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Maulana Ramadhan. (22522014)

Vina Oktaviani . (22522018)
Fresya P. Buwono. (22522010)
Lorenza Rima Octavia. (22522013)



A. Background

Based on existing data, the number of unemployed in Indonesia is increasing every time

Year. The increase in the number of unemployed is partly due to the lack of

Awareness of the community to take advantage of existing business opportunities.

This could be because there is still a lack of knowledge to utilize resources


If this is allowed to continue, it is not impossible that there will be an economic crisis that


Not to mention the lack of public awareness to create their own field

work. In fact, to be able to lift the community's economy, a field is needed


Then one of the solutions to be able to get out of the economic crisis and also reduce

unemployment is entrepreneurship.

In entrepreneurship itself there are many options that can be done. Including

processing raw materials into finished or semi-finished food products in order to have

higher selling point.

That's why I'm here trying to create a product with a selling point,

by making snacks "BULBUL CASSAVA CHIPS".

This snack itself is made from cassava which is easy for people to obtain. Will

But there are still many who have not processed it into an attractive and selling snack.

B. Vision and Mission


Making traditional food as one of the high-selling and many high-value foods



1. Always innovate traditional products.

2. Strive to improve the quality of traditional food.

3. Prioritize the quality of taste and crispness of chips so that consumers are satisfied.
C. Purpose

My goals in developing this type of business are:

1. To preserve Indonesian snacks.

2. To attract consumers to experience the products made by me as well as

can achieve, sales on target.

3. As an effort to open up employment opportunities for the surrounding environment.

4. Get business profits.

D. Purpose of Business Activities

Every business activity certainly has its own purpose. And so it is with me.

As for the intention of me opening this business because of the desire to channel knowledge

owned in the culinary field.

In addition, it is also to add experience and insight in the business world.

Hope from myself that traditional food is not inferior to modern food

by always innovating against traditional regional specialties.

The form of innovation carried out is by developing traditional foods that

named Bulbul Cassava Chips to make it more attractive both in terms of taste, appearance and


I named the form of development "BULBUL CASSAVA CHIPS" which is cassava chips

crispy and savory developed from selected cassava.



A. Profile

I give a business brand called Bulbul Cassava Chips because of this product

made from cassava. Cassava itself has been more often known in the countryside.

Bulbul Cassava Chips addressed at Kampung Ciranjang Rt002/003, Kelurahan

Pamoyanan, South Bogor District, Bogor City, 13163

However, I have the confidence and hope to develop processed ingredients

cassava base to be an attractive food without reducing the nutrient content in It.

Cassava itself has many nutrients that are good for health. Womb

These nutrients include vitamins C, B6, B12, D, magnesium, calcium, and iron.
B. Market Strategy

So that the plan to build a traditional snack business of Bulbul Cassava Chips can be

running smoothly, several market strategies are carried out including:

1. Segmenting

The first market strategy is segmenting. Segmenting itself is a way to

making the buyer a target to be achieved.

Segmenting or segmenting the market is very important. That's what I'm for?

do your research first to determine which location is closest to ideal

to market the business.

The goal is that the products made can be enjoyed by various groups of people,

Even this product can also be enjoyed by all ages.

2. Targeting

The target market targeted by me consists of people around the place of sale,

stalls that can be entrusted.

In addition to selling conventionally, I also aim at the online market, because it will be more

quickly known to the crowd

3. Positioning

The third step in the market strategy I use is positioning.

Positioning itself is an act of the company or to design products and

marketing mix in order to create a certain impression in the memory of consumers.

So that the products produced can be easily recognized by the public, then I

make innovations by adding new materials.

This will make the resulting product different from the product that has been


The ingredients added in this product are in the form of food flavoring powders such as

chili powder, barbeqiu, sweet corn, grilled corn, balado, and cheese. Not to forget also


These additions will make the food a lot more interesting, excellent quality and also

It feels like it has become superior.

This will make this food have a characteristic that is easy to remember and is known by

C. SWOT Analysis for Business Feasibility

It has become a habit if in doing business always face challenges and

also business competition. To deal with all of that requires proper business analysis.

This analysis is necessary not only as an evaluation material, but to measure the capabilities

efforts towards the environment and also existing competition.

In this case I use a SWOT analysis for business feasibility.

1. Strength

The first analysis is to measure the strength of the effort. The power here is a

analysis that this product is widely accepted by society.

As for the measure of strength here is that the quality of the products offered is quite high.

Then the basic ingredient used is cassava which has a lot of content

nutrients and hygienically processed.

2. Weakness

Every strength certainly has weaknesses. Likewise, business activities carried out by me. Behind the
analysis of business strengths above, there are also weaknesses in the field of

These efforts, namely:

1. Products are easy to imitate.

2. Products are easy to crumble.

3. Erratic cassava prices.

3. Opportunity

The reading of opportunities is indispensable in making efforts. As for the reading or

opportunity analysis in this product is a cassava chip product or food that

Made from cassava is familiar.

