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Εισηγητής: Γιώργος Ελεσθερίοσ

Πολιτικός Μητανικός – B.Eng, M.Sc UK
E.G.W. Information Services Ltd.
Project Management with Microsoft Project 2007

Project Management with Microsoft Project 2007

΢πλνπηηθή Πεξηγξαθή ηνπ Λνγηζκηθνχ MS Project

Σν ινγηζκηθφ Microsoft Project είλαη έλα εμεηδηθεπκέλν πξφγξακκα ρξνληθνχ θαη

νηθνλνκηθνχ πξνγξακκαηηζκνχ έξγσλ.

΢ην ρξνληθφ πξνγξακκαηηζκφ ην πξφγξακκα ππνζηεξίδεη ηε κέζνδν ηεο

Κξίζηκεο Δηαδξνκήο [ Critical Path Analysis ( CPA) or Critical Path Method (CPM)].
Σν έξγν απνηειείηαη απφ δξαζηεξηφηεηεο (ηα δνκηθά ζηνηρεία ελφο έξγνπ). Η
ζχλζεζε ηνπ δηθηχνπ ησλ δξαζηεξηνηήησλ γίλεηαη κε ηε κέζνδν Precedence
Diagramming Method (P.D.M.- <Μέζνδνο ηνπ Πξνεγνχκελνπ > ή < Μέζνδνο
Δηθηπσηψλ Γξαθεκάησλ > ή <Μέζνδνο κε ηα θνπηάθηα> φπσο παξηζηάλεηαη
γξαθηθά ). Κάζε δξαζηεξηφηεηα ζπλδέεηαη κε ινγηθέο ζρέζεηο κε πξνεγνχκελεο
θαη επφκελεο δξαζηεξηφηεηεο αλάινγα κε ηε ρξνληθή ηνπο εμάξηεζε.

Γηζαγσγή ζηε Μέζνδν ηεο Κξίζηκεο Δηαδξνκήο

1.1 Ιζηνξηθφ

Σα πξψηα ζπζηήκαηα ρξνληθνχ πξνγξακκαηηζκνχ κε ηε κέζνδν ησλ δηθηπσηψλ

γξαθεκάησλ εκθαλίζηεθαλ ηνλ Ινχιην ηνπ 1957 ζηηο Ηλσκέλεο Πνιηηείεο κε ηηο
νλνκαζίεο CPM θαη PERT (Project Evaluation and Review Technique). Σν ζχζηεκα
CPM ρξεζηκνπνηήζεθε απφ ηηο εηαηξείεο Du Pont de Nemvours and Co
Remington γηα ηελ θαηαζθεπή εξγνζηαζίνπ ρεκηθψλ πξντφλησλ θαη ην
ζχζηεκα PERT απφ ηελ εηαηξεία Lockheed κεηά ηελ εληνιή ηνπ Ακεξηθαληθνχ
Ναπηηθνχ γηα ηελ θαηαζθεπή ησλ ζπζηεκάησλ ειέγρνπ ησλ ππξαχισλ
Polaris. Με ηελ εθαξκνγή ηεο κεζφδνπ PERT ν ρξφλνο θαηαζθεπήο κεηψζεθε
θαηά δπν ρξφληα. ΢ηε ζπλέρεηα αλαπηχρζεθαλ δηάθνξα ζπζηήκαηα αλάινγα κε
ηηο ηδηνκνξθίεο θαη αλάγθεο ηεο παξαγσγήο ζηελ βηνκεραλία.

΢ηνλ ηνκέα ησλ θαηαζθεπψλ νη πξψηεο επηηπρείο εθαξκνγέο ηνπνζεηνχληαη

ζηηο αξρέο ηεο δεθαεηίαο 1960 ζε ζπλδπαζκφ κε ηνπο πξψηνπο ειεθηξνληθνχο
ππνινγηζηέο ηεο επνρήο. Απφ ηελ επνρή εθείλε εμειίρζεθαλ δηάθνξα αμηφινγα
θαη εχρξεζηα ζπζηήκαηα πξνγξακκαηηζκνχ θαη δηνίθεζεο θαηαζθεπψλ. Η
εμέιημε ηεο ηερλνινγίαο ησλ ειεθηξνληθψλ ππνινγηζηψλ έδσζε ψζεζε ζηελ
εθαξκνγή κεζφδσλ πξνγξακκαηηζκνχ νη νπνίεο παξέρνπλ δπλαηφηεηεο
βειηηζηνπνίεζεο ησλ δηαδηθαζηψλ εθηέιεζεο ελφο έξγνπ.

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1.2 Μέζνδνο ηεο Κξίζηκεο Δηαδξνκήο

1.2.1 Ση είλαη Κξίζηκε Δηαδξνκή;

Κξίζηκε Δηαδξνκή είλαη ζεηξά γεγνλφησλ / δξαζηεξηνηήησλ ε νπνία θαζνξίδεη

ηελ ειάρηζηε ρξνληθή δηάξθεηα εθηέιεζεο ελφο έξγνπ (ηελ ειάρηζηε δπλαηή θαη
φρη ηελ ζπληνκφηεξε νδφ κέζσ ησλ δξαζηεξηνηήησλ). Σελ θξίζηκε δηαδξνκή
ηελ ζπλζέηνπλ νη θξίζηκεο δξαζηεξηφηεηεο, (δελ αθνξά ζην πφζν ζεκαληηθή
είλαη ε δξαζηεξηφηεηα φζν ζην πσο επεξεάδεη ην έξγν ρξνληθά), νη νπνίεο έρνπλ
κεδεληθφ ρξνληθφ πεξηζψξην (ζηηο πιείζηεο πεξηπηψζεηο). Απηφ ζεκαίλεη φηη
θάζε θαζπζηέξεζε ζηελ πξαγκαηνπνίεζε ηνπο πξνθαιεί θαζπζηέξεζε ζην
ρξφλν εθηέιεζεο ηνπ έξγνπ.
Καηά ηνλ ρξνληθφ πξνγξακκαηηζκφ ελφο έξγνπ είλαη ζεκαληηθφ λα ππνινγίδεηαη
ε θξίζηκε δηαδξνκή. Έηζη δίλεηαη ε δπλαηφηεηα λα ειέγρνληαη νη
δξαζηεξηφηεηεο εθείλεο πνπ κπνξνχλ λα επεξεάζνπλ ηελ εκεξνκελία
νινθιήξσζεο ηνπ έξγνπ θαη λα πξνζδηνξίδεηαη θαηά πφζν ην έξγν ζα
νινθιεξσζεί ζηνλ πξνδηαγξαθφκελν ρξφλν νινθιήξσζεο.

1.2.2 ΢ηνηρεία ηεο Μεζφδνπ

΢χκθσλα κε ηε κέζνδν απηή απαηηείηαη:

1. Αλάιπζε ηνπ έξγνπ ζηηο επηκέξνπο εξγαζίεο.

2. Καζνξηζκφο δηάξθεηαο εθηέιεζεο ηεο θάζε εξγαζίαο [Δηάξθεηα=
Πνζφηεηα/Παξαγσγή , ζηηο πεξηπηψζεηο πνπ δελ είλαη Resource Driven
(Effort Driven) ην πξφγξακκα].
3. Καζνξηζκφο ρξνληθήο αθνινπζίαο εθηέιεζεο ησλ εξγαζηψλ, θαη
4. Καηαζθεπή δηθηπσηνχ δηαγξάκκαηνο.

Η θάζε δξαζηεξηφηεηα (activity) απεηθνλίδεηαη κε έλα νξζνγψλην θνπηάθη φπνπ:

Η αξηζηεξή θάζεηε πιεπξά δειψλεη ην Γεγνλφο Έλαξμεο ηεο

δξαζηεξηφηεηαο: S (Start)
Η δεμηά θάζεηε πιεπξά δειψλεη ην Γεγνλφο Λήμεο ηεο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο: F
(Finish), θαη
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Σν νξζνγψλην θνπηάθη θαζνξίδεη ηε ρξνληθή δηάξθεηα ηεο

δξαζηεξηφηεηαο: Dur (Duration).

Λογικές Αλληλουχίες (Logic Links)

Οη δπλαηέο ζρέζεηο (ινγηθέο αιιεινπρίεο) κεηαμχ ησλ δξαζηεξηνηήησλ είλαη σο
πεξηγξάθνληαη πην θάησ.
Σν είδνο ησλ ζρέζεσλ ζπκβνιίδεηαη κε δπν γξάκκαηα. Σν πξψην γξάκκα αθνξά
ην γεγνλφο έλαξμεο ή ιήμεο ηεο επφκελεο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο.

FS (Finish to Start): Η έλαξμε ηεο επφκελεο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο εμαξηάηαη

απφ ηε ιήμε ηεο πξνεγνχκελεο. Απνηειεί ηελ ζπλεζέζηεξε πεξίπησζε.

