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Before you start ... Beeches is + Do you help al home? What do you do? predictions about life in the future Skills Vocabulary * leisure/vacation activities * talk about future plans «predictions about a famous * ecotourism activities * make predictions ome * weather ‘state intentions & express 4 ava nara + New Year's resolutions surprise 27d deigh ora HRT he © life in the future © express certainty/uncertainty fade book a fight * a poragraph about your fture * predicting the future * compass points/locations make promises/onthe-spot job * robot abilities decisions * stages of life © pronunciation of ‘Il * jobs Writing Grammar © sentences about your for \* be going to vacation/weekend Tite? page \* will «sentences abou! your partner's jumbers for... * yes/no questions weekend Sait) © comments for a blog o quiz * wh- questions * will - be going to Scanned with CamScanner a Vocabulary Vacation activities 1 Q\tisten and repeat, Match the phrases (1-8) to the pictures (A+). Reading 2 a} Look at the beginning of the ‘email. Who is it to/from? What is it about? Q listen, read, and check. b) Read again. Which of the vtes in Ex. 1 can you find in Eee guess what, spend, ever, pick up, fickets, at least, give ita try, voleano, Pyramids, trip, can't wait 72 lie on a golden sandy beach visit Mayan pyramids go ona safari swim with dolphins hike shop for souveni try local dishes fol Noa s|e][ro] — Writing 5 THINK) Write five predictions about what life will be like in 50 years, Read them fo the class. Are you a pessimist or an optimist? I think cars will fly. Scanned with CamScanner - ey oan 6 1 | CS ee ohn, look. There's a J AY fortune in that Y tent Lets goin. al ® a fee z = ~ SHOOTING : SPOR vou ca be serious Ee E C “Ze_2- Don't tell me you actually = t* <” ——believe that stuff! d : ! EO, a y (6 \s o% YX [Of course not. I's just 2 SUSS Welcome boys. m Mis Lass. Have a as Co Ary 8, seat. What would you ike to know? 0 “1 = )% 3 2 Ss EY OW, mt 7 % } ORS OG = o “% Hmm... my esta all says Will | be successful? that you'll become a doctor. —— ; You'l aso get maried and mam = have two beautiful chicren. [me What is so ig cag bo funny, John? is . ® 6, \ (Oe 2 = ‘e, - Za A \ 3 " You? A doctor? You You, the non-believer. You'll Jpahahahal Were right. This is fun ind great fortune very soon. fi Tim going to get a | ate al ‘soda. Want one? a ae >» A 4 ZS5 SF) Due 6 |e 7, Whatever! Come on, Lary. Let's go. Cant havea : soda, please? g off RS p, atin " We) « slit Congratulations! You are our eae 1000!" customer. You win $1,000. Lr OMe GY | Well maybe the forune-& GSN | toler was ight ater al. (Ie — Bat ct Awe fortuneteller, suf, seat, crystal ball, nonbeliever, V SZ fortune, whatever, congratulations, customer Amn Scanned with CamScanner «) Read the cartoon sip and complete the ummary using the words in th lst « fortunetteller_* crystal ball * laughing ‘« camival * tent * soda * money * future ETE (john and Larry are at the 1) Lamy wants to see a 2) ask about his 3) works inside 2 4) and The woman and has a on a table in front of ‘and asks Larry 5) ——_____—_ Listening & Speaking 4 Qollisten to Madam Susie making her predictions about Robert Pattinson and check V) the ones you hear. [7T_] move to an island stort o family win on Oscar form a bond buy ovill get married her John starts 6) toleave. John stops to buy a7) and he wins alot of 8) +) @@@ Toke roles and read the cartoon strip aloud. Pay attention fo the intonation. Grammar will — wh- questions «) Read the table. What will study? Math. Where wil | live? Ina big city. ‘Who will become a singer? Patty. How will we commute? By bus. b) Write questions using the phrases (1-7) and then match them to the answers (o). TE] Whot/city/Jone/move a Her aunt 10? = b New York. 21] What/she/do there? eed SL] Where/she/lve? © $3,000. 