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All about the Ingredients

Romans 8:28

I. Introduction
a. Kumustahay
b. Review last Sunday
c. Para daw healthy ang tao he must be healthy
i. Physically, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually etc
1. Atleast 5 aspect para mataag kag healthy
a. Pwd ka healthy physically pero emotionally dili
2. Every time mo anhe ta sa church para maka dungog ta pulong gikan sa
3. There are a lot of components nga ga uban para maka ingon ta nga
healthy gyud ang is ka tao
ii. FOOD
1. Maski kompleto ang ingredients pero naay isa morag sablay
a. Sobra ang asin, toyo, suka
b. Unsa imong buhaton kung ang is aka walay lami?
i. Diba mahimo tang food critic maski d ta kabalo mo loto
1. (mg ask ang asawa lami akong giluto, it’s a
c. Pgtilaw natao unya parat kau, ato gyud gina huna2 aha kaha ni
na sayop…
2. Unsa atong gina buhat kung naay sayop sa
a. Ilabay, bahog sa iro
i. Pwd pa na matabang, gusto nato doctoran
3. Nanu sa fud gusto nato ayuhon pero kung sa atong life dili?
a. We know whats wrong but we don’t bother to ask how can I fix
b. What we usually do like cooking, dugangan natog asin, tubig,
suka etc!
i. It doesn’t mean ng add ka ma ok na daun
c. Add Christianity in your life it doesn’t mean your life will be fix
i. Its not just adding but deducting something in our lives
ii. Accept Jesus- we add Jesus
1. Jesus can Fix your life but naa pd xa gi sugo- to
get rid of bitterness, hatred etc
2. Not unless we follow those dili ma fix atong life
3. Not all the times effecteive ang add salt, watr,
etc, because dghan mga butang gina pa tang2
ang Ginoo sa tong life
d. Check the ingredients
i. It make the good food a great food
ii. It makes the food memorable
1. Aha ang pna ka lami nga imong
iii. Naay mandatory, naa pud optional
e. It Matters!
i. 5 steps for success, we follow it but walay joy
1. We are full but not fulfilled
a. I think, I hope, maybe, perhaps
b. We know- certain, difinite
i. When we face all kinds of trials importanti ang what you know
ii. What you know will help you get through on what your are going through
c. You need to know
i. Sure na sure
ii. Complet ang ingredients pero dapat sakto ang combination
d. You know why is it important ang what we know? Becasu dghan kau tag wala
i. There are thing gituyo sa Ginoo nga wala gipahibalo sa atoa
1. Abraham and Isaac- aha atong e halad
2. Gusto sa Ginoo mo trust ta sa iya
a. You will not experience the peace that passes all understanding
ii. Psalamati ang ginoo sa mga tang nga dili ni
1. Busy kau to on knowing what we don’t know malimtan na nato ang
what we know
e. Things wala gipa hibalo
i. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow
1. Fucos on what you know
a. D ko sure if maulian ko sa akong sakit ugma but akong fucos I
know God will heal me
b. D ko sure if maka lingkawas pa mi ani but what I know my God
shall supply all my needs
c. I may not know God has a plan and God is in control
ii. You don’t know when you will die
1. Our lives is hiram lang
2. La ko kabalo when mo mamatay pero I know ubn nako ang Ginoo karon
3. Life is so short
iii. When Christ will return
1. Dgahn na nagna
2. Just be prepapred!
iv. Why naa ko ani pastor?
1. Even the biblical hero have been asking that question
2. Lord why? Wala ko nimo gi inform
3. It doesn’t make sense for us
a. Grabe ko ka active sa mga ministry grabe naman oon ang
b. May pa tong wala ga apil2 murag wala kau problema
4. Sahay gaan pa nato bible verse c Lord
a. If God is for us who can be against us
i. There will be people who will be against you but no
match sila
b. We know God will not leave us nor forsake us
f. You can reach your destination with out opposition, you can fulfill your assignment with
out disappointment
III. ALL thing
a. Wala gi tel all things are good, tanan imong again ok,
i. Not all things is good
1. War, cancer, etc!
ii. Wala get el somethings will work, most, right etc
b. God can uses not just the success but also the stress for your benefit
c. Philippians 4:12-13- Ive learned
i. Balo xa unsay dgahan og unsay feeling sa kulang
ii. Dili hayahay tanan iyang na experience
1. Both experience the good and the bad
iii. The greater the destiny the greater the misery
d. Don’t just question God with what you are experiencing now because mas naka balo ag
Ginoo and he know what is the good for us
i. Life is not filled with trials , life itself is the TRAIL
1. We cant escape trials
a. But do you belive that God will give u a good outcome out of
bad situation?
b. Good outlook good outcome
i. Lisod kau mo kau mo too when you are in need, lisod
kau mo too when you are sick
1. Mao ng gina develop sa Ginoo sa atoa
2. Ngkasakit ta sauna karon ato na gina atiman
atong self
c. God is teaching something
e. No limitation no qualification
i. Nothing is beyond Gods control
1. Naa ka limitation but God wala
f. How will you respond when we are facing all things?
i. Respond with faith, with hope
1. Job- inspired ta not just unsa iyang gi again but how he face iyang gi
ii. Count it pure Joy when you face all kinds of trials
1. Joy is not based on emotion but a choice
a. Kulang o sobra I will choose to worhip God
iii. Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)don’t worry
1. Who want to experience peace?- what to do?
2. ANXIETY- dili kalipay
a. Its natural to experience but a bondage to live in it
b. Lisod for you but it doesn’t mean lisod sa Ginoo
IV. WORKS Together
a. Kare2- mas lami naay bagoong
b. Fish ball- mas lami naay sauce
c. It taste Good pg naay xa combination
i. All things is happening as instrumental for your benefit
1. You may not like but count it all pure joy
d. ASIN- wala pa gyud ga lak2 ug asin
i. It enhances the flavor
ii. Sodium- sobra poisonous, chloride- sobra maka patay
1. Mix together lami kau
iii. In isolation it could kill you but in combination it is beneficial
1. Don’t judge one part of your life nga maka poison, hurt ka, na broke ka,
na dis appoint ka
2. Its not good bt God is not finished yet
e. Don’t focus on isolated circumstances in your life
i. E coombind na sila tanan bang! It Is for your benefit
ii. It will make a bettere effct in our lives
f. Suka, toyo, laurel etc- kaon tag adobo!
i. Ayaw e judge daun- mantika pa gane gibutang – wala nay lami!
ii. God is our master chef! Gutad pa gane c lord ug panakot!
iii. Not automatically
V. Conclusion
a. Allow God to Operate
i. Why?
1. Isaiah 55:8-9
b. Accept it mas bright gyud c Lord!
i. Judas- story
1. His betrayal God uses to save you
c. Let us trust Gods process

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