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Kabanata 1:

“Daniela, I’m begging you, help me.” Said a young girl in a frilly long yellow dress with white
polka dots with long sleeves all the way to her wrist, wearing white ankle boots and carrying a
matchy yellow umbrella with frilly laces around the rim. She stood at the entrance of the
workshop under the shade of her parasol hoping for her best friend’s response. Daniela who
was busy folding trimmed coconut leaves into crosses at her desk in a small workshop, paused
midway to look up to her best friend who was looking at her almost crying. She sighed then
continued her work, “Eloisa, it’s the middle of the day. Go home, I still need to finish this.” She
said emphasizing the unfinished folded leaf on her hands. Eloisa pouted. She sighed, “What can
I do? You’re a Maharlika and I’m just a part-timer trying to work my days off to help feed my
siblings. I doubt anyone would even take me for my word.” Daniela responded not looking
away from her hands that continued flipping and tucking the leaves. Unsatisfied with Daniela’s
response, Eloisa shut her umbrella close and sat at the vacant space on Daniela’s working
bench. She now sees the basket full of trimmed coconut leaves underneath the table which was
still full then looks at her best friend with sad eyes. “Is this what you want to do for the rest of
your life?” Eloisa pulls her arm stopping her from finishing the palaspas on hand. Daniela looks
at Eloisa’s hand gripping her arm, “I’m not going to do this forever you know? Palm Sunday only
comes once a year.” Eloisa grimaces, “You know that’s not what I mean.” Daniela sighed gently
removing Eloisa’s hand and puts down the finished palaspas on the other side of the table
where the other finished crosses were. She stares at the open of her workshop which was
facing directly to the Basilica and thought about Eloisa’s words. “This tiny workshop was the
only thing left by my late father.” She mumbled softly.

Ridondo Cualquier Cosa―is a small workshop founded by Rafael Ridondo in the bustling young
city of Nueva Vergara before he departed the world. The business is all about offering services
to anything a client wants. By anything, just those tasks that are morally aligned and are in need
of mass production at a low labor fee. Ever since Rafael died, the shop has been run by Daniela,
his second daughter while the older sister Maria is in charge of watching over the younger
siblings at home. Daniela never complained since she knew she was more capable of running
the small business than her older sister and younger brother. Especially now that their mother
is on her third husband and their family is constantly growing by the year. Daniela was sent to
school once at an early age but immediately stopped the moment her mother re-married a year
later after her father’s death. At the age of eleven, she was forced to take over the business
since Rafael Jr. also known as Rafa was run to the hospital due to pneumonia. Maria had to
watch over Rafa as their mother was pregnant with her first daughter in her second husband.
They had dues to pay and their stepfather, Luis Dizon, was really cruel to them not sparing even
a single penny to help. Daniela had to work day and night just to make ends meet for the
hospital bills and Rafa’s medicine. Coincidently, on the day Rafa was released from admission,
their mother gave birth to their youngest at that moment, Citria. Daniela never held a grudge
against her younger siblings, most certainly now that it’s not only Citria who looks up to her.
There’s still Sofia, Paulo, and Joaquin who came after and her older sister Maria along with her
sickly younger brother, Rafa. And so whenever she is faced with the question, “Is this really
what you want to do for the rest of your life?” She would blankly stare out in the open and
remember all her siblings counting on her.

“Daniela, you’re sixteen! You need to get out of here!” Eloisa demanded. “Easy for you to say,
you’re a rich man’s daughter,” Daniela replied pulling another piece of trimmed leaf from the
basket. “Who’s forced to marry a foreigner all for the sake of the name,” Eloisa added looking
at her feet saddened by the thought. Daniela just glanced at her not knowing how to respond.
“Where are your bodyguards? A noble woman such as yourself shouldn’t be out here in the
open.” Daniela replies. “I escaped home to talk to you in private.” Eloisa said proudly. Shocked
by her best friend’s boldness, Daniela shakes her, “Are you trying to get me arrested? You’re
father is going to kill me if she finds out I’m the reason you’re missing at Casa!” Eloisa laughs,
“Relax dummy! I’m going to leave once you accept my offer.” “Unbelievably stubborn,” Daniella
replies covering her face. Trying once more, Eloisa clings to her best friend’s arms wrapping
herself around her to stop her from moving, “Daniela I repeat myself, I am offering you a job as
my personal maid. I am sure that my Papa will allow it if it’s you. I need you there at home and
help me devise a plan to convince Aaron Roldan to stop the engagement.” Worried by Eloisa’s
undying determination, Daniela quickly finished the half-done palaspas on hand then shoving
all the finished ones to the empty basket near her foot. She took a deep breath then faced her
best friend who was down in the dumps and said, “What do I have to do?” Eloisa squealed and
hugged her tight. Pulling away she touched Daniela’s cheek smiling at her dearest friend, “You
will not regret this, Daniela.”

