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Development of Sanitary Landfills in Controlling Waste Management Disposal in

Cabarroguis Quirino
Sanitary landfills work by layering waste and soil in A large hole in the ground that is
lined with plastic and clay. The waste is allowed to decompose and the linings help prevent
contamination. When landfills are full the often capped and transformed into parks or natural
areas. Sanitary landfills considered as the most common E-waste disposal technique which aims
to reduce or mitigate the potential risks associated with the environment and human health.
Landfills are typically positioned in areas where prevailing land features can perform as
natural buffers between the environment and landfills. The main purpose of sanitary landfills is
to ensure waste safe by reducing the harm from accumulated waste and allowing safe
decomposition. The alternative layering of garbage and soil aids is hastening decomposition.
the main purpose of the study is to determine what are the plans, procedures of different
Barangay in Cabarroguis in terms of developing sanitary landfills in controlling waste
management disposal. Specially, it attempts to answer the following:
 Proper waste disposal for the development of sanitary landfills.
 People participation in terms of waste disposal for the development of sanitary landfills.
 People satisfaction about developing sanitary landfills.

1. Proper waste disposal
2. People participation in terms of waste disposal
3. People satisfaction in developing sanitary landfills
1. Waste segregation Biodegradable
2. Conducts seminars concerning with the awareness of proper disposal.
3. Conduct seminars and activities related to solid waste management.
1. It makes the barangay’s CLEAN AND GREEN
2. People of the barangays would be more concern and aware about waste management
3. The people would be contented with the system.

 Hypothesis
 Different barangays have some problem in terms of solid waste disposal. Therefore, if the
people encouraged to agree with implementing development of the sanitary landfills then
it would be a big help to the community in preventing numerous count of garbage that is
needed to be disposed and it could also help in preventing global warming.


this section will provide brief description on the various significance of the study given the
problem of different barangays regarding in the development of sanitary landfills.
 To the office of Different Barangays. The proposed study serves the barangays officials,
personnel's and their reference or guide in creating their program concerned.
 To the constituents. The proposed study will help to have deeper understanding to the
program that their barangay officials are making.
 To the future researchers. The proposed study will benefit and help the future researchers
as their guide. The study can also open in development of the study.

 Definition of term
 Sanitary landfills- sites where waste is isolated from the environment until it is safe.
 Solid waste management- activities and action required to manage waste from its
inception to its final disposal.
 Segregation- the separation or isolation of a race, class or ethnic group by enforced or
voluntary residence in restricted are, by barriers to social intercourse, by separate
educational facilities, or by other discriminatory means.

 Review of Related Literature

Ecological solid waste management act of 2000 RA 9003 describes solid waste
management as a discipline associated with the controls of generation, storage, collection,
transfer, transport, processing, and disposal of solid waste. The manner by which these activities
are conducted shall be in accord with the best principles of public health economics engineering
conservation aesthetics other environmental considerations and public attitudes. The act provides
for a comprehensive ecological solid waste management program by creating the necessary
institutional mechanisms and incentives appropriating funds declaring certain acts prohibited and
providing penalties.
 Methodology
a. Research design
this study is descriptive survey design it may use to determine how does different
Barangay of Cabarroguis complies with the rules and regulation and the objectives of the local
office of the Solid Waste Management Office of Cabarroguis.
b. Instrument
the study used online questionnaire and online interview as one of the important
instrument in gathering. According to the dictionary questionnaire is a set of question used to
gather information in a survey form in a printed paper of form the contains questionnaire.
c. Data Gathering Procedures
the researchers float questionnaire/ survey to selected constituents in Cabarroguis

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