SS (Start to Start): Η έλαξμε ηεο επφκελεο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο εμαξηάηαη

απφ ηελ έλαξμε ηεο πξνεγνχκελεο.

FF (Finish to Finish): Η ιήμε ηεο επφκελεο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο εμαξηάηαη

απφ ηε ιήμε ηεο πξνεγνχκελεο.

SF (Start to Finish): Η ιήμε ηεο επφκελεο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο εμαξηάηαη απφ

ηελ έλαξμε ηεο πξνεγνχκελεο. Υξεζηκνπνηείηαη ζπάληα.

΢πλνπηηθά νη ινγηθέο αιιεινπρίεο πεξηγξάθνληαη ζην παξαθάησ δηάγξακκα.

Απφ ηε δξαζηεξηφηεηα predecessor (πξνεγνχκελε) μεθηλνχλ φιεο νη δπλαηέο
ζρέζεηο κε ηελ δξαζηεξηφηεηα successor (επφκελε).

Γηα θάζε δξαζηεξηφηεηα ηζρχεη ε παξαθάησ βαζηθή εμίζσζε, κε ηελ

πξνυπφζεζε βέβαηα φηη δελ ρξεζηκνπνηείηαη “δηαθνπηφκελνο”

Υξνληθή Τζηέξεζε (Lag & lead time)

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Οη ζρέζεηο FS, SS, FF, & SF γηα λα γίλνπλ πην ξεαιηζηηθέο εκπινπηίδνληαη κε ηνλ
παξάγνληα lag (ρξνληθή πζηέξεζε). Π.ρ. SS/5 ζεκαίλεη φηη ε επφκελε
δξαζηεξηφηεηα μεθηλάεη 5 ρξνληθέο κνλάδεο κεηά ηελ έλαξμε ηεο πξνεγνχκελεο
δξαζηεξηφηεηαο. Η ρξνληθή πζηέξεζε κπνξεί λα είλαη θαη αξλεηηθή. Γηα
παξάδεηγκα ε ζρέζε FS/-1 (lead time) ζεκαίλεη φηη ε επφκελε δξαζηεξηφηεηα
κπνξεί λα μεθηλήζεη 1 ρξνληθή κνλάδα πξηλ ηε ιήμε ηεο πξνεγνχκελεο, φρη φκσο
ελσξίηεξα. (Βέβαηα ηίπνηα δελ ηελ εκπνδίδεη λα μεθηλήζεη αξγφηεξα θαη απηφ
πξέπεη λα ιεθζεί ππφςε.)

Πξέπεη λα ηνληζηεί φηη δπν δξαζηεξηφηεηεο κπνξνχλ λα έρνπλ πεξηζζφηεξεο

απφ κηα ζρέζε κεηαμχ ηνπο (εθφζνλ απηφ έρεη λφεκα )π.ρ. SS/3 & FF/6. ΢ε απηή
ηελ πεξίπησζε ππεξηζρχεη ε ζρέζε πνπ μεθηλάεη ηελ επφκελε δξαζηεξηφηεηα
αξγφηεξα θαη απηή νλνκάδεηαη θπξίαξρε ή νδεγνχζα ζρέζε (driving

1.2.3 Τπνινγηζκφο ηεο Κξίζηκεο Δηαδξνκήο

Στάδιο Α΄: Ομόρροπος Προγραμματισμός (Forward Scheduling):

Οξίδνπκε ζαλ SD (Start Date) ηελ εκεξνκελία έλαξμεο ηνπ έξγνπ. Με ηνλ
νκφξξνπν πξνγξακκαηηζκφ πξνζδηνξίδνπκε ηελ εκεξνκελία νινθιήξσζεο ηνπ
έξγνπ FD (Finish Date) θαζψο επίζεο θαη ηηο ελσξίηεξεο εκεξνκελίεο Early Dates
πνπ ζα κπνξνχζε λα μεθηλήζεη θάζε δξαζηεξηφηεηα ηνπ έξγνπ, θαη πην
ζπγθεθξηκέλα ηηο παξαθάησ:

ES: Early Start (Γλσξίηεξε Ηκεξνκελία Έλαξμεο)

EF: Early Finish (Γλσξίηεξε εκεξνκελία Λήμεο)

Ολνκάδεηαη νκφξξνπνο πξνγξακκαηηζκφο γηαηί δηαηξέρνπκε ην δίθηπν ησλ

δξαζηεξηνηήησλ κε ηε θνξά πνπ δείρλνπλ νη ζρέζεηο, δειαδή πξνρσξνχκε απφ
αξηζηεξά πξνο ηα δεμηά. Γπνκέλσο μεθηλάκε απφ ηηο δξαζηεξηφηεηεο πνπ δελ
έρνπλ πξνεγνχκελν (predecessor) θαη θαηαιήγνπκε ζηηο δξαζηεξηφηεηεο πνπ
δελ έρνπλ επφκελν (successor).

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Παξάδεηγκα 1:

Ξεθηλάκε κε ηηο δξαζηεξηφηεηεο πνπ δελ έρνπλ πξνεγνχκελν, ζεσξνχκε φηη ε

έλαξμε ηνπ έξγνπ παξνπζηάδεηαη ζε ρξνληθή κνλάδα 1, SD=1, θαη εθαξκφδνπκε
ηε βαζηθή ζρέζε:

F= S + Dur – 1

Άξα Early Start ηεο δξαζηεξηφηεηα ¨Α¨, ES = S = 1

Early Finish ηεο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο ¨Α, EF = F = 1 + 5 – 1 = 5

Παξάδεηγκα 2:

Γηα λα ππνινγηζηεί ε Γλσξίηεξε έλαξμε , ES, ηεο επφκελεο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο π.ρ.

δξαζηεξηφηεηαο ΄Β΄ παίξλνπκε ηε δπλαηή Γλσξίηεξε Λήμε , EF, ηεο
πξνεγνχκελεο π.ρ. ηεο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο Ά΄ θαη πξνζζέηνπκε κία επηπιένλ
ρξνληθή κνλάδα.

Γηα λα ππνινγίζνπκε ην EF ηεο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο ΄Β¨ ρξεζηκνπνηνχκε θαη πάιηλ ηε

βαζηθή ζρέζε EF = ES + Dur – 1. Αλ πεξηνξηζηνχκε κφλν ζηε πεξίπησζε κε
ζρέζεηο FS/O, ηφηε:

Παξάδεηγκα 3:

Tί γίλεηαη ζηηο πεξηπηψζεηο φπνπ κία δξαζηεξηφηεηα έρεη πεξηζζφηεξνπο απφ

έλα πξνεγνχκελν;

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Όπσο θαίλεηαη απφ ην ζρήκα γηα λα ππνινγηζηεί ε ελσξίηεξε έλαξμε, ES, ηεο
δξαζηεξηφηεηαο ΄D΄ παίξλνπκε ηε κεγαιχηεξε δπλαηή Γλσξίηεξε Λήμε, EF, απφ
ηηο πξνεγνχκελεο δξαζηεξηφηεηεο θαη πξνζζέηνπκε κηα επηπιένλ ρξνληθή
κνλάδα. Γηα λα ππνινγίζνπκε ην EF, ηεο Δξαζηεξηφηεηαο ΄D΄ ρξεζηκνπνηνχκε
θαη πάιηλ ηε βαζηθή ζρέζε EF = ES + Dur – 1.

Η δηαδηθαζία πνπ πεξηγξάθεηαη ζηα πην πάλσ παξαδείγκαηα επαλαιακβάλεηαη

γηα φιεο ηηο δξαζηεξηφηεηεο ηνπ έξγνπ. Απφ φιεο ηηο δξαζηεξηφηεηεο πνπ δελ
έρνπλ επφκελν, ιακβάλνπκε ην κεγαιχηεξν EF, ην νπνίν θαη απνηειεί ηελ
εκεξνκελία νινθιήξσζεο ηνπ έξγνπ, FD.

Στάδιο Β΄: Αντίρροπος Προγραμματισμός (Backward Scheduling):

Με ηνλ αληίξξνπν πξνγξακκαηηζκφ πξνζδηνξίδνληαη νη βξαδχηεξεο

εκεξνκελίεο (Late Dates) πνπ ζα κπνξνχζε λα εθηειεζηεί θάζε δξαζηεξηφηεηα
ηνπ έξγνπ, θαη πην ζπγθεθξηκέλα ηηο παξαθάησ:

LS:Late Start (Βξαδχηεξε Ηκεξνκελία Έλαξμεο)

LF: Late Finish (Βξαδχηεξε Ηκεξνκελία Λήμεο)

Ολνκάδεηαη αληίξξνπνο γηαηί δηαηξέρνπκε ην δίρηπν ησλ δξαζηεξηνηήησλ

αληίζεηα απφ ηελ θνξά πνπ δείρλνπλ νη ζρέζεηο, δειαδή πξνρσξνχκε απφ δεμηά
πξνο ηα αξηζηεξά. Γπνκέλσο μεθηλάκε απφ ηηο δξαζηεξηφηεηεο πνπ δελ έρνπλ
επφκελν θαη θαηαιήγνπκε ζηηο δξαζηεξηφηεηεο πνπ δελ έρνπλ πξνεγνχκελν.

