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hey guys I'm back again my name is Sean

and today we are going to talk about

terraform so yeah what is what is

terraform what problem it is solving in

the area of DevOps what it is who has

developed a reform and how companies are

using terraform to help their

infrastructure getting to a to a

different level and manage inflation but

more easier way so let's get started so

terraform is an open-source platform to

manage your infrastructure starting from

your low level to high level when a sole

a lower level you can manage your entire

interesting or virtual machine virtual

networks and a lot of other things

terraform is comes under inference there

is a code service which means you can

manage your infrastructure pretty much

as a code which developer also does for

their application which means with

terraform you can go through the entire

lifecycle of what developer has been

doing going through for so many years so

you can you can you can collaborate with

your investor code within your develops

team or infest your team you can make

some changes in your code and we get it

reviewed by one of your colleagues and

raise a pull request for that and make

some changes and then merge back the

changes to the branch so that's that's

how the reform actually helps you to

collaborate within the team so this is

develop could terraform is developed by

an open source company called cobb

and the language which is used to write

terraform code is is in harsh recoup

configuration language which is called

as HCl as well

Hoshi coped will started in 2012 and

they have they have fleet of products

around Packer background and lot of

these products they have so you can just

go to their site and check all these

products they have vagrant Packer Terra

firme vault

a lot of other open-source the best part

is all of these tools are open-source

you don't get to pay anything you don't

pay anything to get started of it and

you can yeah that's that that's the best

part about the tool so yeah so that's

that's that's about

Hacha cop what it has been doing how it

is solving the problem coming back to

terraform so terraformers so data form

let's go back to the site and talk a bit

more about terraform terraform helps you

to manage your code why terraform over

other other other technologies or other

piece of software which is available in

the market so currently if you're using

Amazon so first of all telephone can be

used to manage any of those public cloud

like as your GCP or Amazon talking about

agile generally we manage as your by a

PowerShell adjacent file or GUI so

downside of using all these technologies

you guys it's a manual effort so it

takes lot of time to manage your

interests your PowerShell you got to go

to dick logically you'll to write a

school from scratch it's it's not easy

if you just getting start off with you

go to put lot of logics into it and your

debug a lot and you do not have you

didn't you you can't collaborate with

with in PowerShell you cannot share your

code you will have to manually share it

over the email or FTP way terraform you

can share your code similarly what

developer does so that that's one of the

one of the plus point we have a

terraform you do not do not have to it's

pretty easy to start off it because you

it's a declarative language which means

you declare your variables you pram

variables against the parameters so you

don't need to write anything from

scratch rather you rather you declare

your infrastructure which means so

taking this example if you if you look

at the neck

you just declare everything you select

the resource means here blue a Selectric

elastic load balancer

it's like it's gonna be a front-end load

balancer means you're just talking to

you just communicating with the with the

console you're not telling him to do

anything it'll do on its own just give

it a name of the road balancer and then

all the parameters you have and yeah

that's pretty much it so it looks very

simple and it works as as pretty simple

as well so let's get started let's let's

let me let me forget you take you

through how to install terraform on

windows so just click on this download

button and select the appropriate

version for your windows for my my my

machine is a 64-bit machine so I've

downloaded it already once you have

downloaded it you go to save it one of

the folder I have saved it in my C Drive

and then once you have downloaded what

do you just need to do would you need to

go to your PC and click on properties

alright and you click on advanced you go

to environments variable and you define

where your path is so that's going to be

Tara from just give it a name it can be

an effect each name values it's gotta be

your file where you have saved your

saved your terraform terraform binary so

it's gonna be op smooth just click ok so

that's that's pretty much it and you

just need to save it so terraform is a

single binary file I do not it doesn't

contain much of those files and folders

you need to have those installation

complete it's just a single binary file

that is terraform dot exe you just need

to run it click and click just click on

click right click and install it once

this is done you can and once your

installation is done you have made the

changes the binary the path changes on


environment variables you just open your

command line and run it as an

administrator so what you do is you go

to CD into the path where your direct

your binary terraform installation file

is being kept so you go to CD of code

that's just a name of the folder I have

given you can give it any name CD

terraform you just rented a form dot exe

and your terraform is pretty much

accessible now so if I type terraform -

V and gonna give it's gonna give me the

version of terraform so if you would

just enlarge this you'll see lot of

these values so how you could get

started so once you have done the

installation how do you edit your file

so you edit your file by all your files

are known as are saved at the next

tension of dot TF so you mention all

your resources over here so I'm just

gonna not gonna do much over here and

save as in the in my folder over here

scoot and that's gonna be my demo dot DF

file once I saved this this is saved


yes so I've saved my telephone file how

do you run the this file so simply go

type in terraform planned this will

fetch all the files you have under the

folder and you can see that there's

already an error so I mean obviously we

were expecting an adult this video is

not about debugging these errors it's

about how to get started so you click on

terror you just type in terraform plan

and it it scan your file scans your file

and and tells you what it will run so

once you you you you once it has given

you what to run then you this will not

run actually this will just show you

these are the changes which you are

going to apply to your infrastructure so

once you type in terraform apply this is

going to run the file and make all the

changes into your infrastructure there

are a lot of other things which is

available actually terraform graph is

actually shows you what what what is

that the graphical representation of

what is actually happening inside

terraform terraformed s tries one of

those powerful which which which which

kind of kind of deletes your widget

which which deletes your entire

infrastructure of home destroy this will

delete your entire infrastructure

mention on the telephone file yeah so

that was about how to install and get

started with terraform this was just a

tutorial video how to get started and

install and what is data form how it is

how it is evolving and making a

difference in the area of DevOps what

problem it is solving

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