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Word Derivatives

Write the other forms for the following words


Ex: beauty beautiful beautify beautifully

1. generality generalize generally

2. master masterly masterfully
3. continuity continue
4. actual actually
5. admirer admire
6. admissible admit
7. advice advisable advisedly
8. doubtful doubtfully
9. administer administer
10. decoratively
11. thought think
12. care
13. drama dramatize
14. dull/er/est dull
15. educational educate
16. effective
17. extension extend extensively
18. final finalize finally
19. fresh/er/est
20. hesitation hesitantly
21. know knowledgeably
22. separable
23. progress progress progressively
24. prompt/er/est promptly
25. publicity publicize
Benefits of Reading Aloud

1. Apple helps you to slim!

An apple a day keeps a doctor away. Pectin, one of the main constituents of apple kills bacteria as it
has strong antibacterial properties. In the case of stomach troubles, particularly diarrhea, it helps.
Although nine-tenths of an apple is pure water, it is a rich source of vitamin C, cellulose and acid.
Without vitamin C, a person becomes anemic, tires easily, and develops skin complaints. Cellulose
and acids are excellent laxatives. Apples are also low in fattening sugar and starch content. This
helps to make a person slim by reducing his fat.

2. Hold the hand!

A little girl and her father were crossing a bridge. The father was scared and asked his little
daughter, “Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don’t fall into the river.” The little girl said,
“No, Dad. You hold my hand.”
“What’s the difference?” asked the puzzled father.
“There is big difference,” replied the little girl. “If I hold your hand and something happens to me,
chances are that I may let your hand go.”
“But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand
go.” - Hold the hand of the person whom you love rather than expecting him to hold yours.

3. First traffic light

The first traffic light was installed in 1868 outside Britain’s Houses of Parliament. It was a pair of
alternating red and green gas lamps. It was used to keep the large number of horse-drawn carriages
in the area from crashing one into another. It was a revolving lantern and was illuminated by gas.
The lantern was turned by means of a lever at its base so that the appropriate light faced traffic.
It was a great help to the police officers. But on 2 January 1869, the traffic light exploded injuring
the operator. This accident discouraged further experiments in traffic control for some time.
However research continued and today we have the most advanced traffic control systems.

4. Success in Reading!
Sure way for success in studies is an art to be practiced with great skill and determination. Many
tips and methods that are now available can be followed with great advantage by students for
success in studies. However, only a burning desire to study will act as the basic driving factor for
success. All of us should know the different reading techniques like skimming, scanning and reading
aloud to reap the full benefits of learning.

5. Benefits of reading!
The benefit of reading is multiplied, if great care is taken to write down intelligent notes or draw a
line under the sentences. This will reveal the essential point of the subject while reading a book. It
is always advantageous to digest the heart of the subject and present it when needed in your own
language. To have a wider perspective, relative reference study is also an indispensable need.
Cross-memory in study while applying the mind to a subject is a simple and sure way to develop
and keep up memory.
General Grammar Practice

Fill in the blanks with the following words

do does did done doing am is are was were make made making has have had having

1. They have two cars. (Negative)

2. He receive the orders regularly. (Negative)
3. She a headache.
4. He accepted their offer.
5. English easy.
6. It working very well.
7. I very naughty at school.
8. He trying to help a man cross the road when I saw him.
9. He in the army for 20 years.
10. I very happy that I improved my English.
11. He not responsible for this accident.
12. It important to be calm and composed in an interview.
13. They not worried about their results.
14. We happy to get that award.
15. I mentioned it to you last week.
16. It concern them. (Negative)
17. he look like a model? (Negative)
18. you met them earlier (Negative)
19. I am right this time, (Tag)
20. He was never right, (Tag)
21. If it to be so, so it.
22. How you that?
General Grammar Practice

Fill in the blanks with the following words

do does did done doing has have had

be am is are was were been being make made making

1. It has a terrible day today.

2. There has a definite purpose in my testing.
3. he earn enough money?
4. Music our day comfortable.
5. They have working on missiles for ten years.
6. It’s going to a terrific match between India and Australia.
7. You not telling the truth.
8. Why don’t you the work tomorrow after I leave for work.
9. I just waiting around.
10. Peter become insensitive towards his failures.
11. The government promised to give compensation to the poor.
12. These days night schools common in villages.
13. Rosy asked to perform simple tasks.
14. Where you for summer holidays?
15. Where will you next time this year?
16. I insisted that something should _ about the problem.
17. The directors whose houses been raided known for big
budget films.
18. Most of the time you deny it after you have something
19. Do you like a student?
20. It has a long time that I met you?
21. I working since last Friday.
22. He has already to England.
23. The work just done.
24. I could not myself understood in English.
25. Most of the time whatever you say not make any sense to me!
Modal Verbs

