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Asceticism is a lifestyle characterized by extreme self-discipline and the renunciation of worldly

pleasures for spiritual or religious purposes.

2. Artha refers to the pursuit of material wealth, power, and success as one of the four main goals of
human life in Hinduism.

3. Atman is the individual soul or self in Hinduism, representing the eternal, unchanging essence within
each person.

4. Avatar is a divine incarnation or manifestation of a deity, often sent to Earth to fulfill a specific
purpose in Hinduism.

5. Bhakti is a devotional form of worship and a spiritual path emphasizing deep love and devotion
towards a chosen deity in Hinduism.

6. Brahman is the ultimate, unchanging reality or cosmic consciousness in Hindu philosophy, often
considered the supreme reality.

7. Brahmin is a member of the highest social and priestly caste in the traditional Indian caste system.

8. Dharma is the moral and ethical duties and responsibilities prescribed by one's role and status in life
in Hinduism and other Indian religions.

9. Guru is a spiritual teacher or guide who imparts knowledge and wisdom to disciples in various
religious and spiritual traditions.

10. Jnana refers to the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom as a means to attain spiritual enlightenment in

11. Kama represents the pursuit of desire, pleasure, and sensual enjoyment as one of the four main
goals of human life in Hinduism.

12. Karma is the concept of cause and effect, where one's actions and deeds have consequences that
affect their future in Hinduism and other religions.

13. Mahabharata is one of the two major ancient Indian epic poems, recounting the Kurukshetra War
and containing philosophical and religious teachings.

14. Moksha is the liberation from the cycle of samsara (reincarnation) and the attainment of ultimate
spiritual liberation in Hinduism.

15. Om (Aum) is a sacred syllable and sound representing the essence of the ultimate reality or Brahman
in Hinduism and other Indian religions.

16. Puja is a ritualistic worship or devotional offering to a deity in Hinduism and other Indian religions.

17. Ramayana is an ancient Indian epic narrative that tells the story of Lord Rama, his wife Sita, and their
adventures and trials.

18. Samsara is the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, driven by
19. Sutra is a concise and aphoristic text or guide that contains teachings or principles in various Indian
philosophical and religious traditions.

20. Trimurti represents the three principal deities in Hinduism: Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the
preserver), and Shiva (the destroyer).

21. The varna system is the traditional social hierarchy or caste system in India, consisting of four main
social classes: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras.

22. Vedas are a collection of ancient sacred texts in Hinduism, including hymns, rituals, and philosophical

23. Yoga is a spiritual and physical practice aimed at achieving mental and physical harmony, often used
as a path to spiritual enlightenment in Hinduism.

24. Yuga refers to a cosmic age or epoch in Hindu cosmology, with each yuga characterized by specific
qualities and durations.

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