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Product usage and Disposal behaviour among post millennial generation


Every consumable product led to waste generation due to increased population and
economic growth. The demand for the goods makes them to buy excessively and dispose it in
a less environmental-friendly and in a convenient way. Due to the habitual actions of disposal
among people, the microbeads and metallic elements adversely affect the environment. Even
though people dispose waste conveniently it is not only polluting the environment also the
living beings. This study focuses on studying the Product usage and Disposal behaviour
especially among post millennial generation (i.e., Born after 1996). As they have the trait of
making huge impact on others and their adaptability - the way people dispose, the knowledge
and awareness they possess towards disposal, the factors that influences and what makes
them to act in such a way. This helps to educate, instruct, make responsible and bring
awareness among the people right from the source of choosing the products (e.g.; Refillable
products & stores), efficient usage and reusage of packed items and the disposal of waste in
an efficient way through various techniques without polluting the environment and the
government to undertake various schemes and initiatives.


o To study the awareness among people regarding the proper disposal

o To analyse the barriers of effective disposal among people
o To know the factors influencing usage and disposal


Using products and disposing it in a convenient way may not sounds good as it leads
to have negative effect on both health and environment. The study uses Quantitative research
approach that gives answers to how and why they exhibit such behaviour that gives an in
depth understanding of the product usage and disposal of waste among post millennials and
how the group behaves through surveys. The surveys will ask about their awareness and
barriers for proper disposal and what factors leads to such behaviour. With the help of
statistical analysis, the behavioural pattern will be analysed to take necessary steps which
motivate them to dispose it in a proper way without harming the environment. On the whole,
it provides a view on the behaviour of post millennials to take necessary actions by the
government (Encouraging the proper disposal behaviour and providing awareness to avoid
non proper disposal behaviour)

Work plan:

 Identifying the source of waste

 Usage behaviour: How the consumers select, use and dispose the product
 Disposal behaviour: Various disposal behaviour exhibited by the consumers
 Analysing disposal methods: Analysing the effective way to dispose through proper
 Waste management action plan: Spotting the amount of waste generated and
reducing the waste send to landfill through waste hierarchy
 Recommendations: Suggesting the measures and methods to control less
environmental-friendly actions through schemes and initiative actions by the



1 Travelling

Expected outcome:

Undertaking measures by analysing the millennials’ behaviour of usage and disposal

makes the environment pollution and contamination free. And reduces the need of extracting
resources by making the waste into useful substances. Proper disposal leads reduce the
amount of waste going to landfill. Making use of compost method replenish the environment
and supports the municipality in saving money in case of landfill areas

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