΢πλήζσο νη εκεξνκελίεο απεηθνλίδνληαη ζην ΄θνπηάθη΄ ηεο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο ζηηο

παξαθάησ ζέζεηο:

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Αξρηθά μεθηλνχκε απφ ηηο δξαζηεξηφηεηεο πνπ δελ έρνπλ επφκελν. Σν LF

ηαπηίδεηαη κε ηελ FD ηνπ έξγνπ, ελψ γηα ην LS εθαξκφδνπκε ηε βαζηθή ζρέζε
F = S + Dur – 1 επηιχνληαο σο πξνο S:

S = F – Dur + 1

Παξάδεηγκα 4

΢ην παξάδεηγκα 3, πην πάλσ, φπνπ ε δξαζηεξηφηεηα ΄D΄ ε νπνία έρεη δηάξθεηα 5
ρξνληθέο κνλάδεο ηζρχνπλ νη παξαθάησ ζρέζεηο

Early Finish, EF = ES + Dur – 1 = 13 +5 -1 = 17

Late Finish, LF = FD = 17
Late Start, LS = LF - Dur + 1 = 17 – 5 + 1 = 13

Άξα ε δξαζηεξηφηεηα ΄D΄ παίξλεη ηελ εμήο κνξθή:

Γηα λα ππνινγηζηεί ε Βξαδχηεξε Λήμε, LF, ηεο πξνεγνχκελεο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο

π.ρ. δξαζηεξηφηεηαο ΄C΄ παίξλνπκε ηε Βξαδχηεξε Έλαξμε, LS, ηεο επφκελεο π.ρ.
ηεο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο ΄D΄ θαη αθαηξνχκε κηα ρξνληθή κνλάδα.

΢πλεπψο νη βξαδχηεξεο εκεξνκελίεο ηεο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο ΄C΄ ηνπ

Παξαδείγκαηνο 3 έρνπλ σο εμήο:

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Ση γίλεηαη ζηηο πεξηπηψζεηο φπνπ κηα δξαζηεξηφηεηα έρεη πεξηζζφηεξνπο απφ

έλα επφκελν; Όπσο π.ρ. νη δξαζηεξηφηεηεο Ά΄ θαη ΄Β΄.

Γηα λα ππνινγηζηεί ην LF ηεο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο ¨Β¨ παίξλνπκε ηελ κηθξφηεξε

δπλαηή βξαδχηεξε έλαξμε απφ ηηο επφκελεο δξαζηεξηφηεηεο θαη αθαηξνχκε κία
ρξνληθή κνλάδα. Γηα λα ππνινγίζνπκε ην LS ηεο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο ¨Β¨, αξθεί λα
ρξεζηκνπνηήζνπκε ηελ βαζηθή ζρέζε LS = LF – Dur + 1.

Γπαλαιακβάλνληαο ηελ ίδηα δηαδηθαζία γηα ηελ δξαζηεξηφηεηα ¨Α¨ ηφηε νη

ελσξίηεξεο θαη βξαδχηεξεο εκεξνκελίεο νιφθιεξνπ ηνπ δηθηχνπ ζα έρνπλ σο

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΢εκεηψλεηαη φηη νη νδεγνχζεο αιιεινπρίεο (driving relationships) είλαη απηέο πνπ

απεηθνλίδνληαη κε κνλνθφκκαην βέινο. Γλψ κε δηαθεθνκκέλν βέινο
απεηθνλίδνληαη νη δεπηεξεχνπζεο ζρέζεηο.

1.2.4. Υξνληθά Πεξηζψξηα Δξαζηεξηνηήησλ (Slack or Float)

Οιηθφ Πεξηζψξην (Total slack or Total Float), TF: Ο ρξφλνο θαηά ηνλ νπνίν κπνξεί
λα θαζπζηεξήζεη ε έλαξμε ή ε ιήμε κηαο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο ρσξίο λα επεξεάζεη ην
ηέινο ηνπ έξγνπ. Μεηξηέηαη ζχκθσλα κε ηηο ρξνληθέο κνλάδεο
πξνγξακκαηηζκνχ θαη κπνξεί λα είλαη αξλεηηθφ ή κεδέλ ή ζεηηθφ.

TF = LS – ES
TF = LF – EF

Γιεχζεξν Πεξηζψξην (Free Float or Free Slack), FF: Ο ρξφλνο θαηά ηνλ νπνίν
κπνξεί λα θαζπζηεξήζεη ε έλαξμε κηαο δξαζηεξηφηεηαο ρσξίο λα επεξεάζεη ηηο
ακέζσο επφκελεο δξαζηεξηφηεηεο. Μεηξηέηαη ζχκθσλα κε ηηο ρξνληθέο κνλάδεο
πξνγξακκαηηζκνχ θαη κπνξεί λα είλαη κεδέλ ή ζεηηθφ. Τπνινγίδεηαη βάζε ησλ
αιιεινπρηψλ κε ηηο επφκελεο δξαζηεξηφηεηεο θαη δελ ρξεηάδνληαη νη βξαδχηεξεο
εκεξνκελίεο γηα λα ππνινγηζζεί.

Γηα παξάδεηγκα ζηηο πεξηπηψζεηο φπνπ ππάξρνπλ επφκελεο δξαζηεξηφηεηεο κε

ζρέζεηο FS ηφηε:

FFpred = min (ESsucc - EFpred)-1

Γμνξηζκνχ ηζρχεη

1.3 Πξαθηηθή Γμάζθεζε

Πξνηείλεηαη φπσο επηιπζνχλ ηα δηθηπσηά δηαγξάκκαηα ηα νπνία εζσθιείνληαη

ζην Παξάξηεκα II:
(1) Δηθηπσηφ Δηάγξακκα κε απφιπηνπο ρξφλνπο
(2) Δηθηπσηφ Δηάγξακκα κε εκεξνινγηαθνχο ρξφλνπο, γηα εμνηθείσζε κε ηελ
νξνινγία ησλ αιιεινπρηψλ θαη θαηαλφεζε ηνπ ππνινγηζκνχ ηεο θξίζηκεο

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Δεκηνπξγία Νένπ Έξγνπ

2.1 Γηζαγσγή ζην Έξγν

Καηά ηε δηδαζθαιία ηνπ ινγηζκηθνχ πξνγξάκκαηνο ζα αθνινπζείηαη

παξάδεηγκα ρξνληθνχ θαη νηθνλνκηθνχ έξγνπ ηεο Γξγνιεπηηθήο Γηαηξείαο
Fantastic Constructions Ltd. Η Γηαηξεία απηή πξφθεηηαη λα θαηαζθεπάζεη κία
Δηψξνθε Πνιπθαηνηθία κε φλνκα Famagusta Court(FC). Η πνιπθαηνηθία ζα
θαηαζθεπαζηεί απφ νπιηζκέλν ζθπξφδεκα θαη ζπκβαηηθή ηνηρνπνηία θαη ζα έρεη
ηηο αθφινπζεο πξνδηαγξαθέο:

1. Θεκέιηα : Κνηηφζηξσζε
2. Ιζφγεην : Υψξνο ζηάζκεπζεο
3. 1νο & 2νο Όξνθνο : -3 δηακεξίζκαηα ησλ ηξηψλ ππλνδσκαηίσλ
-3 ρέξηα ζνπβάο
-θεξακηθά ζην πάησκα φισλ ησλ ρψξσλ εθηφο ησλ
-κνθέηα ζην πάησκα ησλ ππλνδσκαηίσλ
-θεξακηθά ζηνπο ηνίρνπο ηεο θνπδίλαο θαη W.C.,
κπνγηά ζηνπο ππφινηπνπο ρψξνπο.

4. Η κνθέηα θαη ηα θεξακηθά ζα είλαη πξνκήζεηα ηνπ εξγνδφηε ηνπ έξγνπ.

5. Η έλαξμε θαηαζθεπήο ηνπ έξγνπ ζα είλαη ζηηο 3 Ιαλνπαξίνπ 2005.

