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CHD 322
Biostatistics and Computing CAT ONE
Use the data given.
1. Find the frequency:
i. Sex
ii. Age
iii. Group
iv. Fost1
v. Confid1
vi. Depress1
vii. Fost2
viii. Confid2
ix. Depress2
x. Fost3
xi. Confid3
xii. Depress3
xiii. Exam
xiv. Mah_1
2. Find the descriptive statistics for the following variables
i. Fost1
ii. Confid1
iii. Depress1
iv. Fost2
v. Confid2
vi. Depress2
vii. Fost3
viii. Confid3
ix. Depress3
x. Exam
xi. Mah_1
3. Create a new variable Fost1 and fost2 and fost3. Call this new variable fost
4. Create a new variable Confid by combing Confid1, confid2 and confid3
5. Create a new variable called Depression by combing depress1, depress2 and depress3
6. Cross tabulate gender and the type of class
7. Create a variable age_grp with a width of 5
8. Find the Pearson correlation coefficient between age and exam score

Save the output in one folder and send via ODEL.

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