“I can’t believe I gave in to her,” Daniela said remembering what had happened earlier. She
finished making the two hundred ordered palaspas by the Basilica for this Sunday’s celebration
of the Palm and is now on her way home. Walking at five in the late afternoon is Daniela’s
favorite ‘me’ time. It’s her only time when she can think about herself and just let her
imagination run free. Since her house is just a jeepney away from the shop entering an
esquenita at the end of the block, she enjoys prancing around forgetting the cruel life she has to
face at home even just for a little. Her current stepfather isn’t as cruel as the previous one but is
hard ass drunkard and gets home really late. Just when Daniela was enjoying her walk, she
remembered once more the deal she and Eloisa had earlier today which made her stomach
churn feeling really frightened of what she just agreed to. Eloisa Blanca Maharlika y Regalo is
the first born daughter of Manuel Ricardo Maharlika y Silvetro and Angelica Diana Maharlika y
Regalo. Her family was one of those belonging to the peninsulares class back at the time of the
Spanish regime. Being one of the richest families in Nueva Vergara also means that she has to
marry a man who will bring honor to her family. However, Eloisa is not like those women who
would follow blindly to whoever she was sent to. We could say she was ahead of her time.
Eloisa thinks that now the country has gained its freedom from the Americans, it is high time
that women of high stature shall also be granted the freedom to choose who they wish to
marry. This is where the plot thickens. Eloisa is currently in love with their hacienda caretaker
Samuel Villasenda, the son of the head farmer in their hacienda. Samuel is also interested with
Eloisa but she is to be wed to Aaron Roldan, the son of her father’s business partner who
happens to be half American. Having no one to confide to in the household, Eloisa offers her
best friend Daniela, the position of being her handmaiden not only to assist her in her daily life
but to aid her in times of need. Having accepted the offer, Daniela is to be summoned to their
household in Casa Maharlika of Nueva Vergara five days from now, which extremely makes her
anxious knowing how strict Eloisa’s father is. “I am so screwed.” Daniela mumbled.