Δεκηνπξγία Ηκεξνινγίσλ (Calendars)

Standard Project Calendar: Σν Standard Calendar είλαη ε βάζε φισλ ησλ

εκεξνινγίσλ πνπ ζα ρξεζηκνπνηεζνχλ. ΢ε απηφ θαζνξίδνληαη φιεο νη εξγάζηκεο
ή κε εξγάζηκεο π.ρ. θξαηηθέο ή ζξεζθεπηηθέο αξγίεο νη νπνίεο ζα αθνινπζνχληαη
απφ φιεο ηηο δξαζηεξηφηεηεο ηνπ έξγνπ εθηφο απφ απηέο πνπ απαηηνχλ
δηαθνξεηηθνχο ρξφλνπο φπσο πην θάησ.

Task and Resource Calendars: Αλ έλα έξγν απαηηεί φπσο νξηζκέλεο εξγαζίεο
εθηεινχληαη ζε δηαθνξεηηθνχο ρξφλνπο ηφηε κπνξνχλ λα δεκηνπξγεζνχλ
εκεξνιφγηα ηα νπνία ζα ηθαλνπνηνχλ ηελ εθηέιεζε ηεο θάζε δξαζηεξηφηεηαο ή
ζα ηθαλνπνηνχλ ηελ δηάζεζε ησλ πφξσλ (recourses) αλάινγα κε ηηο απαηηήζεηο.

Γηα ην έξγν νη εξγαζίεο αλέγεξζεο ηνπ ζθειεηνχ ζα εθηεινχληαη απφ Δεπηέξα

κέρξη θαη Παξαζθεπή (5-λζήκεξν εκεξνιφγην). Όιεο νη ππφινηπεο εξγαζίεο έρνπλ

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ηε δπλαηφηεηα λα εθηεινχληαη απφ Δεπηέξα κέρξη θαη ΢άββαην (6-ήκεξν


Να δεκηνπξγεζνχλ ηα παξαθάησ εκεξνιφγηα:

Project Calendar 01 ΙΑΝ 2005 Global &

06 ΙΑΝ 2005 Global &
14 ΜΑΡ 2005 Global
25ΜΑΡ 2005 Global &
01 ΑΠΡ 2005 Global &
29 ΑΠΡ…03 ΜΑΙ Global
01 ΜΑΙ 2005 Global &
20 ΙΟΤΝ 2005 Global
01 ΑΤΓ…19ΑΤΓ Global
15ΑΤΓ 2005 Global &
01 ΟΚΣ 2005 Global &
28 ΟΚΣ 2005 Global &
24 ΔΓΚ …31 ΔΓΚ Global &
2005 Repeating
days/week &
Να επαλαιεθζεί
ε εηζαγσγή κε
εκεξψλ θαη γηα
ην έηνο 2006.
5 DAY 5 day/ week Exception: Σνλ
Αχγνπζην ηνπ
2005 & 2006
κφλν κία
εβδνκάδα απφ
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ηηο ηξείο ζα είλαη

6 DAY 6 day / week Exception: Σνλ
Αχγνπζην ηνπ
2005 & 2006
κφλν κία
εβδνκάδα απφ
ηηο ηξείο ζα είλαη

Summarising (Major Phases) and Grouping (implementing specific criteria

other than phases) of Tasks - Σύνοψη και Ομαδοποίηση Δραστηριοτήτων

Οη νκάδεο δξαζηεξηνηήησλ ρξεζηκνπνηνχληαη γηα:

Οξγάλσζε θαη νκαδνπνίεζε ησλ δξαζηεξηνηήησλ ζε θαηεγνξίεο

Γχθνιε Δεκηνπξγία Αλαθνξψλ θαη Γξαθηθψλ
Γπηινγή θαη απηφκαηε ζχλνςε (Summary) δξαζηεξηνηήησλ αλά

Ο Δηεπζπληήο Έξγνπ ηεο Δηψξνθεο Πνιπθαηνηθίαο ρξεηάδεηαη λα ειέγρεη ην έξγν

απφ πνιιέο νπηηθέο γσλίεο. Έηζη απνθάζηζε ηελ ρξήζε θαηάιιειεο
θσδηθνπνίεζεο (Οκαδνπνίεζεο) γηα λα απμήζεη ηηο δπλαηφηεηεο ησλ αλαθνξψλ.
Γηα ηελ θαιχηεξε νξγάλσζε ηνπ έξγνπ απνθάζηζε ηελ εμήο θσδηθνπνίεζε:

Αλά ΦΑ΢Η : Βαζκφο Πξνηεξαηφηεηαο

* ΚΙΝ – Κηλεηνπνίεζε & Έλαξμε Γξγαζηψλ 10

* ΓΡΓ - Οηθνδνκηθέο Γξγαζίεο 20
* ΓΡΓ - Ηιεθηξνκεραλνινγηθέο Γγθαηαζηάζεηο 30
* ΟΛΟΚ- Οινθιήξσζε & Παξάδνζε 40


* Γ΢Κ – Υσκαηνπξγηθέο εξγαζίεο 10

* ΢ΚΤΡ – Γξγαζίεο ΢θπξνδέκαηνο 20
* ΣΟΙΥ – Σνηρνπνηία 30
* ΜΟΝΧ- Οξνθέο θαη Μνλψζεηο 40
* ΞΤΛΟ – Ξπινπξγηθέο Γξγαζίεο 50
* ΜΓΣΑ – Μεηαιιηθά θαη Αινπκίληα 60
* ΜΗΥΑ- Τδξαπιηθέο & Μεραλνινγηθέο Γγθαηαζηάζεηο 70
* ΗΛΓΚ – Ηιεθηξνινγηθέο εγθαηαζηάζεηο 80
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* ΔΑΠΓ- Δαπεδνζηξψζεηο 90
* ΓΠΙΥ – Γπηρξίζκαηα & Γπελδχζεηο 100
* ΥΡΧΜ- Υξσκαηηζκνί 110


* ΤΠΟΔ- Τπνδνκή (΢θπξφδεκα) 10

* ΑΝΧΔ- Αλσδνκή (΢θπξφδεκα) 20
* Ι΢ΟΓ- Γξγαζίεο Ιζνγείνπ 30
* 1ΟΡ- Γξγαζίεο 1νπ Οξφθνπ 40
* 2ΟΡ- Γξγαζίεο 2νπ Οξφθνπ 50


*Γ΢ΚΤ- Γξγνδεγφο ΢θπξνδέηεζεο 10

* Γ1ΟΡ- Γξγνδεγφο 1νπ Οξφθνπ 20
* Γ2ΟΡ- Γξγνδεγφο 2νπ Οξφθνπ 30

Πίλαθαο Δξαζηεξηνηήησλ έξγνπ FC01

Κσδ. Πεξηγξαθή Αξρηθή
Δξαζη. Δξαζηεξηφηεηαο Δηάξθεηα
10 ΟΔΗΓΙΑ ΓΝΑΡΞΗ΢ Start milestone

20 ΓΚ΢ΚΑΦΗ 3

50 ΠΛΑΚΑ ΟΡΟΦΗ΢ 1νπ 12
60 ΠΛΑΚΑ ΟΡΟΦΗ΢ 2νπ 12
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100 ΣΟΙΥΟΠΟΙΙΑ 1νπ 10

ΓΓΚΑΣΑ΢ΣΑ΢ΓΙ΢ 1st fix,
110 ΦΓΤΣΟΚΑ΢ΙΓ΢ 1νπ 3
115 ΜΓΣΑΛΛΙΚΓ΢ ΚΑ΢ΙΓ΢ 1νπ 3*
120 ΢ΟΤΒΑ΢ Γ΢ΧΣΓΡΙΚΑ 1νπ 15
125 ΤΔΡΑΤΛΙΚΓ΢ & 15
130 ΤΠΟΔΑΠΓΔΟ 1νπ 5
155 ΤΔΡΑΤΛΙΚΓ΢ & 6
165 3-ΥΓΡΙΑ EMULSION 1νπ 8
170 ΠΑΡΚΓ 1νπ ΟΡΟΦΟΤ 5

1000 ΠΑΡΑΔΟ΢Η ΓΡΓΟΤ Finish Milestone

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Κσδηθνί Δξαζηεξηνηήησλ Έξγνπ FC01

Δξαζη. Δξαζηεξηφηεηαο





1ST FIX, 1νπ
ΚΑ΢ΙΓ΢ 1νπ
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Γηα ην έξγν Famagusta Court θαζνξίδνληαη νη πην θάησ παξαδνρέο γηα ηε

δεκηνπξγία ησλ ζρέζεσλ αιιειεμάξηεζεο κεηαμχ ησλ δξαζηεξηνηήησλ:


1. Πξέπεη λα δνζεί απφ ηνλ Αξρηηέθηνλα ηνπ έξγνπ ε Οδεγία Έλαξμεο
ησλ Γξγαζηψλ πξνηνχ μεθηλήζεη νπνηαδήπνηε εξγαζία ζην
2. Η θηλεηνπνίεζε ηνπ Γξγνιάβνπ κπνξεί λα μεθηλήζεη ηελ ίδηα εκέξα
πνπ ζα δνζεί ε Οδεγία Έλαξμεο.
3. Ο Γξγνιάβνο ρξεηάδεηαη 2 εκέξεο θηλεηνπνίεζεο (πξνεηνηκαζίαο)
πξνηνχ μεθηλήζεη ε εθζθαθή ζεκειίσλ.
4. Σν γθξν κπεηφλ ζα ρπζεί αθνχ νινθιεξσζεί θαηά 100% ε εθζθαθή.
Θα αθνινπζήζεη ε θαηαζθεπή ηεο θνηηφζηξσζεο θαη αθνχ απηή
νινθιεξσζεί ζα μεθηλήζεη ε θαηαζθεπή ησλ ηνίρσλ θαη θνιψλσλ
5. Γηα λα μεθηλήζεη ε θαηαζθεπή ηεο πιάθαο νξνθήο ηζνγείνπ δελ είλαη
απαξαίηεην λα νινθιεξσζνχλ φιεο νη θνιψλεο & ηνίρνη ηζνγείνπ,
αιιά, ζα κπνξεί λα μεθηλήζεη αθνχ νινθιεξσζνχλ νη ηνίρνη &
θνιψλεο θαηά 50%. Δελ κπνξεί, φκσο, λα νινθιεξσζεί αλ δελ
πεξάζνπλ 6 εξγάζηκεο κέξεο απφ ηελ νινθιήξσζε ησλ ηνίρσλ &
6. Οη πιάθεο νξνθήο θάζε νξφθνπ ζα ζθπξνδεηνχληαη ζε δηάζηεκα
κίαο εξγάζηκεο εκέξαο. Δελ ππάξρεη δειαδή θαηαζθεπαζηηθφο
7. Γηα λα μεθηλήζεη ε θαηαζθεπή ηεο πιάθαο νξνθήο ηνπ 1 νπ Οξφθνπ
δελ είλαη απαξαίηεην λα νινθιεξσζνχλ φιεο νη θνιψλεο & ηνίρνη
ηνπ ίδηνπ Οξφθνπ, αιιά ζα κπνξεί λα μεθηλήζεη αθνχ
νινθιεξσζνχλ νη ηνίρνη & θνιψλεο θαηά 50%. Δελ κπνξεί, φκσο λα
νινθιεξσζεί αλ δελ πεξάζνπλ 6 εξγάζηκεο εκέξεο απφ ηελ
νινθιήξσζε ησλ ηνίρσλ & θνιψλσλ.
8. Γηα λα μεθηλήζεη ε θαηαζθεπή ηεο πιάθαο νξνθήο 2νπ Οξφθνπ δελ
είλαη απαξαίηεην λα νινθιεξσζνχλ φιεο νη θνιφλεο & ηνίρνη ηνπ
ίδηνπ νξφθνπ, αιιά ζα κπνξεί λα μεθηλήζεη αθνχ νινθιεξσζνχλ νη
ηνίρνη & θνιψλεο θαηά 50%. Δελ κπνξεί, φκσο λα νινθιεξσζεί αλ
δελ πεξάζνπλ 6 εξγάζηκεο εκέξεο απφ ηελ νινθιήξσζε ησλ ηνίρσλ
& θνιψλσλ.
9. Οη πξνδηαγξαθέο θαζνξίδνπλ φηη γηα αθαίξεζε μπιφηππνπ πιάθαο
πξέπεη λα πεξάζνπλ 14 εκεξνινγηαθέο εκέξεο. ΢πλεπψο νη
ηνηρνπνηίεο ζηνπο νξφθνπο ζα κπνξνχλ λα μεθηλήζνπλ αθνχ
πεξάζνπλ 14 εξγάζηκεο εκέξεο (14-4+4(μεθαινχπσκα &
απνκάθξπλζε θαινππηψλ).
10 Οη ςεπηφθαζηεο ζα αθνινπζνχλ ηελ ηνηρνπνηία κε ρξνληθή πζηέξεζε
κίαο εκέξαο. Φπζηθά δελ κπνξνχλ λα νινθιεξσζνχλ αλ δελ
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νινθιεξσζεί ε ηνηρνπνηία.
Οη κεηαιιηθέο θαζζίεο ζα ηνπνζεηνχληαη ηαπηφρξνλα κε ηηο μχιηλεο
11 Οη ειεθηξνινγηθέο εγθαηαζηάζεηο 1st Fix ζα κπνξνχλ λα μεθηλήζνπλ
6 εκέξεο κεηά ηελ έλαξμε ηεο ηνηρνπνηίαο θαη ζα νινθιεξψλνληαη 5
εκέξεο κεηά ηε ιήμε ηεο ηνηρνπνηίαο.
12. ΢νβάηηζκα ζα μεθηλήζεη 1 εκέξα κεηά ηελ έλαξμε ηεο ηνπνζέηεζεο
ησλ ςεπηφθαζησλ θαζψο θαη 3 εκέξεο κεηά ηελ έλαξμε ησλ
ειεθηξνινγηθψλ εγθαηαζηάζεσλ 1st Fix. Θα νινθιεξσζεί εληφο 5
εκεξψλ απφ ηελ νινθιήξσζε ησλ ειεθηξνινγηθψλ εγθαηαζηάζεσλ
1st Fix.
13. Οη πδξαπιηθέο & κεραλνινγηθέο εγθαηαζηάζεηο ζα αθνινπζνχλ ην
ζνβάηηζκα κε ρξνληθή πζηέξεζε 5 εκεξψλ (ηφζν ε έλαξμε ηνπο φζν
θαη ε ιήμε ηνπο).
14. Σν άνπιν screed θαη ε κφλσζε ησλ βεξαληψλ ζα γίλνπλ αθνχ
νινθιεξσζνχλ φιεο νη πδξαπιηθέο & κεραλνινγηθέο εγθαηαζηάζεηο.
15. Σα θεξακηθά ζηνπο ηνίρνπο ζα ηνπνζεηεζνχλ αθνχ νινθιεξσζεί ε
ηνπνζέηεζε ηνπ screed. Σα θεξακηθά ζην πάησκα ζα ηνπνζεηεζνχλ
αθνχ νινθιεξσζεί ε κφλσζε ησλ βεξαληψλ θαη αθνχ μεθηλήζεη ε
ηνπνζέηεζε ησλ θεξακηθψλ ζηνπο ηνίρνπο θαη εθηειεζηεί εξγαζία
ηξηψλ εκεξψλ. Όκσο ζα κπνξεί λα νινθιεξσζεί εληφο 4 εκεξψλ
απφ ηελ νινθιήξσζε ηεο ηνπνζέηεζεο ησλ θεξακηθψλ ζηνπο
16. Οη ειεθηξνινγηθέο εγθαηαζηάζεηο 2nd Fix ζα εθηεινχληαη παξάιιεια
κε ηελ ηνπνζέηεζε ησλ θεξακηθψλ ζην πάησκα αιιά κε ρξνληθή
πζηέξεζε, ηφζν ζηελ έλαξμε φζν θαη ζηε ιήμε ηεο εξγαζίαο,
ηεζζάξσλ εκεξψλ.
17. Οη πδξαπιηθέο θαη κεραλνινγηθέο εγθαηαζηάζεηο 2nd Fix, ζα
εθηειεζηνχλ αθνχ ηνπνζεηεζνχλ ηα θεξακηθά ζε φινπο ηνπο
ρψξνπο θαη επηθάλεηεο.
18. ΢πάηνπια ζε ηαβάληα ζα μεθηλήζεηο αθνχ νινθιεξσζνχλ φιεο νη
ειεθηξνκεραλνινγηθέο εγθαηαζηάζεηο. Σα 3-ρέξηα emulsion ζα
αθνινπζνχλ ηε ζπάηνπια κε ρξνληθή πζηέξεζε 2 εκεξψλ ζηελ
έλαξμε θαη 3 εκεξψλ ζηε ιήμε.
19. Σν παξθέ ζα ηνπνζεηεζεί αθνχ νινθιεξσζνχλ φιεο νη ππφινηπεο
εξγαζίεο ηνπ θάζε νξφθνπ.

Γπηζεκαίλεηαη φηη ν Δηεπζπληήο ηνπ Έξγνπ απνθάζηζε φπσο:

νη εξγαζίεο ησλ Wet Trades (ηνηρνπνηία, ζνβάηηζκα θ.ι.π)

μεθηλήζνπλ απφ ηνλ 1ν Όξνθν θαη κεηά ζπλερίζνπλ ζηνλ 2ν Όξνθν.
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Project Management with Microsoft Project 2007

Οη εξγαζίεο ησλ ηειεησκάησλ λα μεθηλνχλ απφ ηελ θνξπθή ηνπ

θηηξίνπ θαη λα θαηεβαίλνπλ πξνο ηα θάησ, θαη
Η κνθέηα ζε φινπο ηνπο νξφθνπο λα ηνπνζεηεζεί ιίγν πξηλ ηελ
παξάδνζε ηνπ φινπ έξγνπ.

