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Test Bank For American Foreign Policy: The Dynamics of Choice in the 21st Century (Fourth Ed

Test Bank For American Foreign Policy: The

Dynamics of Choice in the 21st Century (Fourth
Edition) by Bruce W. Jentleson

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1. Which foreign policy strategy debate focuses most on the role of the United States in the
changing post–Cold War world?
a. force versus diplomacy
b. unilateralism versus multilateralism
c. the role of the United Nations
d. security threats posed by nonstate actors
ANS: B OBJ: Applied
KEY: Foreign Policy Debates, Unilateralism vs. Multilateralism

2. Which theory is rooted in the belief that the United States should play a unique role in the
world and exercise its power to secure freedom internationally?
a. international liberalism
b. realism
c. international institutionalism
d. neoconservatism
ANS: D OBJ: Factual KEY: Foreign Policy Theories, Neoconservatism

3. Why are unilateralists critical of multilateralists?

a. They believe multilateralists fail to adequately consider American national interest.
b. They believe multilateralists are not concerned with humanitarian interests.
c. They believe multilateralists under-emphasize the importance of the international
d. Unilateralists are not critical of multilateralists.
ANS: A OBJ: Applied
KEY: Foreign Policy Debates, Unilateralism vs. Multilateralism

4. Multilateralists emphasize which of the following when extolling the benefits of multilateral
a. policy encroachment
b. policy enhancement
c. neoconservatism
d. realist foreign policy
ANS: B OBJ: Factual
KEY: Foreign Policy Debates, Multilateralism vs. Unilateralism

5. Historically, the central security dynamic in the international system has been one of:
a. states vying for dominance over each other
b. transnational forces being able to disrupt domestic society
c. strong economic competition taking precedence over international security
d. threats of mass destruction from nonstate actors
ANS: A OBJ: Factual KEY: International Security, Foreign Policy Theories

6. The global governance gap illustrates:

a. the limitations governments face in dealing with the effects of globalization
b. the incredible benefits globalization has brought to poor countries
c. the vast number of threats of mass destruction in the present day
d. the efficiency of unilateralism in combating international terrorism
ANS: A OBJ: Applied KEY: Global Governance

7. The “Vegas dilemma” emphasizes:

a. the strength of states in the post–Cold War era
b. the threat posed by the weakness of states
c. the difficulties in dealing with globalization
d. the conflict that can emerge between nations in the UN Security Council
ANS: B OBJ: Factual KEY: Vegas Dilemma, Foreign Policy Theories

8. Which of the following is true about the Powell Doctrine?

a. It advocates the decisive use of force.
b. It could have met the challenges posed by humanitarian intervention.
c. It was successful in meeting the challenges posed by failed states.
d. It always values negotiation over the use of force.
ANS: A OBJ: Factual KEY: Powell Doctrine, Use of Force, Decision Making

9. What attributes do UN proponents stress as the organization’s primary unique strength?

a. European-only membership
b. normative legitimacy
c. a few UN programs
d. refusal to compromise
ANS: B OBJ: Conceptual KEY: United Nations, International Organizations

10. Which of the following nations is NOT a permanent member of the UN Security Council?
a. Russia
b. China
c. Japan
d. Britain
ANS: C OBJ: Factual KEY: United Nations

11. What is the purpose of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)?
a. to ensure that, as nations develop nuclear energy, it will be used only for peaceful
b. to aid states in developing nuclear weapons systems
c. to help states maintain the safety of their nuclear power plants
d. to prevent the former Soviet states from using their nuclear weapons
ANS: A OBJ: Factual KEY: International Organizations

12. How has the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention been undermined?
a. It caught every violation in a timely manner.
b. The treaty has been replaced by an overarching strategy for preventing biological
weapons proliferation and terrorism.
c. It has failed to gain universal membership.
d. Operating costs were not as efficient as expected.
ANS: C OBJ: Conceptual KEY: International Institutions, Arms Control

13. With regards to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), Libya is an example of a nation
that has:
a. not signed the treaty
b. yet to violate the treaty
c. cheated on its commitments to the treaty
d. expressed little interest in acquiring WMDs
ANS: C OBJ: Applied KEY: International Institutions, Arms Control

14. How did the UN Security Council respond to North Korean NPT violations?
a. No action was taken because China was opposed to any punishment.
b. The UNSC imposed targeted economic sanctions.
c. The body decided never to impose energy and financial restrictions.
d. The UNSC did not have the authority to act on such violations.
ANS: B OBJ: Factual KEY: United Nations, Arms Control

15. What type of limitations does the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) place on nuclear
a. It limits the types of nuclear tests states may use.
b. It places no limits on which states may test nuclear weapons.
c. It places no limits on the types of nuclear weapons that can be tested.
d. It encourages states to test large weapons.
ANS: A OBJ: Factual KEY: International Institutions, Arms Control

