee ID:

A. Consent for Data Processing

I, [Employee Name], hereby provide my informed and voluntary consent to (Name of

organization) for the collection, storage, and processing of my personal data during my
employment with the company. This consent is granted for the following purposes:
1. HR Administration
2. Payroll Processing, Benefits Enrollment, Performance Evaluations,
3. Workplace Safety and Security
4. Workplace Investigations
5. Communication
6. Employee Engagement

B. Consent Conditions

I understand and agree to the following conditions related to the processing of my

personal data:

1. Withdrawal of Consent: I have the right to withdraw my consent at any time by

notifying NAME OF THE COMPANY/ORGANIZATION in writing. I understand that
withdrawing my consent may impact my employment relationship or the processing
of my data for the purposes mentioned above.

2. Access and Correction: I have the right to access and correct my personal data held
by NAME OF THE COMPANY/ORGANIZATION by contacting the HR department.

3. Data Retention: I understand that my personal data will be retained for as long as
necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, in accordance with NAME
OF THE COMPANY/ORGANIZATION's data retention policy.

4. Data Security: I acknowledge that NAME OF THE COMPANY/ORGANIZATION has

implemented appropriate security measures to protect my personal data from
unauthorized access and data breaches.

C. Workplace Investigations

I understand that, as part of ensuring workplace safety, security, and compliance with
company policies and the law, NAME OF THE COMPANY/ORGANIZATION may conduct workplace
investigations when necessary. These investigations may involve the collection and processing of
personal data, including but not limited to:
1. Interviews with employees and witnesses.
2. Review of emails, communications, and records.
3. Surveillance, if legally and ethically permissible.
4. Any other necessary actions to investigate alleged misconduct, policy violations, or
legal compliance matters.

D. Consent Validity

This consent is valid from the date indicated above and will remain in effect unless I choose
to withdraw it in accordance with the conditions stated above.

E. Acknowledgment and Consent

I have read and understood the information provided in this consent form. I consent to
the processing of my personal data by NAME OF THE COMPANY/ORGANIZATION for the purposes
outlined above, including workplace investigations as necessary.

Signature over Printed Name


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