No Modal Differences Notes

1 can

2 could

3 will

4 would

5 shall

6 should

7 may

8 might

9 must

10 ought

The Time Table of Modals

No. Past Present Future Past Participle

e.g. write
1 can
2 could
3 will
4 would
5 shall
6 should
7 may
8 might
9 must
10 ought

Choose the most suitable modal auxiliary for each sentence.

Note that each modal verb listed in page 1 appears twice in the following sentences!
Also note that they are used once each in Section A and Section B

Section A

1. Children to go to school.
2. How many languages you speak?
3. I promise that I speak in English as much as possible.
4. We can’t say, but they win the match if their luck is good.
5. you help me? Please!
6. You not insult the weak students of the class.
7. They buy a new house next week.
8. We find a new house by this weekend as the landlord is moving in.
9. It rain any moment – I can smell the rain!
10. we take a break now?

Section B

11. I leave early by 15 minutes?

12. He never miss a chance to speak to groups of people.
13. He is late by 30 minutes – he have missed his bus.
14. As it was very dark, I not see anything properly.
15. You not eat fatty foods if you want to stay slim.
16. We to eat to live.
17. I sit here for sometime – if you don’t mind!
18. She help you – though she has never helped me!
19. It be great – if you come to the party.
20. I like this idea but he not like it.
The Preparatory Kit
Person Number Gender

Present Past Future

Person Number Pronoun
Simple Continuous Perfect Simple Continuous Perfect Simple Continuous Perfect

Singular I do will be
Plural We have were will do

Singular You Are had will have

Plural You did

Singular He will do

Singular She does has will have

Singular It Is was

Plural They did had will be

List of Irregular Verbs

Present Past Past Participle Present Past Past Participle

1. arise arose arisen 37. daydream daydreamed / daydreamt [?] daydreamed / daydreamt [?]
2. awake awakened / awoke awakened / awoken 38. deal dealt dealt
3. backslide backslid backslidden / backslid 39. dig dug dug
4. be was, were been 40. disprove disproved disproved / disproven
5. bear bore born / borne 41. dive ( jump head – first ) dove / dived dive
6. beat beat beaten / beat 42. dive ( scuba diving ) dived / dove dived
7. become became become 43. do did done
8. begin began begun 44. draw drew drawn
9. bend bent bent 45. dream dreamed / dreamt [?] dreamed / dreamt [?]
10. bet bet / betted [?] bet / betted [?] 46. drink drank drunk
11. bid ( farewell ) bid / bade bidden 47. drive drove driven
12. bid ( offer amount ) bid bid 48. dwell dwelt / dwelled dwelt / dwelled [?]
13. bind bound bound 49. eat ate eaten
14. bite bit bitten 50. fall fell fallen
15. bleed bled bled 51. feed fed fed
16. blow blew blown 52. feel felt felt
17. break broke broken 53. fight fought fought
18. breed bred bred 54. find found found
19. bring brought brought 55. fit ( tailor, change size ) fitted / fit [?] fitted / fit [?]
20. broadcast broadcast / broadcasted broadcast / broadcasted 56. fit ( be right size ) fit / fitted [?] fit / fitted [?]
21. browbeat browbeat browbeaten / browbeat 57. flee fled fled
22. build built built 58. fling flung flung
23. burn burned / burnt [?] burned / burnt [?] 59. fly flew flown
24. burst burst burst 60. forbid forbade forbidden
25. bust busted / bust busted / bust 61. forecast forecast forecast
26. buy bought bought 62. forego ( also forgo ) forewent foregone
27. cast cast cast 63. foresee foresaw foreseen
28. catch caught caught 64. foretell foretold foretold
29. choose chose chosen 65. forget forgot forgotten / forgot [?]
30. cling clung clung 66. forgive forgave forgiven
31. clothe clothed / clad [?] clothed / clad [?] 67. forsake forsook forsaken
32. come came come 68. freeze froze frozen
33. cost cost cost 69. frostbite frostbit frostbitten
34. creep crept crept 70. get got gotten / got [?]
35. crossbreed crossbred crossbred 71. give gave given
36. cut cut cut 72. go went gone
List of Irregular Verbs

