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Nama : Ahmad Maufur Hidayat

NIM : 21070123130100


Phrasal Verb Sentences
If you don't follow the rules, they will kick you out of the
1 Kick out
The company decided to carry out a survey to gather feedback
2 Carry out
from its customers
In online map applications, you can zoom out to see the whole
3 Zoom out
city or country.
4 Take out The chef will take out the hot dish from the oven in a moment.
5 Get out Let’s get out of here before it starts raining.
I need to find out the cost of the flight tickets before I can make
6 Find out
The school decided to phase out traditional textbooks in favor of
7 Phase out
digital learning materials.
Look out for the email notification about the upcoming meeting
8 Look out
She felt lightheaded and thought she might pass out during the
9 Pass out
long ceremony.
The puzzle was so difficult that it took him hours to work out the
10 Work out
Dinda had to put out an advertisement to find a new roommate
11 Put out
for her apartment.
The teacher will hand out the test papers when everyone is
12 Hand out
When you start out on a fitness journey, it’s important to set
13 Start out
achievable goals and track your progress.
The professor encouraged students to speak out in class
14 Speak out
discussions and share their perspectives.
15 Sort out I will help you to sort out the files on your computer.
The popularity of the band started to die out after their last
16 Die out
album was released several years ago.
Bani leadership skills and dedication to the project made him
17 Stand out
stand out as the team’s natural leader.
Mr. Sandy asked the students to work together to make out the
18 Make out
words in the encrypted message.
19 Run out The battery in the remote control has run out.
The child carefully cut out paper dolls and played with them for
20 Cut out

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