Πφξνη ή Μέζα Παξαγσγήο ( Resources)

Χο κέζα παξαγσγήο ή αιιηψο πφξνη λννχληαη:


Οηηδήπνηε δειαδή απαηηείηαη γηα λα ηειεηψζεη έλα έξγν. Γηα ην έξγν FC01, ην
ηκήκα θαηαζθεπψλ φξηζε ηνπο θπξηφηεξνπο πφξνπο, εθηίκεζε ηε δηαζεζηκφηεηα
θαη ην κνλαδηαίν θφζηνο γηα ηνλ θαζέλα. Βιέπε παξαθάησ πίλαθα:

E.G.W. Information services Ltd.

Project Management with Microsoft Project 2007

Resource Description Unit Of Price/Unit Limits

Measure (Δηαζεζηκφηεηα
USKL Un-skilled Man Hrs 5,00 CYP/Hr Unlimited
SKL Skilled Man Hrs 6,00 CYP/Hr Ννέκβξην &
Labour Δεθέκβξην
(Mason) 2007 θαη
Ιαλνπάξην &
2008 ππάξρνπλ
κφλν 2
CRP Carpenter Man Hrs 6,00 CYP/Hr Τπάξρνπλ
δηαζέζηκνη 4Νν
εκέξα)κέρξη ηηο
31 Οθη/07 θαη
έπεηηα ζα
ππάξρνπλ 6 Νν
κέρξη ην ηέινο
ηνπ εξγνπ.
POM Project Man Hrs 10,00 CYP/Hr 1 no
CTILES Ceramic Tiles M2 20 CYP/m2 Budgeted
quantity (Ref.
Bill of

E.G.W. Information services Ltd.

Project Management with Microsoft Project 2007

Πίλαθαο Πφξσλ έξγνπ FC01

Κσδ. Πεξηγξαθή Πεξηγξαθή Μνλάδα Υξνληθή Υξνληθή
Δξαζη. Δξαζηεξηφηεηαο Πφξνπ / εκέξα Δηάξθεηα Τζηέξεζε
Πφξνπ ζε Πφξνπ ζε
εκέξεο εκέξεο
015 ΚΙΝΗΣΟΠΟΙΗ΢Η Γξγάηεο 2 - -
Καινπςηήο 1

020 ΓΚ΢ΚΑΦΗ Γξγάηεο 2 -

025 ΓΚΡΟ ΜΠΓΣΟΝ Γξγάηεο 2 - -

ΘΓΜΓΛΙΑ Κηίζηεο 1
Καινπςηήο 1

030 ΚΟΙΣΟ΢ΣΡΧ΢Η Γξγάηεο 2 1 11

Κηίζηεο 1 1 11
Καινπςηήο 3
035 ΣΟΙΥΟΙ/ΚΟΛΧΝΓ΢ Γξγάηεο 2 - -
Ι΢ΟΓΓΙΟΤ Κηίζηεο 1 - -
Καινπςηήο 2
040 ΠΛΑΚΑ ΟΡΟΦΗ΢ Γξγάηεο 2 1 11
Ι΢ΟΓΓΙΟΤ Κηίζηεο 1 1 11
Καινπςηήο 6
045 ΣΟΙΥΟΙ/ Γξγάηεο 2 - -
ΚΟΛΧΝΓ΢ 1νπ Κηίζηεο 1 - -
ΟΡΟΦΟΤ Καινπςηήο 2
050 ΠΛΑΚΑ ΟΡΟΦΗ΢ Γξγάηεο 2 1 11
1νπ ΟΡΟΦΟΤ Κηίζηεο 1 1 11
Καινπςηήο 6
055 ΣΟΙΥΟΙ/ Γξγάηεο 2 - -
ΚΟΛΧΝΓ΢ 2νπ Κηίζηεο 1 - -
ΟΡΟΦΟΤ Καινπςηήο 2
060 ΠΛΑΚΑ ΟΡΟΦΗ΢ Γξγάηεο 2 1 11
2νπ ΟΡΟΦΟΤ Κηίζηεο 1 1 11
Καινπςηήο 6

1F ΣΟΙΥΟΠΟΙΙΑ 1νπ Γξγάηεο 1 - -

ΟΡΟΦΟΤ Κηίζηεο 2
1F ΢ΟΤΒΑ΢ Γξγάηεο 1 - -
Γ΢ΧΣΓΡΙΚΑ 1 Κηίζηεο 2
E.G.W. Information services Ltd.
Project Management with Microsoft Project 2007

1F ΚΓΡΑΜΙΚΑ ΢Γ Γξγάηεο 1 - -
ΣΟΙΥΟΤ΢ 1νπ Κηίζηεο 2
1F ΚΓΡΑΜΙΚΑ ΢Γ Γξγάηεο 1 - -
ΠΑΣΧΜΑ 1νπ Κηίζηεο 2

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Project Management with Microsoft Project 2007 ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ Α

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8/80 rule A general guideline regarding the base calendar A calendar that can serve as the
estimation of task duration. Task durations project calendar or a task calendar. A base
between eight hours (or one day) and 80 calendar defines the default working times
hours (10 working days, or two weeks) are for resources. Project includes three base
generally sized to a manageable duration. calendars named Standard, 24 Hours, and
Accrual The method by which a project incurs Night Shift. You can customize these, or you
the cost of a task or a resource. The three can use them as a basis for your own base
types of accrual are start, prorated, and end. calendar.
Actual A detail about task completion recorded baseline The original project plan, saved for
in a Project plan. Prior to recording actuals, later comparison. The baseline includes the
the project plan contains scheduled or planned start and finish dates of tasks and
planned information. Comparing planned assignments, as well as their planned costs.
project information to actuals helps the Project plans can have up to 11 baselines,
project manager better control project BCWP An earned value indicator; the acronym
execution. stands for Budgeted Cost of Work
ACWP An earned value indicator; the acronym Performed. In earned value analysis, this is
stands for Actual Cost of Work Performed. In the budgeted cost of tasks that have been
earned value analysis, this is the actual cost of completed (or the portion completed of
tasks that have been completed (or the each) by the status date. BCWP is also called
portion completed of each) by the status Earned Value (EV) because it represents the
date. value earned in the project by the status
allocation The portion of the capacity of a re-
source devoted to work on a specific task. BCWS An earned value indicator; the acronym
stands for Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled.
assignment The matching of a work resource (a
In earned value analysis, this is the portion of
person or a piece of equipment) to a task.
the project's budget that is scheduled to be
You can also assign a material resource to a
spent by the status date. BCWS is also called
task, but those resources have no effect on
Planned Value (PV).
work or duration.
bottom-up planning A method of developing
AutoFilter In a table, a quick way to view only
a project plan that starts with the
the task or resource information that meets
lowest-level tasks and organizes them into
the criteria you choose. To turn on AutoFiiter,
broad phases.
on the Project menu, point to Filtered For
<filter name>, and then click AutoFilter, To burdened labor rate A resource cost rate that
filter a table with AutoFilter, click the arrow reflects not only the resource's direct payroll
next to a column heading, and choose the cost, but also some portion of the organiza-
criteria you want. tion's costs that are not directly related to
the resource's assignments on a project.
BAC An earned value indicator; the acronym
Note that Project doesn't support a
stands for Budget At Completion. This is the
burdened labor rate directly; if you want to
same as baseline cost.
use one, simply enter it as a resource's
standard or overtime cost rate.

E.G.W. Information services Ltd.