Present Past Past Participle Present Past Past Participle

73. grind ground ground 109. meet met met
74. grow grew grown 110. miscast miscast miscast
75. hand – feed hand – fed hand – fed 111. misdeal misdealt misdealt
76. hand write hand wrote hand written 112. misdo misdid misdone
77. hang hung hung 113. mishear misheard misheard
78. have had had 114. mislay mislaid mislaid
79. hear heard heard 115. mislead misled misled
80. hew hewed hewn / hewed 116. mislearn mislearned / mislearnt [?] mislearned / mislearnt [?]
81. hide hid hid 117. misread misread misread
82. hit hit hit 118. misspell misspelt / misspelled [?] misspelled / misspelt [?]
83. hold held held 119. misspend misspent misspent
84. hurt hurt hurt 120. mistake mistook mistaken
85. inbreed inbred inbred 121. misteach mistaught mistaught
86. inlay inlaid inlaid 122. misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood
87. interbreed interbred interbred 123. miswrite miswrote miswritten
88. interweave interwove/ interweaved interwoven/ interweaved 124. mow mowed mowed / mown
89. interwind interwound interwound 125. offset offset offset
90. keep kept kept 126. outbid outbid outbid
91. kneel knelt / kneeled knelt / kneeled 127. outbreed outbred outbred
92. knit knitted / knit knitted / knit 128. outdo outdid outdone
93. know knew known 129. outdraw outdrew outdrawn
94. lay laid laid 130. outdrink outdrank outdrunk
95. lead led led 131. outdrive outdrove outdriven
96. lean leaned / leant [?] leaned / leant [?] 132. outfight outfought outfought
97. leap leaped / leapt [?] leaped / leapt [?] 133. outfly outflew outflown
98. learn learned / learnt [?] learned / learnt [?] 134. outgrow outgrew outgrown
99. leave left left 135. outleap outleaped / outleapt [?] outleaped / outleapt [?
100. lend lent lent 136. outlie ( not tell truth ) (regular) outlied outlied
101. let let let 137. outride outrode outridden
102. lie lay lain 138. outrun outran outrun
103. lie( not tell truth ) (regular) lied lied 139. outsell outsold outsold
104. light lit / lighted lit / lighted 140. outshine outshined / outshone [?] outshined / outshone [?]
105. lip –read lip –read lip – read 141. outshoot outshot outshot
106. lose lost lost 142. outsing outsang outsung
107. make made made 143. outsit outsat outsat
108. mean meant meant 144. outsleep outslept outslept
List of Irregular Verbs

Present Past Past Participle Present Past Past Participle

145. outsmell outsmelled / outsmelt [?] outsmelled/ outsmelt [?] 181. overwind over wound over wound
146. outspeak outspoke outspoken 182. overwrite overwrote overwritten
147. outspeed outsped outsped 183. partake partook partaken
148. outspend outspent outspent 184. pay paid paid
149. outswear outswore outsworn 185. plead pleaded / pled pleaded / pled
150. outswim outswam outswum 186. predo predid pre done
151. outthink outthought outthought 187. premake premade premade
152. outthrow outthrew outthrown 188. prepay prepaid prepaid
153. outwrite outwrote outwritten 189. presell presold presold
154. overbid overbid overbid 190. preset preset preset
155. overbreed overbred overbred 191. preshrink preshrank preshrunk
156. overbuild overbuilt overbuilt 192. proofread proofread proofread
157. overbuy overbought overbought 193. prove proved proven / proved
158. overcome overcame overcome 194. put put put
159. overdo overdid overdone 195. quick – freeze quick – froze quick – frozen
160. overdraw overdrew overdrawn 196. quit quit / quitted [?] quit / quitted [?]
161. overdrink overdrank overdrunk 197. read read ( sounds like ‘red’’) read ( sounds like ‘red’’)
162. overeat overate overeaten 198. reawake reawoke reawaken
163. overfeed overfed ovefed 199. rebid rebid rebid
164. overhang overhung ovehung 200. rebind rebound rebound
165. overhear overheard overheard 201. rebroadcast rebroadcast / rebroadcasted rebroadcast / rebroadcasted
166. overlay overlaid overlaid 202. rebuild rebuilt rebuilt
167. overpay overpaid overpaid 203. recast recast recast
168. override overrode overridden 204. recut recut recut
169. overrun overran overrun 205. redeal redealt redealt
170. oversee oversaw overseen 206. redo redid redone
171. oversell oversold oversold 207. redraw redrew redrawn
172. oversew oversewed oversewn / oversewed 208. refit ( replace parts ) refit / refitted [?] refit / refitted [?]
173. overshoot overshot overshot 209. refit ( retailor ) refitted / refit [?] refitted / refit [?]
174. oversleep overslept overslept 210. regrind reground reground
175. overspeak overspoke overspoken 211. regrow regrew regrown
176. overspend overspent overspent 212. rehang rehung rehung
177. overspill overspilled / overspilt [?] overspilled / overspilt [?] 213. rehear reheard reaheard
178. overtake overtook overtaken 214. reknit reknitted / reknit reknitted / reknit
179. overthink overthought overthought 215. relay ( for example tiles ) relaid relaid
180. overthrow overthrew overthrown 216. relay ( pass along ) (regular) relayed relayed
List of Irregular Verbs

