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Visual: Audio:

Intro While this monologue is

playing, bold graphic text is ‘The 1980’s, most known for its
being displayed over the screen materialism, consumerism and the rise of
as ‘the 1980’s’ is heard, the ‘yuppie’. but most importantly its
riving music scene. The decade period of
accompanied alongside images
the 1980s was musically innovative for
that flash and disappear with
many reasons but more to the point of
the ‘materialism consumerism’ this documentary, it saw the
that aid alongside. However, globalisation and birth of the more
the yuppie comment will be commercialised version of the music
followed by a singular image to video’
allow the ‘joke’ punchline to be
established and will include a ‘But just how innovative was the
multiple flash of images of development of music videos during this
yuppies. time? And how did it birth the first
While this monologue is being major interlock between media and music
spoken the starting of Blue that rightfully cemented the 80’s as the
Monday by New Order will be fast pace progression between, music,
media and art?’
playing in the background. With
the Yuppie comment there will
be a brief silence of any audio,
before blue Monday continuous
once the joke has landed.

While the monologue is being

spoken, in the background
there will be brief flashes of
recognisable music videos
appearing in the background,
accompanied by random
images of people in deep
Brief history He background will be mono
chrome to resemble the 1980’s “To better understand this question, we must
first go back to the very beginning’
art- this will be a reoccurring
thing throughout. On the “Sound and image were always experienced as
screen show many of them. one until Thomas Edison recorded sound in
Illustrated talking points, as 1877. It had been like way since the
they’re being spoken about. beginning of time. Whether it was a
neighbour playing guitar or an orchestra in
a concert hall, one could see a performance
as soon as they heard the music. However,
with the development of recording
technology, a listener may instantly repeat
only the sound from a previous performance.
It was nothing less than a revolution.

However, it is possible that there is a

human desire to see what one hears. Because,
as soon as Edison's innovation
revolutionised the listening experience, the
audience for those recordings desired to see
something as they listened. When technology
for “moving pictures”

“When the visuals first appeared in the

1890s, they were instantly applied to music.
According to some, the first music video was
developed in 1894 by Joseph Stern and Edward
Mark, who paired their song "The Little Lost
Child" to a moving slide display and sold it
as a "illustrated song." Despite the fact
that the average American did not yet have
the equipment to play a recording of the
song, over 2 million copies of "The Little
Lost Child" sheet music were sold.
 Introduction to specialism
 Brief History of specialism
 How technology has improved it
 Key people in the industry
 Key techniques associated with the subject
 Your own attempts at mastering a technique(s)
 Interviews with people discussing the skill(s)
 Conclusion that evaluates the skill and why it is important to the industry

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