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Test Bank for Anatomy Physiology and Disease for the Health Professions 3rd Edition by Booth

Test Bank for Anatomy Physiology and Disease for

the Health Professions 3rd Edition by Booth

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Anatomy, Physiology, and Disease, 3e (Colbert/Ankney/Lee)
Chapter 7 The Muscular System

7.1 Multiple Choice Questions

1) Thin myofilaments are made up of the protein ________.

A) Z lines
B) myosin
C) myofibril
D) actin
Answer: D

2) Muscles may be named according to ________.

A) speed
B) action
C) age
D) myofilament type
Answer: B

3) When the nervous system signals a muscle to contract, ________ ion channels
A) phosphorus
B) sodium
C) myosin
D) actin
Answer: B

4) Skeletal muscle produces body movement as well as maintains our ________ as we

A) strength
B) vasodilation
C) vasoconstriction
D) posture
Answer: D

5) The ________ is the prime elbow flexor.

A) biceps femoris
B) biceps brachii
C) triceps brachii
D) flexor digitorum
Answer: B

6) The ________ muscle is located on the front of the lower leg.

A) gastrocnemium
B) latissimus dorsi
C) tibialis anterior
D) hamstrings
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Answer: C

7) Which type of muscle will NOT regenerate once it is severely damaged?

A) Smooth
B) Visceral
C) Cardiac
D) Skeletal
Answer: C

8) Which term is used to designate muscle pain?

A) Myalgia
B) Ataxia
C) Paralysis
D) Spasm
Answer: A

9) Which disorder is a defect in ATP production in mitochondria?

A) Muscular dystrophy
B) Mitochondrial myopathy
C) Myasthenia gravis
D) Tetanus
Answer: B

10) Striated muscles, which appear to have stripes, are in which type of muscle?
A) Skeletal
B) Internal
C) Visceral
D) Smooth
Answer: A

11) Blood is pumped through the heart by which type of muscle?

A) Skeletal
B) Smooth
C) Cardiac
D) Visceral
Answer: C

12) The stationary attachment of the muscle is called the ________.

A) point of movement
B) point of insertion
C) point of control
D) point of origin
Answer: D

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13) The only muscle that possesses both voluntary and involuntary abilities is the
A) heart
B) lung
C) diaphragm
D) brain
Answer: C

14) Rotation occurs when you have movement around a(n) ________.
A) axis
B) vessel
C) vertebrae
D) ball and socket
Answer: A

15) The muscle that enables a joint to bend is the ________.

A) flexion
B) flexor
C) extension
D) extensor
Answer: B

16) Muscle cells are made up of ________.

A) Z lines
B) myosin
C) myofibrils
D) actin
Answer: C

17) Shortened ________ shorten many muscle fibers to cause a muscle to contract.
A) sarcomeres
B) myosin
C) actin
D) Z lines
Answer: A

18) Skeletal muscles are able to contract ________ times faster than smooth muscle.
A) 20
B) 40
C) 50
D) 60
Answer: C

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19) Almost ________ percent of the body's weight comes from its muscles.
A) 15
B) 50
C) 65
D) 80
Answer: B

20) The muscle end that is attached to the moving bone is the ________.
A) point of movement
B) point of insertion
C) point of control
D) point of origin
Answer: B

21) A running-related inflammatory condition of the extensor muscles and surrounding

tissues of the lower legs is commonly called ________.
A) a sprain
B) a hernia
C) shin splints
D) a strain
Answer: C

22) Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks
and destroys a large number of acetylcholine receptors at the ________ junction.
A) myasthenic
B) cardiovascular
C) skeletomuscular
D) neuromuscular
Answer: D

23) The cause of fibromyalgia is ________.

A) unknown
B) acute injury
C) sudden, involuntary muscle spasms
D) bacterial infection
Answer: A

24) Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic, incurable myopathy and the
most common ________ form of muscular dystrophy.
A) acute
B) childhood
C) diabetic
D) adult
Answer: B

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25) The bacteria Clostridium tetani releases a toxin that keeps muscle constantly
contracted in ________.
A) tendonitis
B) ataxia
C) fibromyalgia
D) tetanus
Answer: D

26) The early stages of treatment for a strain are rest, ice, compression, and ________.
A) relaxation
B) elevation
C) supination
D) deviation
Answer: B

27) Atrophy means muscles ________.