Present Past Past Participle Present Past Past Participle

217. relearn relearned / relearnt [?] relearned / relearnt [?] 253. shut shut shut
218. relight relit / relighted relit / relighted 254. shed shed shed
219. remake remade remade 255. shine shine / shone [?] shined / shone [?]
220. repay repaid repaid 256. shit shit / shat / shitted shit / shat / shitted
221. reread reread reread 257. shoot shot shot
222. rerun reran rerun 258. show showed shown / showed
223. resell resold resold 259. shrink shrank / shrunk shrunk
224. resend resent resent 260. sight- read sight – read sight –read
225. reset reset reset 261. sing sang sung
226. resew resewed resewn / resewed 262. sink sank / sunk sunk
227. retake retook retaken 263. sit sat sat
228. reteach retaught retaught 264. slay ( kill ) slew / slayed slain / slayed
229. retear retore retorn 265. slay ( amuse ) (regular) slayed slayed
230. retell retold retold 266. sleep slept slept
231. rethink rethought rethought 267. slide slid slid
232. retread retread retread 268. sling slung slung
233. rewind rewound rewound 269. slink slinked / slunk slinked / slunk
234. rewrite rewrote rewritten 270. slit slit slit
235. rid rid rid 271. smell smelled / smelt [?] smelled / smelt [?]
236. ride rode rode 272. sneak sneaked / snuck sneaked / snuck
237. ring rang rung 273. sow sowed sown / sowed
238. rise rose risen 274. speak spoke spoken
239. roughcast roughcast roughcast 275. speed sped / speeded sped / speeded
240. run ran run 276. spell spelled / spelt [?] spelled / spelt [?]
241. sand – cast sand – cast sand – cast 277. spend spent spent
242. saw sawed sawed / sawn 278. spill spilled / spilt [?] spilled / spilt [?]
243. say said said 279. spin spun spun
244. see saw seen 280. spit spit / spat spit / spat
245. seek sought sought 281. split split split
246. sell sold sold 282. spoil spoiled / spoilt [?] spoiled / spoilt [?]
247. send sent sent 283. spoon – feed spoon – fed spoon – fed
248. set set set 284. spread spread spread
249. sew sewed sewn / sewed 285. spring sprang / sprung sprung
250. shake shook shaken 286. stand stood stood
251. shave shaved shaved / shaven 287. steal stole stolen
252. shear sheared sheared / shorn 288. stick stuck stuck
List of Irregular Verbs
Present Past Past Participle Present Past Past Participle

