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Medication ● Instructed the patient to take the following

home medication as prescribed by the
● Instruct the patient not to stop taking the
medicines, especially antibiotics, without
consulting the physician.
● Explain to the patient the purpose of each
drug and how to take it with regard to the right
dosage to prevent over or under-dosage.
● Inform the patient of the possible adverse
effects of the drug. Tell her to notify the
physician if specific adverse effects occur.
● Call your healthcare provider if you have any
of the following warning signs of sickness:
fever, severe pain, redness or swelling in the
incision site, foul-smelling vaginal discharge,
increased bleeding, backache or severe
abdominal pain or cramping (relieved by
Environment/Exercise ● Instructed patient to avoid strenuous activities.
● Promote Range of Motion as tolerated.
● Encourage her to have adequate rest and
sleep to regain energy.

Treatment ● Encourage the patient to comply with all the

treatments prescribed to her by the physician,
including diet, rest, exercise, pharmacologic
treatment, and follow-up check-ups.
● advise the patient to monitor blood pressure.
● Teach the patient how to change wound
dressings and perform wound care.
● Report increasing pain, swelling, or opening or
gaping of wound edges.
Health Teaching ● Instruct the patient to limit their activity for
the next few days.
● Explain the signs and symptoms of infection at
the wound site, such as pain, swelling, redness,
and soreness.
● Always practice perineal hygiene.
● Instruct the patient about proper positioning
after surgery to alleviate the pain.
● Discussed the proper intake of food.
● Continuous monitoring of blood pressure.
OPD ● Observe carefully for the other symptoms
● Instruct the essence of follow-up checks so
then the healthcare provider was able to see
the progress of the condition.

Diet ● Follow a health care provider’s instructions on

the diet, such as low salt, low fat


Medication ● Take all the medication continuously, as

ordered by the doctor.

Environment/Exercise ● Abdominal Bracing – Lying flat on your

back, brace your abdominals by
contracting your entire stomach as hard as
possible. Hold for 5-10 seconds and relax.
● Pelvic Tilts – Lying flat on your back, knees
bent to 90 degrees, heels flat on the floor.
Brace your abdominals (like above) and tilt
your pelvis in a posterior direction by
pressing your lower back into the floor.
Hold for 5-10 seconds.
● Bird Dog – Begin on all fours. Brace your
abdominals, and keep your back and pelvis
still. Reach one arm out in front of you,
and the opposite leg out directly behind
you. Return to the start and repeat on the
other side to complete one rep. Do 5- 10
reps per side.
● RKC Plank – Start in a normal plank
position with your hips elevated slightly
more than normal. Brace your abdominals,
clench your hands together, and squeeze
your glutes as hard as you can. Hold this
for 5-10 seconds.
● Side Plank – Start laying on your side with
your elbow under your shoulder. Your
head, trunk, hips, knees and feet should be
in a straight line. Brace your core and lift
your hips off of the floor. Hold for 10-20
seconds, then switch.
Treatment You may or may not have stitches from an
Listed below are steps you can take to prevent
infection and to increase your comfort after a
vaginal delivery.
1. Cleanse the perineal area from front to
back each time you urinate or have a
bowel movement.
2. Apply a clean pad for every change.
3. Apply the medication to your suture
area as ordered by your doctor.
4. Enjoy a warm sitz bath several times a
5. Avoid rubbing or applying pressure to
the suture area
Health Teaching
1. Rest/sleep when the baby sleeps.
2. No heavy lifting for 4 weeks.
3. Cesarean Mothers: NO lifting for 6 weeks.
4. Pelvic rest- No sexual intercourse for 4-6
weeks is suggested, or driving for 2 weeks.
5. Mothers can resume work in 4-6 weeks
after follow-up.


● Heavy bleeding soaks a pad in less than 5
● Severe abdominal pain or unexplained pain
in the chest or legs, disorientation, visual
● Severe headache
● Breathing difficulty
● Fever, chills, or vomiting
● Inability to urinate easily or leaking
● Feeling depressed or experiencing extreme
negative emotions

● The cord doesn’t fall off in two weeks,
drainage is present or the naval and the
surrounding area become swollen or red
● The child develops a fever or appears ill.
Feels hot or has a dry mouth
● Has a sharp, high cry for no reason or is
unusually fussy
● Doesn’t eat in his/her usual way
● Unusual breathing (slower, faster, and
● Vomiting (not just spitting up), especially if
it is green or projectile.
● Refusal of food several times in a row
● Feels hot or has a dry mouth
● Has a sharp, high cry for no reason or is
unusually fussy
● Doesn’t eat in his/her usual way
● Unusual breathing (slower, faster, and
● Vomiting (not just spitting up), especially if
it is green or projectile.
● Refusal of food several times in a row
● Excessive crying or Listlessness
● Loose, runny stools if there is mucus,
blood, or a foul odor
● Unusual rash
OPD ● Observe carefully for the other symptoms
● Instruct the essence of follow-up checks so
then the healthcare provider was able to
see the progress of the condition.

Diet ● All mothers have increased nutritional

needs after delivery, especially if they are
● Eat a well-balanced diet. No dieting or junk
● Eat foods rich in fiber-rich, nutritious.
● Continue to take vitamins and iron tablets
as ordered.

Medication ● Ampicillin 100mg every 12 hours

● Amikacin 29 mg, OP
● Ranitidine 2mg TIV every 12 hours

Environment/Exercise ● Inform the mother that the baby sleeps

often times.

Treatment ● Rely to the mother the importance of

complying with the medications.

Health Teaching ● Instruct mother to bring back the baby in

the hospital for his medication
● Instruct mother on the time the
medication will be given
● Instruct mother for the drug’s side effect
which includes constipation; diarrhea;
dizziness; headache; indigestion; nausea;
pain, swelling, or redness at the injection
site; sleeplessness; vomiting.
● Instruct mother of the importance of
● Instruct mother on Proper Breastfeeding
● Instruct mother to expose the baby to
sunlight at 6:00 am to 10:00 am Instruct
mother that formula milk is only good for 4
● Instruct mother on strict aspiration
● Instruct mother to burped the baby after
each feedings
● Instruct Mother to bathe daily the baby.
Instruct the mother to report to physician of any
signs of infection.
OPD ● Observe carefully for the other symptoms
● Instruct the essence of follow-up checks so
then the healthcare provider was able to
see the progress of the condition.

Diet ● Instruct Mother to feed the baby as

tolerated with strict aspiration precautions.

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