A) have increased growth
B) waste away
C) will be scarred
D) develop excessively in childhood
Answer: B

28) The toxin used in Botox to treat wrinkles is ________.

A) botulinus toxin
B) Clostridium tetani
C) staph
D) acetylcholine
Answer: A

29) A strain is a tear or injury in muscles or ________.

A) nerve fibers
B) cartilage
C) ligaments
D) tendons
Answer: D

30) The location of pain is confined to tender points in ________.

A) muscular dystrophy
B) tetanus
C) myasthenia gravis
D) fibromyalgia
Answer: D

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31) A voluntary muscle is ________.
A) a muscle of organs
B) visceral
C) smooth
D) under conscious control
Answer: D

32) This type of muscle tissue contains striations.

A) Involuntary muscle
B) Cardiac muscle
C) Smooth muscle
D) Visceral
Answer: B

33) Another name for visceral muscle is ________ muscle.

A) cardiac
B) voluntary
C) smooth
D) striated
Answer: C

34) Strength training causes ________.

A) muscle atrophy
B) a decrease in blood vessels to a muscle
C) muscle hypertrophy
D) a decrease in the number of mitochondria in a muscle cell
Answer: C

35) Muscles that cause movement are known as ________.

A) antagonists
B) agonists
C) secondary movers
D) points of insertion
Answer: B

36) The triceps brachii and the biceps brachii ________.

A) are synergistic for each other
B) both have their origin in the forearm
C) are antagonist to each other
D) both have their insertions in the shoulder
Answer: C

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37) Intercalated discs are found in ________.
A) striated muscle
B) cardiac muscle
C) smooth muscle
D) tendons
Answer: B

38) Wasting away or deterioration of muscle is called ________.

A) hypertrophy
B) ankylosis
C) atrophy
D) myositis
Answer: C

39) ________ can lead to severely diminished cardiac output.

A) Tetanus
B) Ataxia
C) Hernia
D) Scarred cardiac tissue
Answer: D

40) A fibrous tissue that serves as an attachment for muscle to bone is ________.
A) a ligament
B) cartilage
C) adipose tissue
D) a tendon
Answer: D

41) Muscles needed for endurance require ________ than do less demanding muscles.
A) more nerves
B) a richer blood supply
C) less mass
D) more heat
Answer: B

42) The movement that is opposite of flexion is ________.

A) abduction
B) rotation
C) extension
D) supination
Answer: C

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43) ________ provides the energy to help the myosin heads form and break the
crossbridges with actin.
B) Calcium
C) Potassium
D) Vitamin D
Answer: A

44) All of the following can be used in naming a muscle EXCEPT ________.
A) location of attachments
B) size
C) color
D) shape
Answer: C

45) Pectoralis major is located in the ________.

A) elbow
B) chest
C) upper portion of the thigh
D) front of lower leg
Answer: B

46) When smooth muscle relaxation leads to ________ in a blood vessel, blood
pressure can decrease.
A) spasm
B) necrosis
C) vasoconstriction
D) vasodilation
Answer: D

47) During an asthma attack, smooth muscles in the airways of the lungs ________,
making it difficult to get air into and out of the lungs.
A) constrict
B) dilate
C) relax
D) rupture
Answer: A

48) The majority of fibromyalgia patients are ________.