This is because cassava chips are well known by the public because they are indeed chips

Cassava has already existed.

However, what makes it different between Bulbul Cassava Chips and cassava chips

in general, Bulbul Cassava Chips have been modified so that they become

more attractive products and able to compete with modern food.

Then for now the cassava chips food from the texture is a lot of hard

and hard to bite, so I have a good chance of marketing chips

modified cassava with new variants that are more attractive to consumers.
4. Threat

In every business opportunity will always face threats. This threat constitutes

obstacles that come from outside.

The threat that will arise in the Bulul Cassava Chips business is as


1. Erratic availability of basic materials.

2. The emergence of unfair competition.

3. The emergence of similar products at a reduced price.



A. Production Process

In the production process, I tried to develop a production idea with

modified based on consumer needs, namely liking for the current culinary

trends on social media.

Furthermore, the production process is carried out with a series of stages to maintain

hygienic of the product. This is to maintain and create consumer trust

to the products I market Then I also determine the supporting raw materials by conducting a market

in order to obtain more competitive pricing information.

Don't forget to also make financial reports to create healthy management

in business activities.

If the financial system is well laid out and structured, then even production activities will

able to run smoothly and optimally

B. Material

In order for the financial system to run well, it is also necessary to make a calculation of materials-

materials in building a business.

As for producing Bulbul Cassava Chips, I use intermediate ingredients


No Name Material Unit Price (Rp.) Number of Materials Total Price (Rp.)

1 cassava Rp. 3.000 30 Kg Rp. 90.000

2 Cooking Oil 1 L Rp. 17.500 4 L Rp. 70.000

3 Flavorings Rp. 1.500 10 Pcs Rp. 15.000

4 Food Flavorings Rp. 6.000 6 Pcs Rp. 36.000

5 Margarine 200 gr Rp. 9.000 4 Pcs Rp. 36.000

Total Rp. 247.000

C. Additional Tools and Equipment

1. Tools

No Name Tool Unit Price (Rp.)

1 Plastic Press Rp. 135.000

2 Knives Rp. 15.000

3 Pans Rp. 300.000

4 Sodet Rp. 50.000

5 Wok Rp. 125.000

6 Basin IDR 75,000

Total Rp. 700.000

2. Equipment

• 6 pieces of packaging label (Price @ Rp. 1.000) = Rp. 6.000

• All Size Plastic (Price @ Rp. 100.000) = Rp. 100.000

• Plastic gloves 2 Pcs (Price @ Rp. 2.000) = Rp. 4.000

• Koran 2Kg (Price @ Rp. 8.000) = Rp. 16.000

Total Rp. 126.000.

3. Miscellaneous Fees

• Transportation Fee Rp. 20.000

• Gas refill Rp. 20.000

Total Rp. 40.000

4. Employee Salaries

- IDR 1,500,000

D. How to Create

• Prepare the ingredients.

• Peel cassava cut into 3 or 4 pieces and then wash well then steam

Until cooked and soft it takes approximately 60 minutes to 120min.

• Next remove the cassava basin and cool for a while about 15 minutes

up to 20 minutes.

• Then take cassava and cut it manually using a knife, not forgetting too

wear his plastic gloves.

• Finally fry with hot oil that has been mixed with margarine

using high heat.

• Then remove and drain to cool and then add flavored toppings accordingly

then wrap and press with a pelastic press.



A. Capital and Income

The amount of initial capital that must be issued is

The amount of capital that must be spent in one production is Rp. 1,113,000 with


Total production costs = materials + equipment + miscellaneous costs

= IDR 247,000 + IDR 826,000 + IDR 40,000

= IDR 1,113,000

As for the total cost of one production, it is

The total cost required to produce 45 products of 200gr size

is IDR 413,000

B. Target Sales results per month

= daily sales target x selling price per 200gr x 30 days

= 45 pcs x Rp. 15.000 x 30 days

= IDR 20,250,000

C. Profit

= sales proceeds – (start-up capital + (daily capital x 30 days) + 1 Month Employee Salary)

= IDR 20,250,000 – (IDR 1,113,000 + (IDR 413,000 x 30 days) + IDR 1,500,000)

= IDR 20,250,000 – (IDR 1,113,000 + R.p 12,390,000 + IDR 1,500,000)

= IDR 20,250,000 – IDR 15,003,000

= IDR 5,247,000



A. Conclusion

Thus snacks CASSAVA CHIPS BULBUL is a product idea from me

in starting this business. The emergence of this product is the result of an opportunity analysis and
survey that I conducted to

Looking for business prospects beneficial to society and profitable.

I hope that this product can be well received, liked and easy

Consumers Remember

B. Advice

I realize that this business proposal is far from perfect. That's what I'm for?

expect criticism and suggestions from various parties for the sake of improving the proposal

this snack business.

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