289. strive strove / strived striven / strived 325. unfreeze unfroze unfrozen
290. sting stung stung 326. unhang unhung unhung
291. stink stunk / stank stunk 327. unhide unhid unhid
292. strew strewed strewn / strewed 328. undersell undersold undersold
293. stride strode stridden 329. underspend underspent underspent
294. strike ( delete ) struck struck 330. understand understood understood
295. strike ( hit ) struck struck / stricken 331. undertake undertook undertaken
296. string strung strung 332. underwrite underwrote underwritten
297. sublet sublet sublet 333. undo undid undone
298. sunburn sunburned/sunburnt [?] sunburned/sunburnt[?] 334. unknit unknitted unknitted / unknit
299. swear swore sworn 335. unlearn unlearned / unlearnt [?] unlearned / unlearnt [?]
300. sweat sweat / sweated sweat / sweated 336. unsew unsewed unsewen / unsewed
301. sweep swept swept 337. unsling unslung unslung
302. swell swelled swollen / swelled 338. unspin unspun unspun
303. swim swam swum 339. unstick unstuck unstuck
304. swing swung swung 340. unstring unstrung unstrung
305. take took taken 341. unweave unwove / unweaved unwoven / unweaved
306. teach taught taught 342. unwind unwound unwound
307. tear tore torn 343. uphold upheld upheld
308. telecast telecast telecast 344. upset upset upset
309. tell told told 345. wake woke / waked woke / waked
310. test-drive test – drove test – driven 346. waylay waylaid waylaid
311. test-fly test – flew test – flown 347. wear wore worn
312. think thought thought 348. weave wove / weaved woven / weaved
313. throw threw thrown 349. wed wed / wedded wed / wedded
314. thrust thrust thrust 350. weep wept wept
315. tread trod trodden / trod 351. wet wet / wetted [?] wet / wetted [?]
316. typecast typecast typecast 352. whet (regular) whetted whetted
317. typeset typeset typeset 353. win won won
318. typewrite typewrote typewritten 354. wind wound wound
319. unbend unbent unbent 355. withdraw withdrew withdrawn
320. unbind unbound unbound 356. withhold withheld withheld
321. undercut undercut undercut 357. withstand withstood withstood
322. underfeed underfed underfed 358. wring wrung wrung
323. undergo underwent undergone 359. write wrote written
324. underlie underlay underlain
The 12 Tenses – Worksheet
Tense Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous
1 I write mails. (i) I (ii) I have written mails. (iii) I (iv)
2 We tell lies. We are telling lies. We We
3 You teach Maths. You You You have been teaching Maths.

4 He brings flowers. He He has brought flowers. He

5 She buys cars. She is buying cars. She She
6 It grows fast. It It It has been growing fast.
7 They think well. They They They
1 I (v) I (vi) I had written mails. (vii) I (viii)
2 We told lies. We We We
3 You You were teaching Maths. You You

4 He He He He had been bringing flowers.

5 She bought cars. She She She
6 It It was growing fast. It It
7 They They They had thought well. They had been thinking well.
1 I will / would write mails. ( ix) I will / would be writing mails. (x) I (xi) I (xii)
2 We We We will / would have told lies. We
3 You You will / would be teaching Maths. You You

4 He He He He will / would have been bringing flowers.

5 She She She will / would have bought cars. She
6 It will / would grow fast. It It It
7 They They They They will / would have been thinking well.
Usage of Tenses
1. Simple Present Tense. S + V ( s – he / she / it ) + O
Note: 1.Eitherpresent perfect continuous or present perfect is used with since&for.
Since refers to point of time - since 6 O’clock, since last year, since 1978.
I write. You write. He writes. For refers to period of time -for 2 hours, for one week, for four years.
Note: 2. Adverbs of time such as just, often, never, ever, so far, till now, yet,
Expresses or Denotes this week, this month, now are used with present perfect tense.
1. A habitual action 4. Senses and feelings e.g. I have not yet seen him.
e.g. He takes two cups of tea every day. e.g. I hear a strange noise.
I think he is crazy.
2. Universal or general truths 5. Indicates a planned future 4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense. S + has / have + been + V + ing + O
e.g. The sun rises in the east. e.g. The school re-opens on 15 June.
The earth revolves round the sun. I have been writing. You have been writing. He has been writing.
3. Possessions / refers to things which are - 6. The second action in future, when two
long standing actions in future time are referred
e.g. This car belongs to my brother. e.g. I shall be reading a book when - Expresses or Denotes
I have two bikes. you come home. 1. An action that began at some time in the past and has been continuing till now
e.g. He has been writing for five hours. (……… is still writing )
Note: ‘since’ / ‘for’ are used in this tense, it is wrong to use present continuous here.
He is writing for five hours – is wrong.
2. Present Continuous Tense. S + am / is / are + V + ing + O

I am writing. You are writing. He is writing. 5. Simple Past Tense. S+V2+O

I wrote. You wrote. He wrote.
Expresses or Denotes
1. An action in progress at the time of speaking 3. An action in progress, not at the time of speaking
e.g. He is writing a letter now. e.g. He is writing a novel. Expresses or Denotes
2. An action to take place in near future 1. An action completed at some time in the past. 2. Habitual actions in the past
e.g. My uncle is coming tomorrow. e.g. I wrote a letter. He sent a mail. e.g. He studied many hours every day.
She practiced tennis regularly.
Note: It often occurs with adverbs of past time: 3. The 2 action when two actions of the
Yesterday, ago, last year, etc., past are referred to
3. Present Perfect Tense. S + has / have + V 3 + O e.g. The light went out while I was writing.

