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The Abandoned Daughter of a Miracle Doctor (14)

Chapter 14 Space Upgrade

During this period of me, Ye Lingyue and the li le cute dog also established a very deep
rela onship. For the li le cute dog, ea ng meat at a fixed me every day has become its daily habit.

Ye Lingyue was in a coma for three days, and the cute li le dog in Hongmeng Tian was also hungry
for three days.

The li le cute dog waited and waited, but the delicious barbecue was missing, and Ye Lingyue was
missing. It was running around anxiously in the Hongmeng sky.

A er finally seeing Ye Lingyue, it hissed and rushed in front of Ye Lingyue.

There were tears in its eyes, and its face looked pi ful, as if it had been abandoned.







"Li le guy, I have to go." Ye Lingyue pa ed the li le cute dog on the head.

As if he understood Ye Lingyue's words, the white hair on the li le cute dog suddenly exploded.

"Squeak - squeak squeak." The li le cute dog simply bit the corner of her skirt with its mouth,
shrinking into a ball-like shape and refusing to let go, as if it was afraid that Ye Lingyue would
suddenly disappear for several days.

A er being with Ye Lingyue for more than half a month, the li le cute dog has completely believed in

"What's wrong with you?" Ye Lingyue was suspicious when she saw the cute li le dog's appearance.
There was some hesita on in the li le cute dog's watery eyes, but finally, it made a decision.

The li le cute dog suddenly opened its mouth and bit Ye Lingyue's foot. A trace of blood oozed from
its mouth.

Ye Lingyue's blood and the li le cute dog's blood formed two hexagonal stars respec vely. The two
hexagonal stars came together to form two ancient contract forma ons.

Ye Lingyue forgot about the pain, looking at the contract forma on flashing with blood, a thought
flashed through her mind.

Spiritual contract, could this be the spiritual beast spiritual contract that my mother men oned.

The spiritual contract drawn with Ye Lingyue's blood was shot into the li le cute dog's body, while
the spiritual contract drawn with the blood of another li le cute dog was shot into Ye Lingyue's body.

At the moment when the spiritual contract entered the body, the Hongmeng sky also changed. I saw
that the hazy white mist suddenly dispersed into a large area. The open space that was originally
only about a cen meter in size became an acre. land size.

In addi on to the larger field in Hongmeng an, there are also two small thatched houses facing each
other in the north and south. The energy in Hongmeng an is also much richer than before.

Is this Hongmeng an upgraded?

Ye Lingyue understood that Hongmeng an's change was due to the spiritual contract between her
and the cute dog.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak." A er the li le cute dog formed a spiritual bond with Ye Lingyue, it jumped
up and down happily, but Ye Lingyue couldn't understand a word of what it was saying.

It is true that the li le cute dog is a spiritual beast, but it is too small. Fortunately, a er forming a
spiritual contract with Ye Lingyue, it can have simple soul communica on with Ye Lingyue.

"Xiao Zhi, do you want me to go to the two small thatched houses in front?" Ye Lingyue walked
towards the two thatched houses. Those two thatched houses must be related to the original owner
of Hongmeng an.

The thatched hut had not been inhabited for many years.

Ye Lingyue walked into the room on the le . In the room, there was only a bed, the simplest daily
necessi es and some books.

Most of them are books, and one of them is called Hongmeng Notes, but it was le by a person
named Hongmeng Fangxian.

A er reading the handbook, Ye Lingyue suddenly realized.

This expert named Hongmeng Fangxian was the first master of Hongmeng an. He was also the
original owner of the black tripod on Ye Lingyue's right hand.

Back then, in order to live in seclusion with his lover Yushou Duzun, Hongmeng Fangxian used his
most precious Gan Ding to refine Hongmeng Tian, an extraterrestrial cave.

The two of them were also famous on the mainland back then, but one was famous for saving
people and helping the world; the other was notorious for killing countless people.

But these two people became each other's life-and-death lovers. A er the two decided to live in
seclusion, their good mes did not last long. Due to their different ideas, they had disputes and
fights, and the lovers turned into enemies.

The Jade-Hand Poison Lord was even more angry and le Hongmeng an. Immortal Hongmeng Fang
regre ed it deeply and le Hongmeng an to look for the Jade-Hand Poison Lord. Unfortunately, the
two of them never came back.

Xiao Zhiyo was a spirit cub raised by Jade Hand Poison Lord. A er the two le , he was sealed in the
Qian Ding. Thousands of years passed in a flash, un l Ye Lingyue accidentally unlocked the Qian Ding.
The seal accidentally opened Hongmeng an in Qianding.

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