16. Which of the following is most true regarding the domestic politics of the CTBT in the late
a. The public was largely unsupportive of the CTBT.
b. The general public was less influential on the issue than activists.
c. Public opinion was imperative in the Senate ratification of the treaty.
d. Public opinion poll numbers indicate the public did not care about
the treaty.
ANS: B OBJ: Applied KEY: Arms Control

17. President Obama’s policy regarding nuclear nonproliferation includes:

a. countries with nuclear weapons moving away from disarmament
b. countries without nuclear weapons not attempting to acquire them
c. access to peaceful nuclear energy for all countries except Iran
d. President Obama does not have a policy regarding nuclear nonproliferation.
ANS: B OBJ: Factual KEY: Arms Control

18. Which of the following nations has NOT been accused of stockpiling undeclared chemical
a. China
b. Israel
c. Egypt
d. Lebanon
ANS: D OBJ: Factual KEY: Arms Control, Enforcement

19. Which one of the following is NOT one of the reasons why attempts to strengthen the
Biological Weapons Treaty failed to make significant progress?
a. Debates arose regarding the effectiveness of verification procedures.
b. U.S. officials were concerned that treaty proposals would violate the
confidentiality of the American pharmaceutical industry.
c. The identification of biological weapons can be difficult due to the dual use of
many biological products.
d. Activist groups have not spoken out in favor of the treaty.
ANS: D OBJ: Applied KEY: Arms Control, Enforcement

20. What is considered one of the root causes of piracy?

a. failed states and the economic conditions of these states
b. the support of terrorist tactics by certain religions
c. the failure of international organizations to include Somalia in their membership
d. the primacy of the U.S. Navy in Southeast Asia
ANS: A OBJ: Applied KEY: Piracy

21. What are the consequences of decertification?

a. increased trade with the United States
b. decreased eligibility for U.S. economic and trade-assistance programs
c. decreased perception of American arrogance abroad
d. increased reliance on international organizations to combat drugs
ANS: B OBJ: Applied KEY: Trade

22. Who is Dennis Blair?

a. director of the IAEA
b. director of national intelligence
c. former prime minister of Britain
d. one of the world’s most prominent crime bosses
ANS: B OBJ: Factual KEY: National Security,

23. How does President Obama view the American national-interest goal
of power?
a. He sees power as the primary goal of American foreign policy.
b. He believes American power is in terminal decline.
c. He argues that American power entitles the United States to do whatever it pleases.
d. He believes power should be used prudently.
ANS: D OBJ: Factual KEY: Power, Important Figures

24. Which of the following people served as President G. W. Bush’s secretary of defense?
a. Hillary Clinton
b. Colin Powell
c. Robert Gates
d. James Jones
ANS: C OBJ: Factual KEY: National Security,Important Figures

25. How has the internet affected the role of NGOs, think tanks, and other organizations?
a. It has made these organizations less politically relevant.
b. It has delegitimized many of these organizations.
c. It has created an international backlash against the use of such organizations.
d. It has enhanced the ability of these organizations to become independent sources
of information.
ANS: D OBJ: Applied KEY: Technology, International

26. Which of the following is most true regarding the current internationalism versus isolationism
a. The debate remains current because public opinion is divided on the issue.
b. The current trend is toward isolationism.
c. The debate has shifted to focus on two sets of issues within the
pro-internationalism sentiment.
d. The debate is no longer relevant to international politics.
ANS: C OBJ: Conceptual
KEY: Foreign Policy Debates,Isolationism vs. Internationalism

27. Theoretically, for which of the following would public support for the use of force be highest?
a. stopping genocide in Africa
b. sending a humanitarian peacekeeping force to an Asian nation
c. stopping a dictator who threatens the security of American citizens
d. trying to forge a democracy in the Middle East
ANS: C OBJ: Applied KEY: Use of Force

28. Which of the following is NOT a main concern regarding the American National Missile
Defense (NMD) program?
a. technological effectiveness
b. strategic effectiveness
c. cost
d. political support
ANS: D OBJ: Factual KEY: American Security


1. What are the drawbacks and benefits of multilateralism? Is unilateralism or multilateralism

better for serving American national interests? Why? Support your answer with examples.

Answer will vary.
Test Bank For American Foreign Policy: The Dynamics of Choice in the 21st Century (Fourth Ed

2. What are the main arguments for and against expanding the membership of the UN Security
Council? Which states are the strongest contenders for a permanent seat? Which states should
be given permanent membership? Why?

Answer will vary.

3. What is President Obama’s main diplomatic goal? How does he plan to achieve this? Which
of his strategies will be most effective? Why?

Answer will vary.

4. Which nations have challenged the NPT? How have these nations defied the tenets of the
treaty? What is the best way to encourage these states to honor their commitments? Why?

Answer will vary.

5. What are the main threats from nonstate actors? How do these threats compare to more
traditional threats? Which threat is most destabilizing and how can it best be combated? Give
examples to support your answer.

Answer will vary.

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