A) men
B) women
C) children
D) elderly
Answer: B

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49) This bacteria releases a toxin that causes tetanus.
A) Meningitis
B) E. coli
C) Staphylococcus aureus
D) Clostridium tetani
Answer: D

50) A muscle that contracts involuntarily, suddenly, and violently for a prolonged period
of time is said to have ________.
A) ataxia
B) fibromyalgia
C) a cramp
D) a strain
Answer: C

51) Progressive, fluctuating muscle weakness that often starts with the facial or eye
muscles is characteristic of ________.
A) ataxia
B) fibromyalgia
C) myasthenia gravis
D) muscular dystrophy
Answer: C

52) ________ are donut-shaped muscles that act as doors to let material in or out.
A) Sphincters
B) Intercalated discs
C) Aponeuroses
D) Primary movers
Answer: A

53) Broad sheets of connective tissue that connect some facial and abdominal muscles
to bone instead of tendons are called ________.
A) tendons
B) aponeuroses
C) ligaments
D) sphincters
Answer: B

54) Which body feature do ultramarathon runners count on to give their muscles fuel for
A) Richer blood supply
B) Stronger long bones
C) Toned ligaments and tendons
D) Healthy cartilage
Answer: A

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55) When competing in a swimming meet, participants release fuel energy from their
muscles. What does that activity produce?
A) Red blood cells
B) Glucose
C) More energy
D) Heat
Answer: D

56) How do cardiac muscle fibers differ from the muscle fibers of the arms and legs?
A) Longer muscle fibers than the limbs
B) Non-striated fibers rather than striated fibers
C) Poorer supply of blood than the limbs
D) Routine involuntary movement
Answer: D

57) Because the heart must work constantly, the cardiac muscles must ________.
A) contract less often than other muscles
B) receive a generous blood supply
C) be under constant voluntary control
D) contain longer fibers than other muscles
Answer: B

58) ________ is a degenerative disease leading to breakdown and scarring of tendons

that appears to be caused by the failure of tendons to repair themselves after injury.
A) Tendinitis
B) Tendinosis
C) Tendonitis
D) Tendinosus
Answer: B

59) ________ is the study of muscles and movement.

A) Arthrography
B) Electromyography
C) Kinesiology
D) Pathology
Answer: C

60) In muscle contraction, cross-bridges form between the thick filament heads,
________, and the thin filaments, ________, to pull the sarcomere together.
A) myosin heads; actin
B) actin; myosin heads
C) perimysium; epimysium
D) epimysium; perimysium
Answer: A

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61) Sodium channels on the surface of muscles are ________, requiring a key to open.
A) striated
B) ligand gated
C) Z lines
D) antagonists
Answer: B

7.2 True/False Questions

1) Smooth muscle is found in the stomach.

Answer: TRUE

2) Ligaments attach muscle to bone.

Answer: FALSE

3) The rectus femoris is in the arm.

Answer: FALSE

4) Abduction moves a muscle away from midline.

Answer: TRUE

5) Extension decreases the angle between two bones.

Answer: FALSE

6) Vasoconstriction makes vessels smaller.

Answer: TRUE

7) Cardiac muscle is only found in the heart.

Answer: TRUE

8) Hypertrophy is muscle wasting.

Answer: FALSE

9) Ataxia is partial or total loss of the ability to move muscles.

Answer: FALSE

10) Sprains are tears or breaks in tendons or muscles.

Answer: FALSE

11) Guillain-Barré syndrome is a neuromuscular disorder.

Answer: TRUE

12) An electromyogram is a test in which a muscle group is stimulated with an electrical

Answer: TRUE

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Test Bank for Anatomy Physiology and Disease for the Health Professions 3rd Edition by Booth

13) A hernia is caused when tendons become inflamed.

Answer: FALSE

14) The pectoralis major muscle is named for its action.

Answer: FALSE

15) Smooth muscle is voluntary muscle.

Answer: FALSE

16) The sarcoplasmic reticulum is a modified endoplasmic reticulum that stores calcium.
Answer: TRUE

17) Muscle is a general term for all contractile tissue.

Answer: TRUE

18) Only voluntary muscle has the ability to stretch, or extensibility.

Answer: FALSE

19) Shivering is a way of generating heat via dilation of many blood vessels.
Answer: FALSE

20) Myopathy is the general term for medications used to treat muscle disorders.
Answer: FALSE

21) Chronic tendon injuries are typically called tendinitis.

Answer: TRUE

22) Anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed for pain from pulled or strained muscles are
Answer: TRUE

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