Glossary 2

calendar The settings that define the working effect on the scheduling of a task to which it
days and time for a project, resources, and is assigned.
tasks. CPI An earned value indicator; the acronym
consolidated project A Project plan that con- stands for Cost Performance Index. In earned
tains one or more inserted project plans. The value analysis, this is the ratio of budgeted to
inserted projects are linked to the actual cost (CPI = BCWP / ACWP).
consolidated project so that any changes to
critical path A series of tasks that, if delayed,
the inserted projects are reflected in the
will push out the end date of a project.
consolidated plan, and vice versa. A
consolidated project plan is also known as a CV An earned value indicator; the acronym
master project plan. stands for Cost Variance, in earned value
analysis, this is the difference between
constraint A restriction, such as Must Start On budgeted and actual cost (CV = BCWP -
(MSO) or Finish No Later Than (FNLT), that ACWP).
you can place on the start or finish date of a
task. CV% The ratio of cost variance to BCWS, ex-
pressed as a percentage (CV% = [(BCWP -
contour The manner in which a resource's work ACWP) / BCWP] χ 100). This is an earned value
on a task is scheduled over time. Project in- indicator.
cludes several predefined work contours that
you can apply to an assignment. For example, deadline A date value you can enter for a task
a back-loaded contour schedules a small that indicates the latest date by which you
amount of work at the beginning of an want the task to be completed. If the sched-
assignment and then schedules increasing uled completion date of a task is later than its
amounts of work as time progresses. You can deadline, you are notified. The benefit of
also manually contour an assignment by entering deadline dates is that they do not
editing work values tn a usage view, such as constrain tasks.
the Resource Usage. Applying a predefined deliverable The final product, service, or event a
contour or manually contouring an project is intended to create.
assignment causes Project to display a work
dependency A link between a predecessor task
contour icon in the Indicators column.
and a successor task. A dependency controls
Copy Picture The feature that enables you to the start or finish of one task relative to the
copy images and create snapshots of a view. start or finish of the other task. The most
cost The resources required to carry out a proj- common dependency is finish-to-start, in
ect, including the people who do the work, which the finish date of the predecessor task
the equipment used, and the materials determines the start date of the successor
consumed as the work is completed. Cost is task.
one side of the project triangle model. destination program The program into which
cost rate table The resource pay rates that are you place the data when exchanging data
stored on the Costs tab of the Resource between Project and another program.
Information dialog box. You can have up to duration The span of working time you expect
five separate cost rate tables per resource. it will take to complete a task.
cost resource A type of resource used to rep- EAC An earned value indicator; the acronym
resent financial costs associated with tasks in stands for Estimate At Completion. In earned
a project. Use cost resources to account for value analysis, this is the forecasted cost to
standard categories of costs you want to track complete a task based on performance up to
in a project, such as costs for travel or cater- the status date (EAC = ACWP + [BAC - BCWP]
ing. A cost resource does no work and has no /CPI).

E.G.W. Information services Ltd.

Glossary 3

earned value analysis A sophisticated form of filtering In a view, a way to see or highlight
project performance analysis that focuses on only the task or resource information that
schedule and budget performance compared meets the criteria you choose.
with baseline plans. Earned value uses your
fixed consumption rate A fixed quantity of a
original baseline estimates and progress to
material resource to be consumed in the
date to show whether you're ahead, behind,
completion of an assignment.
or on schedule compared with the actual
costs incurred. fixed cost A set amount of money budgeted
for a task. This amount is independent of
effort-driven scheduling A scheduling method
resource costs and task duration.
in which the work of a task remains constant
regardless of the number of resources fixed duration A task type in which the dura-
assigned to it. As resources are added to a tion value is fixed. If you change the amount
task, the duration decreases, but the work of work you expect a task to require, Project
remains the same and is distributed among recalculates units for each resource. If you
the assigned resources. Effort-driven change duration or units, Project recalculates
scheduling is the default scheduling method work.
in Project, but it can be turned off for any fixed units A task type in which the units value
task. is fixed. If you change the duration of a task,
elapsed duration The amount of time it will Project recalculates the amount of work
take to finish a task, based on a 24-hour day scheduled for the task. If you change units or
and a 7-day week. work, Project recalculates duration.
enterprise project management Project man- fixed work A task type in which the work value
agement practiced in a formal, consistent is fixed. If you change the duration of the
way throughout an organization. task, Project recalculates units for each
enterprise resource pool When using a Project resource. If you change units or work, Project
Server-based enterprise project management recalculates duration.
system, a central repository of generic and flexible constraint A constraint type that gives
work resources that can be shared by ail proj- Project the flexibility to change the start and
ects published to Project Server. finish dates (but not the duration) of a task.
enterprise template When using a Project As Soon As Possible (ASAP) and As Late As
Server-based enterprise project management Possible (ALAP) are both flexible constraints.
system, templates that are stored in Project free slack The amount of time that a task can
Server and available to Project Professional be delayed without delaying the start date of
users. Enterprise templates help ensure another task.
consistent use of best practices and metrics
fully allocated The condition of a resource
within an organization.
when the total work of his or her task as-
Entry table The grid on the left side of the de- signments is exactly equal to his or her work
fault Gantt Chart view. capacity.
export map The specifications for exporting Gantt Chart view A predefined view in Project
fields from Project to other file formats, such consisting of a table (the Entry table by
as HTML. Project includes several export default) on the left and a graphical bar chart
maps, which you can use as they are or on the right that shows the project plan over
modify. time.
field The lowest-level information about a task,
resource, or assignment.

E.G.W. Information services Ltd.

Glossary 4

generic resource When using a Project inserted project A Project plan that is inserted
Server-based enterprise project management into another Project plan, called a
system, a special type of resource that can consolidated plan. An inserted project is also
describe the expected skills of a specific type known as a subproject.
of work resource. Project managers can plan
interim plan A task's start and finish values,
with generic resources and then replace them
saved for later comparison. Each Project plan
with work resources based on matching skills
can have, at most, 10 interim plans.
(and other factors).
lag time A delay between tasks that have a task
ghost task A task that represents a link from one
relationship. For example, lag time causes the
Project plan to another. Ghost tasks appear as
successor task in a finish-to-start relationship
gray bars.
to begin some time after its predecessor task
Global template A Project template named concludes.
Global.mpt that contains the default views, lead time An overlap between tasks that have a
tables, filters, and other items that Project task relationship. For example, lead time
uses. causes the successor task in a finish-to-start
group A way to reorder task or resource infor- relationship to begin before its predecessor
mation in a table and display summary values task concludes. In the Project interface, you
for each group. You can specify several levels enter lead time as negative lag time.
of groups. {The term group is also used to
line manager A manager of a group of resourc-
refer to the Resource Group field, which is
es; also called a functional manager. A line
manager might also have project
Group field A field in which you can specify a management skills and responsibilities,
group name (such as a department) with depending on the organization's structure.
which you want to associate a resource. If you
link A logical relationship between tasks that
organize resources into groups, you can sort,
controls sequence and dependency. In the
filter, or group resources by group.
Gantt Chart and Network Diagram views,
HTML template A set of HTML tags and codes links appear as lines between tasks.
applied to Project data as it's exported macro A recorded or programmed set of in-
through a map. Project includes several HTML
structions that carry out a specific action
templates, which you can use as they are or
when initiated. Macros in Project use Visual
Basic for Applications.
hyperlink A link to another file, a specific loca-
material resources The consumables that are
tion in a file, a page on the World Wide
used up as a project progresses. As with work
Web, or a page on an intranet.
resources, you assign material resources to
import/export map A set of specifications for tasks. Unlike work resources, material
importing specific data to or from Project resources have no effect on the total amount
fields. Project includes several built-in maps, of work scheduled on a task.
which you can use as they are or modify.
maximum units The maximum capacity (as en-
Import and export maps are sometimes re-
tered in the Max. Units field) of a resource to
ferred to as data maps.
accomplish tasks. If you allocate the resource
inflexible constraint A constraint type that beyond capacity, Project alerts you that the
forces a task to begin or end on a certain resource is overallocated.
date. Must Start On (MSO) and Must Finish
On (MFO) are both inflexible constraints.

E.G.W. Information services Ltd.

Glossary 5

Microsoft Office System Enterprise Project overallocated The condition of resources when
Management Solution The set of tools and they are assigned to do more work than 'is
practices built upon Project Server and (op- their normal work capacity.
tionally) Windows SharePoint Services. phase A sequence of tasks that represent a ma-
milestone A significant event that is reached jor portion of the project's work. In Project,
within the project or imposed upon the proj- phases are represented by summary tasks.
ect. In Project, milestones are normally repre- planning The first major phase of project man-
sented as tasks with zero duration. agement work. Planning includes ail of the
negative slack The amount of time that tasks work in developing a project schedule up to
overlap due to a conflict between task the point where the tracking of actual work
relationships and constraints. begins.
night shift A base calendar included with predecessor A task whose start or end date de-
Project designed to accommodate an 11:00 termines the start or finish of another task or
P.M.-8:00 A.M. "graveyard" work shift. tasks, called successor tasks.
noncritical tasks The tasks that have slack. product scope The quality, features, and func-
Noncritical tasks can finish within their slack tions (often called specifications) of the
time without affecting the project completion deliverable of the project.
date. program office A department within an orga-
note The information (including linked or em- nization that oversees a collection of projects
bedded files) that you want to associate with (such as producing wings and producing en-
a task, resource, or assignment. gines), each of which contributes to a
complete deliverable (such as an airplane)
OLE A protocol that enables you to transfer and the organization's strategic objectives.
information, such as a chart or text (called an
object), to documents in different programs. progress bar A graphical representation on a
bar in the Gantt Chart view that shows how
ongoing operation An activity that has no much of a task has been completed.
planned end date and is repetitive in nature.
Examples include accounting, managing hu- project A temporary endeavor undertaken to
man resources, and some manufacturing. create a unique product or service.
Organizer A dialog box with which you can project calendar The base calendar that is used
copy views, tables, filters, and other items by the entire project. The project calendar
between the Global.mpt template and other defines normal working and nonworking
Project plans or between two different Project days and times.
plans. project scope The work required to produce a
outline A hierarchy of summary tasks and deliverable with agreed-upon quality,
sub-tasks within Project, usually features, and functions.
corresponding to major phases of work. project summary task A summary task that
outline number Numbers that indicate the po- contains top-level information such as dura-
sition of a task in the project's hierarchy. For tion, work, and costs for the entire project.
example, a task with an outline number of 4.2 The project summary task has a task ID of 0
indicates that it's the second subtask under and is displayed through the View tab of the
the fourth top-level task. Options dialog box, which is available by
clicking the Options command on the Tools

E.G.W. Information services Ltd.

