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Group 1

Unbridled Comfort

In response to the continuous passage of time, people develop various

characteristics, different perspectives, as well as varying sentiments toward certain

contemporary issues. Moreover, those contrasting opinions often lead to disputes among

peers and fellow citizen of the country.Among the existing issues, gender discrimination

is the most common dilemma that often sparks argument among the individuals

belonging to the society. Although the hurdle experienced by women have been

somehow resolved through numerous movements spearheaded by advocates, a new

trouble is emerging, particularly the discrimination towards the LGBT community.

Gretchen Diaz, a proud transwoman , had experienced the very best example of this

issue. She was confronted by the janitress when she tried to enter her preferred comfort

room. As fellow citizen of a democratic country where people have the right to be heard

and do whatever they want and what is right, we should support the transgenders and

allow them to use the respective restroom in accordance to their genitalia.

First and foremost, LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender along

with heterosexual. These are terms used to describe a person’s gender identity.

Individuals involved in this neighbourhood do have differences from each other that

made them distinct from their colleague. Transgender, in particular, are people who

have a gender expression that differs from their assign sex, wherein they undergo

operation to attain their desired genitalia to gain the respect from everyone. This only

means that they do really differ from the gay, lesbian and bisexual; they do not
correspond with their birth sex unlike the other three, this can also be a reason for us to

change our perception s toward trans community. Their private parts correspond to the

general perspective on males and female, therefore it is just to say that they are no

different from them. Every individuals in the society should accept the reality that the

trans community could use restrooms based on their respective genitalia, because there’s

nothing to fear about being harassed for them not being attracted to their opposite birth

sex and also they do not have the opposite sex organ as what you have.

In addition to the preceeding statement, people sharing the same society have

equal rights, regardless of their gender. Transgender women, who are often subjected to

discrimination are also fellow member of this society. In accordance to the emerging

sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, also known as SOGIE bill,

people should not mistreat others even when they are transgenders. This bill which has

already been approved by the house of representatives and gained approval and support

from the president himself may serve as the shield and spear amidst the recurring war

against gender discrimination.

Subsequently,religious group like Catholic Bishop Conference of the Philippines

(CBCP) oppose having what we called transgender or LGBTQ₊ community. Since not all

people who belongs in our society are open-minded enough to accept LGBTs, there may

still be some who will oppose the use of transgender in female comfort rooms. Women

might feel queer to use the restrooms because they are not used to be with former men or

trans women. In some cases women refuse to use cr because of some transgender using

the female cr. In contrast to this, people should be more open minded and accept that
together with the rapidly growing community, we should open ourselves when it comes

to the emerging issues caused by technology itself.

In a nutshell, people have equal rights and should get what they deserve.

Transgenders are already women, both physically and mentally, therefore they should be

allowed to take comforts together with their fellow women. Instead on focusing on

making an additional restroom for the LGBT, we should just accept the fact that their

physical constitutions are already altered. Proper dissimination of informations should

also be imparted towards fellow citizens of the country to ensure a peaceful and

harmonious community to live in for everybody.

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