“I’m home.” She said removing her shoes at the front door then enters the house putting down
a white plastic bag on the side table at the entrance. Immediately after resting a bit she hears
many footsteps running towards her then sees all of her younger siblings jump on to her
hugging her legs. Daniela grins and felt all her worry wash away, “Hello, Citria, Sofia, Paulo and
Joaquin. I have something for you.” She lifts up the white plastic bag that was emitting a
smokey fragrant smell. “Is that lechon manok?” yelled five-year old Paulo who was tugging
Daniela’s skirt. “Two,” she winked and the children cheered. “Welcome home,” said Maria who
was just coming out of the living room with Rafa on a wooden wheelchair. Daniela gives the
plastic bag to Citria telling her to fix it up for dinner and the rest came running after her to help
at the kitchen. “You look exhausted.” Maria said touching Daniela’s cheek. “I’m fine. It was just
really hot today.” She smiled then glanced at Rafa who was just there listening to them. Daniela
bends down to match her brother’s eye level, holding on to the arms of the chair. “Do you like
your wheelchair?” she asks. Rafa nods innocently then suddenly hugs Daniela which made her
teary eyed and really happy. Rafa is mute, he wasn’t born this way but he just stopped talking
at the age of ten. Since then, he’s been communicating through gestures and would just listen
to his sisters but not to their mother. “The wheelchair is really a great help Daniela. Rafa has
weak legs and it helps him whenever he feels too sick to move around. Thank you,” Maria pats
her shoulder. Daniela stands up glad of her accomplishment, “Anything for my family.” Maria
smiles back and immediately goes behind Rafa pushing his wheelchair following Daniela. Sofia
and the youngest, Joaquin peaked adorably from the kitchen’s door and immediately called out
to their older sisters for dinner. At the dinner table, Maria sits at Rafa’s right side while Daniela
at his left. The table was round so the rest of the young one’s distributed themselves around
the remaining seats. “Where’s mama?” Daniela looks around. Maria hesitated in responding.
“Mama is out looking for Papa.” Paulo responds. Worried of what the child had said, Daniela
looks at Maria who looks at her with eyes saying ‘let’s talk later’. “Alright, let’s say thanks for
the food!” Maria claps cheerfully and the young ones followed. On their table was the two
roasted chickens Daniela bought on a tin tray and two plates of rice. The children was so
excited since it’s been a while that they had lechon manok for dinner. After the prayer, Maria
carefully distributed pieces of the chicken to her siblings making sure everyone gets a piece or
two equally. They saved three pieces for their parents and immediately digs in with their hands.
While the little ones were enjoying the meal Maria looks at Daniela who was busy observing
Citria, Sofia, Paulo and Joaquin biting off the chicken and licking their hands for the extra sauce.
Rafa notices Maria’s pained look and offers her his drumstick. Maria then smiles and lets Rafa
eat his chicken. This is what Daniela ever wanted, seeing her siblings enjoy life to the fullest and
having to eat delicious meals everyday. As she picks up a handful of rice after a piece of chicken
meat, she thought of how the shop’s current income will not suffice if she wants to offer her
little brothers and sisters a better life. Eloisa’s offer that once scared her, now might be the best
solution of her dream for her family.

“Thanks for the meal,” Maria said sneaking up on her sister who was glancing up from their
window at the sala. Daniela grins, “Psh don’t be like that. We’re family.” She said brushing it off
and resumes looking at the night sky, “The stars look so far away from this little esquenita we
live in.” she adds. Maria follows Daniela’s gaze and breathes deeply, “But this is all we have.”
Maria’s statement felt like a toe hitting the edge of the table after a happy walk. Daniela felt
that. She sighed and thought “But what if that’s not really all we have?” she replied eagerly to
her sister. Maria looked at her with a mix of fear and worry of what might come out next from
Daniela’s mouth. She knew that whenever Daniela talked that way, there is big news that will
come after. “Ate,” Daniela pleadingly called out, “Eloisa offered me to be her handmaid and it
will rake me ten times as much as my income from the shop.” Anxiety rushing in, Maria faced
her sister, “You’re leaving us?” she said. Daniela smiled weakly, “It’s for the best,” she said.
Maria’s face turned to dismay as she tried to hold her emotions in, “When are you leaving?” her
voice trembled. “In five days.” Daniela replied. “Five days? That’s too soon!” Maria exclaimed.
Daniela ran over to cover Maria’s mouth, “Not too loud.” She whispered looking around if the
children at the kitchen doing the dishes noticed. Maria fiercely removed her hand, “What about
Rafa? Huh?” she let out a quiet sharp angry voice. “Ate,” Daniela said calmly, “I won’t be there
forever. Once Eloisa gets married, I will be released from my contract.” She lied. “And when will
Eloisa be married? You’re her best friend, why does she want you to become a maid?” Maria
retorts. “It’s because I am her best friend that it has to be me who becomes her personal maid.
She trusts no one but me.” Daniela touches her sister’s hands, “So can you trust me?” she begs.
Maria looks at their hands entwined, “This hand,” she said as tears roll down her cheek, “I trust
this hand.” Daniela smiles and hugs her sister, “I promise to write and send you money as often
as I can.” Maria pulls away and said, “This is your chance to finally be out of that shop Daniela.
Take this opportunity to explore the greater ends of Nueva Vergara. I know this is also what our
father wants.” Daniela nods, “Ridondo Cualquier Cosa will have to close for a while.” The most
painful choice in a family is to let one go for the best of the familia. One must make sacrifices
that will benefit everyone for the long term. And although Daniela is unaware of what awaits
her at Casa Maharlika, she looks forward to it with pride in the name of her late father Rafael

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