I have written. You have written. He has written.

Differences between (3) Present Perfect and (5) Simple Past
Expresses or Denotes
Present Perfect Simple Past
1. An action in that has just completed 2. An action at unspecified past time (with Interested in the time of action
Interested in / with the action
e.g. He has just gone to office. already, ever, never etc) interested in action
I have seen the movie Robot last year!! I saw the movie Robot last year.
e.g. I have never met the President of India.
(You would like to talk more about the movie) (The focus is on last year)

3. A past action with present result 4. An action that began at some time in the - Adverbs of present time are used. Adverbs of past time are used
e.g. I have bought a car. (I need go by bus) past and has continued till the present time e.g. just, often, so far , yet, this week e.g. yesterday, last week, ago
Gopal has eaten all the biscuits. e.g. We have lived here for twenty years. I have just met him. I met him yesterday.
(There aren’t any left.) He has been ill since last month.
Usage of Tenses
6. Past Continuous Tense. S + was / were + V + ing + O 10. Future Continuous Tense. S + shall / will + be + V + ing + O

I was writing. You were writing. He was writing. I shall be writing. You will be writing. He will be writing.

Expresses or Denotes Expresses or Denotes

1. An action in progress at some time in the past 1. An action in progress at some time in future
e.g. He was playing golf yesterday. e.g. He will be writing a letter at that time.
Note: was writing ( I action)
2. An action in progress at some time in the past before - went (II action) 2. An action in progress at some time in future, before another action starts
- another action started e.g. My children will be doing homework, when I reach home.
e.g. The light went out while I was writing.
Note: will be doing I action
reach II action
7. Past Perfect Tense. S + had + V 3 + O ‘will’ and all other modal verbs cannot occur twice in a sentence
I My children will be doing homework when I will reach home – is wrong.
I had written. You had written. He had written.

Expresses or Denotes
1. An action that had completed before a certain moment in the past
11. Future Perfect Tense. S + shall / will + have + V 3 + O
e.g. By 8 O’ clock, I had finished my homework.
I shall have written. You will have written. He will have written.
2. An action that had completed in the past, before another action began
e.g. I had written the letter, before he arrived.
When I reached the station, the train had (already) started. Expresses or Denotes
1. An action that would successfully get completed by some time in future

8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense. S + had + been + V + ing + O e.g. I shall have taken my degree by this time next year.
He will have left before you see him.

I had been writing. You had been writing. He had been writing.
12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
Expresses or Denotes
S + shall / will + have + been + V + ing + O
1. An action that began before a certain point in the past and continued up to the time
e.g. At that time he had been writing a novel for two months.
When Mr. Vikram joined the school in 1999, Mr Kishore had already been teaching there for 5 years. I shall have been writing. You will have been writing. He will have been writing.

9. Simple Future Tense. S + will / shall + V + O Expresses or Denotes

1. An action that would begin at a certain time in future and successfully continue for some time

I will w rite. You will write He will write. e.g. I shall have been writing novels by this time next year.
He will have been studying medicine by the time I go to Russia.
Expresses or Denotes
1. A pure, colorless future, which is not influenced by willingness or intention
e.g. I shall play the match tomorrow.
My father will arrive here next Sunday.
The 4 Types of Sentences – Worksheet

Stative / Positive Negative Positive Question Negative Question Tense

1 He writes mails 1
2 He is not writing mails. 2
3 Has he written mails? 3
Present Perf.
4 4

5 5 Simple Past

6 Was he writing mails? 6

7 He had not written mails. 7 Past Perfect

Past Perf.
8 He had been writing mails. 8
9 He will / would write mails. 9
10 He will/would not be writing mails. 10
11 Would he have written mails? 11
Future Perf.
12 Wouldn’t he have been writing mails? 12
Active & Passive Voice – Worksheet