4T] Who/she/stay wih? dn on opartment, i What/she/become? house wih EL How much money/ doaeel she/earn a month? : 70] Whot/she/buy/ 9 Study lav. someday? h Alawyer. ‘adopt a child donate money to a charily | +) @QEO© Work in groups of three, One person willbe the fortunetller. Moke predictions for each person in the group. ‘A: What will become? B: Sandy, you'll become an actress. A: Really? Will |be successf? B: Yes, you will. You'll travel ‘around the world and you'll own a yacht. C: What will become? B: You will be a very successful lawyer. Writing Imagine you are a fortune- teller. Think of a famous < person in your county. Write ‘your predictions about their future. Think about: \ LNA BS | * coreer * foily UZ heath «fiends * love * money Read them to the, class. This year Beyoncé wl win a Grammy f Award, Scanned with CamScanner Vocabulary / Compass points/ Locations 14 Q\tisten ond repeat. Look at the compass points ‘ond soy them aloud. NaSu cs Caeenrrns Chile, one of thy world’s most amazing countries, is waiting for you, Peru Our 8-day tour will take you to some of the most exciti places you can ima Days 1-2: Santiago The fight aves inthe capital, Sntagy, in the moming. After you check in a your hotel, we wil visit the main squa, and then walk to the top of Santa Lucg Hil for a breathtaking view of Santigy, The next day, we will travel ty Valparaiso and spend the day at one of its beautiful sandy beaches. iy Days'3-5: Atacama Tatio ‘We will fly to Calama at noon. In the .A Bolivia ca Calama « +Froconao, b} Look atthe map. Which Vola leno Vares ~)| afternoon, we wil take you ona ty counties does Chil border? Chile iiand § ofthe Archaeological Museum, Th , SOUTH PACIFIC next moming, we will leave for Chile borders Per in he not. BBs Tconao. There you vill vist te Chaxa Lake and see the pink ¢) ©) Ask and answer flamingos of Atacama. We will aso questions about the cities on the visit the Moon Valley with its mop, os in the example. amazing sand dunes and sat Punta ArsnaBe crystals. You'll fe! like you are on A: Where’s Arica? B: It's in the north of Chile. Where’s ...? Reading 2 o) Look at the title, the subheadings, and the Who is the text for? What information does it include? b) What do you know about Chile? What can you do/see there? GQ \tisten and read to find out ean arrive, check in, main, breathtaking, view, sandy, sand dunes, salt erysals, boiling, mud, our, soll, crossing, seafood, head to 84 another planet. The next day, we wil hike around the Tatio Geysers ‘and see the boiling mud. Pan Puerto Varas/Santiago| || We will ly to Puerto Varas early in | the moming. in the afernoan, | there will be a tour ofthe National | Park. The next day, we will salto Chiloe Island. During the crossing, we will see dolphins and sea birds. After our seafood lunch, we will go shopping for souvenirs. The next day, we wil fly back to Santiago. You will have the day free to wak around Santiago. Then in the evening, you will head to the aiport to fly home. Scanned with CamScanner ¢) Read again and match the sentences to the places: Toconao, Santiago, Valparaiso, Chiloe Island, Santa Lucia Hill, Moon Valley. Is the copitlciy of Chile You will have o great view of Santiago from there You can relax on its sandy beaches. There's a lake there with pink flamingos. There ore salt crystals there You can see dolphins while traveling there. THINK] Now complete the sentence. Who else in the classroom gave the same reason as you? 'd like to travel to Chile because Draw a line fo mark the itinerary on the map. Speaking 3. Complete the chart with information from the text. Then use the chart to talk about each place, as in the example. Santiago | visit main square Coloma Tatio Geysers Puerto Varas In Santiago, we're going to visit the ‘main square. Listening 4 Qo) Annis in New York. Listen to her talking to the travel agent. Where does she want fo go? At the travel agency Gb) listen and read. <2) Then replace the words in bold with the words below to act Hello. I'd like to book a flight to Vancouver on Tuesday 12th, please. : Certainly .. yes there are seats available on the 9 am flight. That'll be fine. How much is it? $1,370 for business class or $275 for economy. : OK. I'll fly economy, please. * Chicago - Saturday 101h/ 2 pm/$529 - $129 * Seattle ~ Monday 6th/11 am/ $588 - $149 Writing 5 Portolio: © in groups of six three pairs think of three popular ‘attractions in your country and make ‘on Bday travel itinerary. Each pair writes one section of the itinerary. Use the text in Ex. 2 as a model. 