Glossary 6

project triangle A popular model of project resources People, equipment, and material (and
management in which time, cost, and scope the associated costs of each) needed to com-
are represented as the three sides of a plete the work on a project.
triangle. A change to one side will affect at risk An event that decreases the likelihood of
least one of the other two sides. There are completing the project on time, within
many variations on this model. budget, and to specification (or, less likely, an
recurring task A task that repeats at opportunity to improve project performance).
established intervals. You can create a scheduling formula A representation of how
recurring task that repeats for a fixed number Project calculates work, based on the dura-
of times or that ends by a specific date. tion and resource units of an assignment. The
relationship The type of dependency between scheduling formula is Duration χ Units =
two tasks, visually indicated by a link line. The Work.
types of relationships include finish-to-start, scope The products or services to be provided
start-to-start, finish-to-finish, and by a project, and the work required to deliver
start-to-finish. Also known as a link, a logical it. For project planning, it's useful to
relationship, a task dependency, or a distinguish between product scope and
precedence relationship. project scope. Scope is one side of the
report A format designed for printing. Project project triangle model.
includes several predefined reports, each fo- ScreenTip A short description of an item on the
cusing on specific aspects of your project screen, such as a toolbar, button, or bar. To
data. You can also define your own reports. see a ScreenTip, point to an item until the
resource calendar The working and ScreenTip appears.
nonwork-ing days and times of an individual semi-flexible constraint A constraint type that
work resource. gives Project the flexibility to change the start
resource leveling A method of resolving re- and finish dates of a task within one date
source overallocation by delaying the start boundary. Start No Earlier Than (SNET), Start
date of an assignment or an entire task or No Later Than (SNLT), Finish No Earlier Than
splitting up the work on a task. Project can (FNET), and Finish No Later Than (FNLT) are
level resources automatically, or you can do it all semi-flexible constraints.
manually. sequence The chronological order in which
resource manager A person who oversees re- tasks occur. A sequence is ordered from left
source usage in project activities specifically to right in most views that include a
to manage the time and costs of resources. A timescale, such as the Gantt Chart view.
resource manager might also have project sharer plan A project plan that is linked to a
management skills and responsibilities, resource pool. Sharer plans use resources
depending on the organization's structure.
from a resource pool.
resource pool A Project plan that other projects
shortcut menu A menu you display by pointing
use for their resource information, Resource to an item on the screen and then right-click-
pools contain information about resources' ing. Shortcut menus contain only the com-
task assignments from all project plans mands that apply to the item to which you
(called sharer plans) linked to the resource are pointing.
slack The amount of time that a task can be
delayed without delaying a successor task
(free slack) or the project end date (total
slack). Slack is also known as float.

E.G.W. Information services Ltd.

Glossary 7

sorting A way of ordering task or resource in- SV% The ratio of schedule variance to BCWS,
formation in a view by the criteria you expressed as a percentage (SV% = [SV /
choose. BCWS] χ 100). This is an earned value
source program When exchanging data be- indicator.
tween Project and another program, the pro- table A spreadsheet-like presentation of project
gram in which the data resided originally. data, organized in vertical columns and hori-
SPI An earned value indicator; the acronym zontal rows. Each column represents one of
stands for Schedule Performance Index. In the many fields in Project, and each row
earned value analysis, this is the ratio of per- represents a single task or resource. In a
formed to scheduled work (SPI = BCWP / usage view, additional rows represent
BCWS). assignments.
split An interruption in a task, represented in the task A project activity that has a starting and
Gantt bar as a dotted line between segments finishing point. A task is the basic building
of a task. You can split a task multiple times. block of a project
sponsor An individual or organization that both task calendar The base calendar that is used by
provides financial support and champions the a single task, A task calendar defines working
project team within the larger organization. and nonworking times for a task, regardless
of settings in the project calendar.
stakeholders The people or organizations that
might be affected by project activities (those task ID A unique number that Project assigns to
who "have a stake" in its success). These also each task in a project. In the Entry table, the
include the resources working on the project task ID appears in the far left column.
as well as others (such as customers) external task priority A numeric ranking between 0 and
to the project work. 1000 of a task's importance and appropriate-
Standard base calendar A base calendar in- ness for leveling. Tasks with the lowest
cluded with Project designed to priority are delayed or split first. The default
accommodate an 8:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. value is 500.
Monday through Friday work shift. task type A setting applied to a task that deter-
status date The date you specify (not neces- mines how Project schedules the task, based
sarily the current date) that determines on which of the three scheduling formula
how Project calculates earned value values is fixed. The three task types are fixed
indicators. units, fixed duration, and fixed work.
successor A task whose start or finish is driven TCPI An earned value indicator; the acronym
by another task or tasks, called predecessor stands for To Complete Performance Index.
tasks. In earned value analysis, this is the ratio of
remaining work to remaining budget, as of
summary task A task that is made up of and
the status date (TCPI = [BAC - BCWP]/[BAC -
summarizes the subtasks below it. In Project,
phases of project work are represented by
summary tasks. template A Project file format that enables you
to reuse existing project plans as the basis for
SV An earned value indicator; the acronym
new project plans. Project includes several
stands for Schedule Variance. In earned value
templates that relate to a variety of
analysis, this is the difference between
industries, and you can create your own
current progress and the baseline plan (SV =
time The scheduled durations of individual
tasks and the overall project. Time is one side
of the project triangle model.

E.G.W. Information services Ltd.

Glossary 8

Throughput metric A measurement of the VAC An earned value indicator; the acronym
quantity of a deliverable that can be stands for Variance At Completion. In earned
completed over a given time period, usually value analysis, this is the forecasted cost vari-
expressed as a ratio. For example, "paint one ance to complete a task based on
wall per day" describes a quantity of a performance up to the status date (VAC =
deliverable (a painted wall) that can be BAC - EAC).
produced in a given time period (a day). Note variable consumption rate A quantity of a
that the time period used in a metric is work, material resource to be consumed that will
not elapsed duration. change if the duration of the task to which it
timephased field The task, resource, or assign- is assigned changes.
ment values that are distributed overtime.
variance A deviation from the schedule or
The values of timephased fields appear in the
budget established by the baseline plan.
timescale grid on the right side of views, such
as the Task Usage or Resource Usage view. view A visual representation of the tasks or re-
sources in your project. The three categories
timescale The timescale appears in views, such
of views are charts, sheets, and forms. Views
as the Gantt Chart and Resource Usage views,
enable you to enter, organize, and examine
as a band across the top of the grid and de-
information in a variety of formats.
notes units of time. You can customize the
timescale in the Timescale dialog box, which WBS (work breakdown structure) The
you can open from the Format menu. identification of every task in a project that
reflects that task's location in the hierarchy
top-down planning A method of developing a
of the project.
project plan by identifying the highest-level
phases or summary tasks before breaking work The total scheduled effort for a task, re-
them into lower-level components or source, resource assignment, or entire project
subtasks. Work is measured in person-hours and might
not match the duration of the task. Work is
total slack The amount of time that a task can
one variable in the scheduling formula:
be delayed without delaying the project's end
Duration χ Units = Work.
work resources The people and equipment that
tracking The second major phase of project
do the work of the project.
management work. Tracking includes all of
the collecting, entering, and analyzing of workspace A set of project plans and settings
actual project performance values, such as that you can save and reopen by opening a
work on tasks and actual durations. single workspace file. Workspace files have
the .mpw extension.
underallocated The condition of resources
when they are assigned to do less work than
is their normal work capacity. For example, a
full-time resource who has only 25 hours of
work assigned in a 40-hour work week is
units A standard way of measuring the capacity
of a resource to work when you assign the
resource to a task in Project. Units are one
variable in the scheduling formula: Duration *
Units = Work.

E.G.W. Information services Ltd.

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