Active Passive Tense

1 They build bridges. 1 Simple Present

2 2 Bridges are being built by them. Present Continuous

3 They have built bridges. 3 Present Perfect

4 4 Bridges have been being built by them.* Present Perf. Continuous

5 They built bridges. 5 Simple Past

6 6 Bridges were Being built by them. Past Continuous

7 They had built bridges 7 Past Perfect

8 8 Bridges had been being built by them.* Past Perf. Continuous

9 They will / would build bridges. 9 Simple Future

10 10 Bridges would be being built by them.* Future Continuous

11 They will / would have built bridges. 11 Future Perfect

12 12 Bridges would have been being built by them.* Future Perf. Continuous
Direct & Reported Speech – Worksheet

Direct Speech Tense Reported Speech Tense

Simple Simple
1 Raju, “I lend money.” 1 Raju said that he lends / lent money.
Present Present / Past
Present Present / Past
2 Raju, “I am lending money.” 2 Raju said that he
Continuous Continuous
Present Present / Past
3 Raju, “I have lent money.” 3 Raju said that he has / had lent money.
Perfect Perfect
Present Perf. Present / Past
4 Raju, “I have been lending money.” 4 Raju said that he
Continuous. Perf. Continuous

5 Raju, “I lent money.” Simple Past 5 Raju said that he Past Perfect

Past Past Perfect

6 Raju, “I was lending money.” 6 Raju said that he
Continuous Continuous

7 Raju, “I had lent money.” Past Perfect 7 Raju said that he Past Perfect

Past Perf. Past Perfect

8 Raju, “I had had been lending money.” 8 Raju said that he had been lending money.
Continuous Continuous
9 Raju, “I will / would lend money.” 9 Raju said that he Simple Future
Future Future
10 Raju, “I will / would be lending money.” 10 Raju said that he
Continuous Continuous
11 Raju, “I will / would have lent money.” 11 Raju said that he Future Perfect
Future Perf. Future Perfect
12 Raju, “I will / would have been lending money.” 12 Raju said that he
Continuous Continuous
Question Tags – Worksheet

Positive Statement Negative Tag Negative Statement Positive Tag Tense

1 Doesn’t she? 1 She doesn’t sing well.
2 She is singing well. 2 Is she?
3 Hasn’t she? 3 She has not sung well.
Present Perf.
4 She has been singing well. 4 Has she (been)?

5 Didn’t she? 5 She did not sing well. Simple Past

6 She was singing well. 6 Was She?

7 Hadn’t she? 7 She had not sung well. Past Perfect

Past Perf.
8 She had been singing well. 8 Had she (been)?

9 Won’t / Wouldn’t She? 9 She will / would not sing well. Simple Future

10 She will / would be singing well. 10 Will / Would she (be)?
11 Won’t / Wouldn’t she (have)? 11 She will / would not have sung well.
Will / Would She (have) Future Perf.
12 She will / would have been singing well. 12
(been)? Continuous
So do I – Worksheet

Sentence So do I Other Tense

1 He drives fast. So do I. So does my brother. Simple Present

2 So am I. Present Continuous

3 He has driven fast. So has my brother. Present Perfect

4 So have I (been). Present Perf. Continuous

5 He drove fast. So did my brother. Simple Past

6 So was I. Past Continuous

7 He had driven fast. So had my brother. Past Perfect

8 So had I (been). Past Perf. Continuous

9 He will / would drive fast. So would my brother. Simple Future

10 So would I (be). Future Continuous

11 He will / would have driven fast. So would have my brother. Future Perfect

12 So would I (have) (been). Future Perf. Continuous

Types of Sentences + A & P – Worksheet

Stative / Positive Negative Positive Question Negative Question Tense

A They sell shares. Simple
P Shares are not sold by them. Present

A Are they selling shares? Present

P Aren’t shares being sold by them? Continuous

A They have sold shares. Present

P Shares have not been sold by them. Perfect

A Have they been selling shares? Present

4 Perf.
P* Haven’t shares been being sold by them? Continuous
A They sold shares. Simple
P Shares weren’t sold by them. Past

A Were they selling shares? Past

P Weren’t shares being sold by them? Continuous

A They had sold shares. Past

P Shares had not been sold by them. Perfect

A Had they been selling shares? Past Perf.

P* Hadn’t shares been being sold by them? Continuous

A They will / would sell shares. Simple

P Shares would not be sold by them. Future

A Would they be selling shares? Future

P* Wouldn’t shares be being sold by them? Continuous

A They will/would have sold shares. Future

P Shares would not have been sold by them. Perfect

A Would they have been selling shares? Future

12 Perf.
P* Wouldn’t shares have been being sold by them? Continuous

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