5 8! Scanned with CamScanner Robots a Vocabulary Reading & Speaking Robot abilities 2 a) Read the tile and then look at the picture. What can the is text be about? Cre] linen ond repent Qilisten and read to find out. role, enlerlain, socely, humanoid robot, recently, express, surprise, fear, ‘anger, human emotions, introduce herself, « bit, Robots play an important role in our lives. They entertain us | and do a lot of jobs that we can’t do or don’t like to do. in the future, they are going to play an even more important part in our society. Will they also teach our children though? It looks lke it. In Japan, the first humanoid robot, Saya, taught a science and technology class in a school recently. Saya looks like a human teacher and can express surprise, fear, anger and other human emotions. She can speak any language and answer questions Saya introduced herself and called the name of each child before she started the lesson. Some students found her pretty but others found her a bit scary. Most of them couldn't believe that she was a robot. In the future robots like Saya won't only teach our children They will play with and protect our children and even guard schools. Children will also be able to send their own robot to school for them when they are sick. Their robots will record lessons and then play them back to the child. Noone knows how — / } ) much they will change school life but one thing is for sure; schools of the future are not going to be the b) Now, think of a robo! Which of the above actions can/can't it do? A robot can't laugh. 86 Scanned with CamScanner Read the text ond mark the sentences isteni a toe, F fe, or DS (doesn't say. Conect listening the flse sentences. 4 Qristen to a dialogue about robots and circle the correct item. 1. Soya is @ robot that looks lke 4 pellleacher oa 1 Frank has around ___robols in his house. 2. Many students believed that Saya A 202 B 212 Cc 220 wwosn't@ robot. as 2 Fronk’ frst robot used fo 3. Soya can teach ony subject. _e A. wake him up. B make his bed. 1 Some students were afraid of Soyo, make him laugh. §5 Robots will probably teach school 3. Frank won a prize in subjects in the futur. a A 1989. BB 1998. C1999. 6 Robots wil protect teachers when 4 Frank built a robot for his they ore sick. a ‘A grandma. 8 grandpa. C grandson. 7 Robots will play a great role in our lives. 5. Harry the robot can 8 Schools ofthe future won't be very A tok B cy. C laugh different from today's schools. fe Speaking & Writin: THINK] Would you like to have a robot teacher? Why Lard 2 fo? Do youtinkthat robot vl eplaoeochs ono 5 ©2CO© tn qoups design arobat ofthe st Ot hace anaes Velo a td future. Decide what it will look like ond what i eater mtnne hese, will be able fo do, Give your robot a nam Grammar ‘ ga fn et Sunny is our robot. i predictions based on what we Sunny can ride o bike. nt Use the words in the box to make predictions about classrooms in 50 years. You can also use your own ideas. notebooks. chalkboards. robols as teachers. |fS books. exams. into the floor. human feelings Project In 50 years students won't use notebooks. 1T }Find out more about types of robots. Do ‘some research using the Internet and learn Soa PP ee about what different robots can do. Present one _ to the class. Use the key words: types of robots = or sete fllowing website: vo scenes, 87 Scanned with CamScanner “4 What will toe, will ine start school Vocabulary Stages of life 1 Gra) Listen and repeat. Then list the phrases under the headings. gradvate from Seca college university, fui b) Read again and mark the sentences by THINK] Listen to the music extract and waite four predictions about your future. Tell the T (true), F (false), or DS (doesn't say). loss. 1 Jill worked as a hairdresser — I think I'l stort my own business. | don’t think I'll get 2 Jillleft the job at the hairdresser’s, _ married. 3_Jill doesn’t have a job now. = Reading 4 lillis afraid she'll lose her job. = _— 2 4) Read the fist exchange in the dialogue on Sent nly

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