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L ‘Don’t worry, we’re
just getting started,
C there’s lots more bad
things coming. I

O promise.’ - Estella

Добрый день, дорогой друг! Меня зовут Настя и я безумно
рада, что мы с тобой на одной волне. Так как нам двоим
нравится английский и фильм ‘Cruella’.

Я подготовила несколько интересных и полезных заданий

по этому фильму и надеюсь, они тебе понравятся. В
рабочей тетради есть задания, которые можно выполнить
устно, поэтому не стесняйся и записывай свои ответы
голосовыми сообщениями в nastasia.eng . Я всё проверю
и предоставлю тебе обратную связь.

Желаю тебе замечательно провести время!

Let’s get started!

Ex.1 Look at the pictures. Answer the questions

 Do you know what movies are they from?

 Have you watched any of them?

 Which version did you like more? Why?

 What are your impressions after watching the newest version?

 If you haven’t seen any of the movies yet, would you like to
watch them? Why or Why not?

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Ex.2 Click here to watch the trailer. Then find the
correct definition to the words.

a. something that makes it difficult to

1. care about
achieve something

2. obstacle b. silly and not wise

c. to think that something is important, so

3. own that you are interested in it, worried about
d. to make a small cut in the surface of
4. foolish
something, usually by accident
e. to have something that legally belongs to
5. nick

Ex.3 Complete the sentences using the vocabulary from

the previous exercise. Be careful and use the correct
tense where it’s necessary.
1. I __________ my hand on some broken glass yesterday. It was
a bit painful.
2. My best is really rich. He __________ a lot of expensive
3. Fear of change is an __________ to progress. Don’t be
afraid. Nothing bad will happen.
4. I’ve never heard anything so __________ in all my life. I
don’t believe you!
5. The only thing he seems to __________ is money. I suppose he
would never love me without my inheritance

Page 2
Useful information. Do/does: emphatic use
As you can see, do and does are used to make questions
and negatives. They are not normally used in affirmative
sentences. However, we can use them for emotive emphasis
when we feel strongly about something.

She does look beautiful in that gown. Quiet stunning!

(More emphatic than 'She looks beautiful in that gown.’)

Ex.4 Watch the trailer again and find the sentence with
‘do’ that adds emphasis to an affirmative sentence

Ex.5 Answer the questions using the vocabulary from the

third exercise

 What was the Baroness’ advice?

 Do Baroness and Cruella respect each other? Why?

 Was Cruella a welcome guest at Baroness’ ball? Why/Why not?

 What was Cruella doing at Anita’s office?

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Ex.6 Remember the main characters. Match the names with
the pictures





Anita Darling



Wink and Buddy



Page 4
Ex.7 Personality vocabulary. Match the words to their

easy-going, cruel, confident, creative,

self-centered, thick-skinned, arrogant, annoying,
jealous, sensitive, selfish, beautiful inside and out

1. ___________________ - relaxed and not easily worried about

2. ___________________ - behaving in a rude way because you think
you are more important than other people
3. ___________________ - caring only about yourself and not other

4. ___________________ - not easily affected by criticism

5. ___________________ - to suddenly become angry

6. ___________________ - able to understand other people’s

feelings and problems
7. ___________________ - certain about your ability to do things
8. ___________________ - feeling unhappy because someone has
something that you wish you had
9. ___________________ - having an attractive appearance and

10. ___________________ - thinks only of oneself

11. ___________________ - extremely unkind

12. ___________________ - using imagination to create new and

unusual things

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Ex.8 Label the pictures using the vocabulary from the
previous exercise. Answer the questions

 Do you think it’s ok to be self-centered? Why/Why not?

 When are you confident?

 Do you know anyone who is beautiful inside and out? Why do you
think so?
 Do you know anyone who is thick-skinned?

Page 6
Ex.9 Choose 3-5 characters and describe them. Don’t
forget to use the personality vocabulary

 Do you have a favorite character? Who is he/she? Why do you

like him/her?
 What about the least favorite one? What makes you dislike

Page 7
Ex.10 Movie quiz. Choose the correct answer

1. What is Cruella’s real 6. What family heirloom did

name? Cruella lose after her
 Estella mother’s death?
 Olive  a necklace
 Stella  a ring
 a bracelet
2. Who stars as Cruella?
 Emma Stone 7. Why is family heirloom
 Emma Thompson precious for Cruella?
 Emma Watson  It was a gift
 It reminds her mother
3. What does Baroness do?  She wanted to steal it
She is …
 a dog keeper 8. What did Baroness use to
 a fashion designer make orders to her dogs?
 an influencer  her necklace
 a whistle
4. Where did Cruella take  a stick
the name "De Vil" from?
 a coat 9. What was Baroness shocked
 a dress by at the last party?
 a car  quantity of dogs
 hairstyle of the guests
5. How did Cruella’s mother  rats
 She was pushed off the 10. Did Estella really die at
cliff by the dogs. the end of the film?
 Baroness pushed her off  Yes, she did
the cliff.  No, but she was injured
 She had a car accident.  No, she didn’t

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